range County, once considered a bastion of conservative Whites, edged out Santa Clara County, home of Silicon Valley, for the 3rd spot on the list of top Asian counties, behind Los Angeles and Honolulu, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Queens County, New York, home of Asianized Flushing and Forest Hills, took 5th place.
In terms of absolute numbers, the top 15 Asian counties in 1997 are:
- Los Angeles, 1,187,392
- Honolulu, 559,752
- Orange, 344,330
- Santa Clara, 343,387
- Queens, 317,893
- San Diego, 280,096
- San Francisco, 259,195
- Alameda, California, 257,173
- Cook County, Illinois, 242,662
- Harris County, Texas, 175,201
- King County, Washington, 166,833
- New York County, NY, 151,725
- Kings County, NY, 145,112
- San Mateo County, CA, 144,049
- Sacramento, 136,594.
Ranked by percentage of the overall population (leaving aside about a thousand Aleuts counted in the Asian / Pacific Islander population who make up large shares of three Alaskan island counties), the top 15 counties are:
- Honolulu, 64.3% (with 559,752 Asians)
- Kauai, 63.9% (36,072)
- Maui, 59.4% (70,526)
- Hawaii, 58.2% (82,329)
- San Francisco, 35.4%
- Santa Clara, 21.3%
- San Mateo County, CA, 20.8%
- Alameda County, CA, 18.8%
- Solano County, CA, 16.6% (61,609)
- Queens County, NY, 16.1%
- San Joaquin County, CA, 15.3% (83,066)
- Los Angeles County, 13%
- Orange County, 12.9%
- Contra Costa County, CA, 12.4% (111,533)
- Sutter County, CA, 12.2% (9,493).
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