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It seems like you all are naming the best cities for Asian Americans based on the high populations. Well I got news for you, sometimes cities that have lots of Asians in it, does not mean that the whites will be friendly to them. Some can be very bigoted. Ever heard of "familiarity breeds contempt?" I know a girl who is from Corpus Christi and the Hispanics are the majority. Do you think she accepts them? Absolutely not! In fact, her family are so racists against them and they are just tired of "having them around". So you see, there could be some white people in San Francisco or Los Angeles who hates Asians.
So sometimes being in a city where the people had little exposure of Asians can be good.
Jasmine    Sunday, June 16, 2002 at 10:32:58 (PDT)
I think Chicago and Houston are two great cities for Asian Americans. I'm going to visit Houston this December and i might even move there. Of course La, Ny, San FRancisco,and Atlanta are also good for Asian people.

Bad Cities: Where one ethnic group comprises too great of a percentage of the population.
Asian legit    Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 07:44:22 (PDT)
"The 300,000 Asians in Houston figure is not way off. That's pretty comparable to what's in Seattle and San Diego, long time Pacific Coast cities and Asian American meccas."

Yeah, but Houston is a lot larger than both of those. Oh... and WTF kind of name is MINUTE MAID PARK?!?! Hahahah... aww man. They should have kept the Enron name.

"Most Creative Cities, according to a Carnegie Mellon University Study (NY Times, 6/1/02, p. B9)

1 San Francisco"

Aww yeah... thought you knew...
TSJ    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 23:52:34 (PDT)
Most Creative Cities, according to a Carnegie Mellon University Study (NY Times, 6/1/02, p. B9)

1 San Francisco
2 Austin
3 TIE: Boston, San Diego
5 Seattle
6 Raleigh-Durham, NC
8 Washington/Baltimore
9 New York City
10 TIE: Dallas/Minneapolis-St.Paul

It was an article that used certain related indexes of industries, universities and all that...........that tied in that "gays and bohemians" in certain cities attract the "creative class" (programmers, engineers, etc.)...........that the "creative class" brings its perceived prosperity to cities perceived to be artsy or "tolerant."

Those are the top ten, according to the article in the NY Times. I am quite puzzled why Chicago, Miami and L.A. were left out. And I am more perplexed how San Diego made it on there.
worldlyman    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 01:57:51 (PDT)

I posted that the official Houston CMSA of Harris-Galveston-Brazoria Counties did not include Fort Bend............that is incorrect.

The CMSA includes a lot more counties. So it's like this in terms of Asians in the Houston CMSA region:

Harris County = 175,000
Fort Bend County = 40,000
Jefferson County = 7,200
Brazoria County = 5,200
Galveston County = 4,900
Montomgery County = 3,300
Liberty, Chambers,
Hardin Counties = 1,200

Total = 240,000 Asians, more or less, plus 20,000 who are probably undocumented and/or illegal.

So 260,000 Asians are less than 300,000...........but it's more than 175,000. But there are 100,000 Asians in the City of Houston compared to about 80,000 in the City of San Diego. Interesting stat.

(Review of the 2000 US Census book, published 2002.)
worldlyman    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 01:48:40 (PDT)
There are certainly more than 174,000 Asians in the Houston area.

That number you provide reflects only Harris County where Houston is.

Check out p.45 of a 1997 US Census data book (it's a purple paperback).

The Houston Consolidated Metro Statistical Area (CMSA) of Harris, Brazoria and Galveston Counties.........shows 216,000 Asians in 1997. (That alone made the Houston Region no. 9 in number of Asians around, nationally.)

This did not include next door Fort Bend County, where a good portion of Houston area Asians live...........which has another 33,000 Asians.

There are thus about 250,000 Asians in the larger Houston metro area, "officially". Then there are probably 20,000 more Asians, illegal or otherwise, I imagine, who are not counted.

Besides, since 1997, think of the significant increase in Houston's Asian population.

There really has been a dramatic iincrease in pad sites for Asian-oriented businesses lately to reflect the mass of Asians moving to Houston.

The 300,000 Asians in Houston figure is not way off. That's pretty comparable to what's in Seattle and San Diego, long time Pacific Coast cities and Asian American meccas.

worldlyman    Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 13:48:29 (PDT)