sian American households are the second largest among major American groups, but the most likely to be headed up by a married couple.
For 1999 the Census Bureau projection counted 101,683,469 households in the United States. A household is defined as any group of two or more persons living together. Asian Pacific Islander households numbered 3,043,374, or 3.0% of total households, but contained 10,682,242 individuals making up 3.9% of the U.S. population.
The average Asian American household contains 3.51 members compared with the national average of 2.61 persons. White households are the smallest with 2.55 members and Hispanic households the largest with 3.52.
In family size, however, Asian Americans are first, with an average of 3.98 members compared with 3.87 for Hispanics, 3.39 for Blacks and 3.05 for Whites. The national average is 3.12 members.
The large size of Asian families reflects two major factors. First, a larger percentage of Asian American families are in the child-rearing age while a larger percentage of Whites are elderly. Secondly, Asians are more likely to be hosting elderly parents.
Asian American households are by far the most likely to consist of a traditional married couple with children. Married couples headed 63.2% of Asian American households compared with only 55.4% of all American households and 58.1% of White households. The figures were 55.1% among Hispanics and 34.8% among Blacks.
Household and family sizes are decreasing steadily for all ethnic groups, according to Census Bureau projections, reflecting a rapid graying of the American population. By 2010 the average American household will consist of only 2.56 members and the average family, 3.06 members. Comparable figures for Asian Americans are 3.47 and 3.96, showing a significantly lower rate of decline in household and family size.
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