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great job 007! i was thoroughly perplexed by mr. fong's statement as well, since i'm quite familiar with a rice u. sociology dept study that went very in-depth into the demographics of houston asians. and they found the same results, vietnamese are by far the largest asian group here.
now as to whether this means houston is a great place just for vietnamese, i disagree. i think houston is one of those places that has many great things going for it, but also has the terrible humidity and an economy that centers largely around the falling energy market. i'm born and raised a houstonian abc, and though i need to get out of here soon just for variety, it's a place i would not mind raising my children in. great food, some great schools, and a great med center!
houston...for now :)   
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 15:09:06 (PDT)
To Bill Fong, Attorney at Law:
As much as I hate to accuse lawyers as being liars....
According to the 2000 Census, there are more Vietnamese than Chinese in the city of Houston (55,000 to 35,000). Even if you count illegals, there is no way of adding over 20,000 people. BTW, what's your definition of "raw"?!?!
Not only that, there are more V's than C's in Harris County (Houston), the entire Houston metropolitan, and the state of Texas. Please check your facts....
Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 22:44:37 (PDT)
Actually, the largest subgroup of the AA population in Houston is... CHINESE, not Vietnamese.
The Viet group has had the largest growth since the late 1970s, but in raw #s, the Chinese population is about double the Viet population and still growing. The reason is that more Chinese are allowed to leave China and immigrate than are allowed to leave Vietnam. The end result is that while the Viet population is growing due to birth rate of those already here, the Chinese population is growing from two sources--internal births and immigration to Houston.
You missed it again.
Bill Fong, Attorney at Law   
Monday, July 08, 2002 at 12:47:02 (PDT)
To, Best Small City for Asians;
Vancouver is a good spot for asians. It may have the highest crime rate in Canada, BUT compared to seattle it's nothing in the crime area. AND also the fact that Seattle is considered to be one of the cities with the lowest crime rate in america. I think the asian population is HUGE, someone said like 40% or something. Ah whatever, but respect for asians is high because people are so exposed to asians that they come to see that equality is what should reign...
Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 21:12:17 (PDT)
We're all talking about Houston vs. I have not been there but from reading the posts, it's mostly Viet friendly since they are the overwhelming majority among the Asians there. So unless you're a V, why would you pick Huoston over the more Asian diverse cities of say So Cal/west coast. Don't think most non-Viet AA would even consider living down there. True, many Viets know of Houston since many have friends or relatives living there and is widely known in the Viet community that Houston is a Viet friendly city, but even my Viet friends still have that lingering impression that it's still a goofy, FOBby, redneck, deep southern, backwards country town you always hear about. You know what I mean, that's why all the Htowners are constantly on the defensive on this poll. It's obvious Houston has lots of things going for it despite the stereotypes, as mentioned by other posters. But is Houston an AA haven? I'd say if you are Viet - YES; other AA - NO.
Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 11:49:07 (PDT)
Where does a small city like Portland, Oregon rank as a place for Asians to live? There's 33,000 Asians out of 529,000 people. Is that the best small city for Asians? I'm looking for a place that's not as crowded at NYC, LA, SF, or as hot as TX...or humid as GA.
Best Small City for Asians   
Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 13:14:42 (PDT)
To ASian Gang members. Two Asian Business owners of a nail salon in Chicago were shot to death in their suv. THeir baby was left overnight in the back seat by herself . She lived. Oh, you should be so proud. Follow the ASian way go to school not to jail.
Chicago is still a great place for ASians. La, NYC, Houston, and San FRancisco are also good.
ASian 4 life   
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 08:00:31 (PDT)
You Calis are a bunch of ------ anyways. Talk mess like you got somethin' on Houston...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...you don't have nothing except that stinky Chinatown in SF. I been there...it stinks.
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 14:05:26 (PDT)