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[This page is closed to new input. Vote and continue this and related discussions at the new Interactive Area. --Ed.]
In N Out is the best drive thru fast food joint, I think ever.

I see Black Angus restaurants a lot. So it must be good, I must try it some time.

I've been living in San Diego for the better part of this year already...........and despite its faux-Mediterranean does lack Houston's sense of hump and bump and urban synergy and wild overall ethnic mix.

As far as San Diego, I like going to Coronado's 1st Street area, that waterside place of restaurants that faces Seaport Village...........but I don't find it's really a great cruising around city. It's great for beach scenes but the streets at night are relatively quiet on weekend nights unless in the GasLamp or Hillcrest areas. But in-between those two prominent nocturnal entertainment districts, it's usually sleepy time througout SD.

Overall San Diego's street layout is not quite as complementary as Houston's wild lights of Hillcroft, Bellaire, Gessner, Westheimer, Montrose, Richmond and all the other cruise ways that flow into one another that make me miss getting out in my car on a Friday or Saturday night and just cruising the city with the jams.
worldlyman    Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 09:45:45 (PDT)
To Jay the Hapa who "Knows"

I have surely travelled all over Texas AND California, from top to bottom literally.

Just like Texas has its unappealing does California.
Most of California below San Jose is just a bleak, BARREN desert unless you happen to be driving along the coast (and that gets monotonous too).

So LA is not "half" a "crapland" also? LA has its nice points but it too has "crapland" as well.

Typically, critics focus too much on Texas' bad sides but never its good. Interesting.

The other "half" is quite nice. From the nocturnal lights that illuminate the sexy praries of Dallas/Ft. the stunning Hill Country that now has some Hollywood celebs trying to buy houses near the picturesque but lively antiquity of San Antonio to the urban, modern in-your-face eye candy of Houston, Sun Belt the beauty of the lakes and piney forests just north of H-town and the odd, eccentric but charming feel of Houston's Gulf Coast..............Texas is quite a nice place.
worldlyman    Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 09:33:57 (PDT)
Haha... Jay, you are funny.

Anyways, is it really fair to compare Hawaii with mainland cities though? I would put it in a separate category. It was long populated by Asians before the US took over, unlike the mainland cities, which were part of America first, then the Asians came.

That's like asking, "where in the US is best for Puerto Ricans?" On the mainland it would probably be NYC, but how about Puerto Rico itself?! I know it's not a state, and Hawaii is, but it is still considered US soil.
TSJ    Friday, August 02, 2002 at 00:55:41 (PDT)
Jay... the hapa who knows more and more

HA!!! You're a freakin idiot. Of course if 60% of the people are Asain then we're going to be accepted! DUH!!! But if you go around to other cities, where do u see lots of whites who accept asains. To be brutally honest most places where white people are the majority don't accept Asians. Thats what separates Seattle from most other cities.
A Cute Filipino Guy Who Knows    Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 22:50:36 (PDT)
[Most Asain friendly towns:

1) Seattle
2) San Francisco
3) Honolulu
4) Orange County
5) LA (Rowland Heights/Diamond Bar/San Gabriel)]

A Cute Filipino Guy Who Knows!,

DUDE, are you on CRACK?
Honolulu should be #1 with such a large proportion of Asians living there (60+%).

[Texas KO's California in everything. Your state sucks.]



Have you traveled much around Texas, dude? Nearly half of this state is crapland. Talk about a fugly a** f**khole!!!
Jay... the hapa who knows more and more    Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 04:59:02 (PDT)
Best Small City for Asians,

[Where does a small city like Portland, Oregon rank as a place for Asians to live? There's 33,000 Asians out of 529,000 people. Is that the best small city for Asians? I'm looking for a place that's not as crowded at NYC, LA, SF, or as hot as TX...or humid as GA.]

Honolulu Hands Down!!!
Jay... the Hawaii lovin Hapa    Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 04:36:55 (PDT)
Does anyone know which of these three metro areas has more HK people? SF bay area, Vancouver, or Toronto??
HK boy    Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 13:58:17 (PDT)
"If TSJ says that anyone who picks up Maxim for useful information is an idiot, I guess it proves my point (and what a lot of other people) have said about Maxim, a useless magazine for useless people. I'm glad that TSJ agrees with me on this."

I wouldn't call it useless. Unless your gf is as hot as Kylie Minogue, Nicole Eggert, Nicole Scherzinger, or Kari Wuhrer (which I seriously doubt), how else are you going to... oh wait never mind. I know Ed would probably block it off if I said anything more. =P

What do you have against them anyways? Are you in the anti-Maxim coalition or something? If you don't like it, don't read it. It's as simple as that. What's the harm in looking at girls? Do you never head out to the mall or the beach (oops... my bad, you are in Seattle) to scope the hunnies? It's natural, man. How old are you anyways? You sound like an old man.
TSJ    Monday, July 22, 2002 at 18:07:17 (PDT)
If TSJ says that anyone who picks up Maxim for useful information is an idiot, I guess it proves my point (and what a lot of other people) have said about Maxim, a useless magazine for useless people. I'm glad that TSJ agrees with me on this.
Seattle Sodo Mojo    Monday, July 22, 2002 at 09:29:34 (PDT)

Good points you make all right.

I live in Westside Chinatown--I oughta take some pictures of the various Asian concentrations there, as well as on Long Point, Bissonnett, Beechnut, and downtown's Little Saigon. It's one of those things that people have to see to believe because our "Chinatowns" aren't "touristy"--they are commercial and residential.

By the way, Auchan opened a second Hypermart in Houston over by Gulfgate Mall recently. Apparently they felt that Houston was worth the investment.

While I was nervous about moving to Texas at first due to the perceived redneck factor, I've found most White folks I've known here to be friendly, nice, and some of them are even cool. Yeah, there's some a-holes, but I actually have more White friends here than I ever did in So-Cal. Also, I've noticed that most of my Houston peers who are White treat me like an equal, and not like some "Chink" whom they have to put up with. I like respect, even if it comes with a Texas drawl rather than dissing a So-Cal "dude" vernacular.

While the shopping Centers in San Diego are pretty, breezey and more outdoors than Houston, it only works due to the lack of Rain in parts of SD and the cooler temperatures. I personally only want a few things from the West Coast that Houston doesn't have: In-N-Out Burger joints, Stuart Anderson's Black Angus steakhouses and a nicer beachfront. Other than that, Houston is perfect the way it is, flaws and all.
So-Cal Transplant to H-Town    Monday, July 22, 2002 at 06:46:09 (PDT)