


Parsing Asian America
An insider looks at the baffling differences and uncanny similarities among five key Asian American groups.

Honolulu: AA Paradise?

Boston: AA Intellectual Mecca?

D.C. Area: Home of AA Conservatism?

San Jose: The AA Heartland?

Orange County: Realization of the AA Dream?

Chicago: Most-Underrated AA City?

Seattle: Most AA-Friendly City?

Poll: Asian Life in the Los Angeles Area

Poll: Asian Life in the San Francisco Bay Area

Poll: Asian Life in the New York City Area

Poll: Asian Life in the Houston Area

50% of Young Asian Americans Earn Bachelors Degree

Nguyen, Kim Top AA Surnames

Asian Households Most Married

Asian Immigration Declines

Asians Top Household Incomes

Where the Asians Aren't

Top 10 Asian-Populated States

Top 15 Asian Population Centers

Asian California 2000
Asians are becoming the Golden State's new establishment.

Asian Dixie
Wide open opportunities draw Asians to help build the New South.

Staying Single
Career ambitions keep Asian professionals waiting into their late 30s.

Asian Paris
Asians enjoy a different reception in Paris.

Asian Canada
Asian immigrant energy is turning a green and promising land into the next California.

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(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:53 AM)

No white boy writes like that... give me a break. I'll bet you have the I.Q. and usefulness of one Fila tennis shoe with a broken shoelace. You are from Pico Rivera for sure.
JeReMy Ain'T AlL Dat'    Monday, May 20, 2002 at 23:04:30 (PDT) [That's enough of that. --Ed]
Sounds and writes more like Jeremy flip boy from Montebello. I doubt this individual lives anywhere near Arcadia OR Glendora. Try El Monte or something. Everyone fights in LA for power. It's not whites vs. asians or asians vs. mexicans or any combo, it's every man for himself. What a dork Jeremey, learn how to speak English before you claim to be white lol. It's the future of the United States, get used to it. San Marino and Arcadia are the best places for Asians, mostly rich Chinese. Hey at least you were right about something Germ boy.
JeReMy WhiTe BOy ArCaDiA CaLi    Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 13:54:42 (PDT)
Does anyone here live in Columbus, Ohio? I've lived here for almost two years and its pretty good. Never experienced overt racism, probably b/c I go to a rich suburban school that has a pretty liberal curriculum and 70+ Asians out of 1700+ students.

I've also lived for 5 years in Oklahoma. I was in the extreme minority then, but I lived on campus as Oklahoma State University so there were quite a few Asian grad and undergrad students. However, in the Jr High School I went to, there was less than 5 Asian kids.
Any Asians living in the Midwest or Tornado Alley?    Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 23:01:28 (PDT)
"About 1 out of 5 Asians in the United States live in Southern California."

Those poor souls...
the man    Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 11:51:04 (PDT)
Hello yes i am white im from arcadia california and temple city there right next to eachother. glendora you said is a good city for asians to go to , this is not true it is all white and the tension between asians and white are the highest i dont know where you got the idea that glendora is asian populated, glendora is doing a very good job of keeping asians out, also i'd like to add half my friends are asian and white and asians dont really fight here it's more the mexicans and asian gangs which are fighting, arcadia schools are 20x better than glendora and san marino though does have good schools but arcadia and wets beverly high were 2 of the best schools in california last year so i don't know what the hell you are sayin bee bee, dont diss my city arcadia is a very good place to live for asians, but thats about it asians everyone else is getting kicked out from over population and land value is going up cause all of you want to live here, san marino you won't be able to get into, and montery park alhambra are bad places for you to move to if you don't want your kids in asian gangs... anyways PeAce
JeReMy WhiTe BOy ArCaDiA CaLi    Friday, May 17, 2002 at 17:43:03 (PDT)
Another look at the demographics....

Southern Cal

L.A. County.............1,137,500
Orange County.............386,785
San Diego County..........249,802
San Bernardino County......80,217

Bay Area

Santa Clara County......430,095
Alameda County..........295,291
San Francisco County....239,565
San Mateo County........141,684

About 1 out of 5 Asians in the United States live in Southern California.

Census 2000
007    Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 04:44:27 (PDT)