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Haha... H-Town Asian. Your circular reasoning isn't getting you anywhere. All you are doing is repeating yourself, without answering any of your critics. Uhh... who said Asians aren't recognized? I just told you, if you even bothered to read, Chinese people helped CREATE the city of SF.

Gangs fight because the women are ugly? What's your logic in that?! Get over it? Get over what? I could care less if Texas people don't like us. We sure as hell wouldn't want your ass to move here.
TSJ    Monday, June 24, 2002 at 19:26:02 (PDT)
I'd say Houston is probably the last town with a large AA population that any young AA professional would want to live in. It is true there is a large AA population, but it is almost all Vietnamese and Chinese immigrants. Once the immigrant generation's children graduate from college, they decide to move to much better cities for young AA professionals like LA, SF, or NYC. I've been to Houston, Austin and Dallas a number of times and I'm just glad I don't live in any of those cities. I've met so many people from Texas who now live here in sunny SoCal and they all say how glad they are to be out of Texas.

My point is that regardless of how large the AA population is in a city or how much AA population growth it experiences, that doesn't make it a desirable place for young AA professionals. Cities like LA, SF and NYC continue to attract young AA professionals even though the cost of living is much higher. Cities like Houston continue to attract people (immigrant generation) who are looking for a low-cost city with an established AA community. If it were not for cities like Houston, my parents would have had a real difficult time making the American dream come true. There is nothing wrong with earning an honest living that most immigrant AA families do, but when the American dream does come true, then cities like Houston have served their purpose and it is time for the younger generation to live in much better places.

H-town Asian, it is obvious you are a very young person from your usage of the phrase "Cowabunga Dude." That comment itself shows that you really don't know what you're talking about and shows how ignorant you are regarding your California comments. If you scroll back a few more pages on this board, you'll see an H-town Chinese who said that the Asians in H-town don't really want to be there, but they are there only because of family. Keep bashing Cali because your comments only serve to make you lose any and all credibility regarding your intelligence and your city. So grow up kid!!
lasunshine    Monday, June 24, 2002 at 17:09:01 (PDT)
You people are pathetic representatives for vietnamese ethnic people. Yeah, nice image you've got going for us. I'm proud to be viet. I SHOW it, instead of walking around the streets shooting other people and dirtying our name. Do your parents want you to be gangsters? Or did you shot them too?

Gangsters ARE A DISGRACE, try to give us a better image like try to become a doctor. Lucky i don't live in Houston, shit... Gangsters? Living it large? Where? The Jail Cells? Yeah, and i guess you managed to give us a bad name there too right?

In MY city there are MORE vietnamese doctors then there are chinese. I am fricken proud of that, people look at me and think, "he's going to harvard to become a lawyer" or "he's going to yale to become a doctor". What do people in your area think of you? What do your parents think of you? Here's what your mother thinks, "I should have given birth to a sausage, atleast he'll feed me." Yeah, i just said that to you disgraces. Yeah, if Houston was the city of vietnamese gangs, then i DON'T WANT TO HAVE ANY connections to you. No wonder everyone makes fun of vietnamese people in USA these days, because of people like you gangsters, stinking OUR image, OUR name, OUR people.

Holy Cow    Monday, June 24, 2002 at 15:56:34 (PDT)
LOL...omg, H-Town Asian, wtf drug are you on? "H-TOWN...the best city for Vietnamese & Indian gangsters. We live it large and in charge." You've got to be kidding me... I'm a proud ethnic chinese from vietnam, but damn...the type of image you're putting up for the vietnamese is pretty sorry. Gangsters???...LO(f***ing)L..
Johnjohn    Monday, June 24, 2002 at 04:17:13 (PDT)
Heck, I'm Indian, and I don't want to even hang out in india town out here in LA... There's nothing better than having Pho in the middle of K-town after clubbin at La Prive... Sorry Houston, you're not even in the top 10 in asian demo.... Cali...then Hawaii, NY...

Cali Indian guy    Monday, June 24, 2002 at 02:20:40 (PDT)

Most Creative Cities

The Only Creative & Vibrant City for Small Money $chemes and Multicultural Endeavors

1. San Francisco1. NEW YORK CITY - BIG A$$ APPLE
2 Austin
3 TIE: Boston, San Diego
5 Seattle
6 Raleigh-Durham, NC
7 Houston
8 Washington/Baltimore
9 New York City
10 TIE: Dallas/Minneapolis-St.Paul

New York City is the only city in America where there are opportunities for the individual to make a small quick buck. There are swarms of food vendors such as hot dog carts and ice cream trucks that crowd the sidewalks along with merchants who sell items of all sorts...If you have a creative money making $cheme, you can thrive in NYC and not in the other cities.

It is the only breeding ground for unique yet refined talent and creativity (forget San Francisco). NYC has artists and musicians who thrive on intensity, hostility and differences. SF doesn't even have the talented artists or musicians who present their work in the harrowing subway stations or streets, or those with multicultural perspectives. SF might have more creativity, but NY has more discriminating and refined art.

NYC’s Chinatown is also bustling with activity. Chinatowns in other parts of the US are just pale in comparison.
Stale America    Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 19:52:50 (PDT)
check canada too, there are enough asians in toronto and vancouver.
asian canadian    Saturday, June 22, 2002 at 16:08:32 (PDT) we are in equality...there you are in Asian oblivion. Asians make up an integral part of California, but too bad they aren't recognized...if they were the L.A. riots wouldn't have been a dispute between blacks and Coreans. San Fransisco is a town full of gays and prostitutes, and Asian prostitutes at that. Get real. Your women are ugly, that's why there are so many gangs of men down there trying to fight each other...they have nothing better to DO. San Fran sucks, at least the Asians down here actually speak English. And like I said growing exponentially...nobody cares about Cali man...get over it...

Cowabunga dude.
H-TOWN ASIAN    Friday, June 21, 2002 at 13:46:25 (PDT)