Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:56 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following engineering schools is most highly regarded among Asian Americans?
UC Berkeley |
Cal Tech |
Michigan-Ann Arbor |
Univ of Illinois-Urbana |
Carnegie Mellon |
Univ of Texas-Austin |
Purdue |
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The courses provided in MIT is the best in the U.S. It has many resources and the best facilities for experiments or research.
Jowe jowetam@hotmail.com   
Friday, August 31, 2001 at 01:27:38 (PDT)
Everybody forgets about Cooper Union because it has no PhD program. The misconception that many have is a failure to draw a dichotomy between graduate and undergraduate prestige. Many of the colleges we commonly hear about are mostly know becuase of there prestigous graduate program, and that spills over into the undergrad catagory. Cooper has an extremely prestigous undergrad reputation (just look at the grad schools people get into from Cooper).
John Doe   
Tuesday, August 21, 2001 at 13:20:45 (PDT)
Michigan has it all, unless you're into Petroleum Eng. The weather isn't bad in AA, unless you're allegic to snow.
AA in AA   
Friday, August 03, 2001 at 10:24:56 (PDT)
University of Toronto
for the Asian Canadians... ehh?
Eric Draven   
Thursday, July 26, 2001 at 19:00:21 (PDT)
CMU rules
Friday, July 13, 2001 at 11:25:31 (PDT)
U of M is the best eng school for AA. But the only thing I can't stand are those Integra with faux super white drivin asian ppl who think they be da shit.
Asian Male UM rainsy40@hotmail.com   
Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 14:17:24 (PDT)
Fellow Nittany. PSU Nuclear Engineering Grad School is one of the 1st tier in the nation. Mechanical Eng. Program is not bad neither. Since ME/NE is in the same department now. Hah you turned down Stanford for grad school...i did the same thing too plus Upenn for IT. All in all, PSU gives the biggest buck for the bang if you want to get your education worth.The bad part is that State College Police Dep frequently racial profiles minoirty especially African-Americans. Alright Penn Stater. Always remember my Right Hand Rule, sometimes it will come handy. Later.
I don't know why there's no choice of Georgia Tech, one of prestigious graduate schools in the field of Electrical Eng., Computer Science, and Industrial Eng. Georgia Tech has been straight up on the ranking of EE part in US News & World Report.
For engineering in Cal go with UC San Diego which was ranked #9 or try U. Col (Boulder), U. AZ or AZ state but Georgia Tech was ranked #6 and Purdue was ranked #9 for CS in US News & World Report this year.
I agree with Lone Star in TX
...Turning down Cornell, U Penn, Brown, and UIUC to go to UC Berkeley (out of state) for Computer Science... Hopefully, the higher quality of education at Berkeley outweighs the extra prestige the other schools will offer
College Bound
which grad school in the west is good in computer science?
"...pick the best graduate school for you, not just the one with the biggest name..." --> I agree wholeheartedly with that comment.
People still look at me funny when I tell them I turned down Cornell, Upenn, and Brown for undergrad at PSU... and likewise when I turned down Stanford for graduate school at UT Austin. After arriving to where I am now... I see that we are lacking BIG TIME in AA's here. I know of one other female Asian American in the entire EE department. Where are the rest of you??
Lone Star in Texas
MIT has a huge asian community and a great engineering program....weather sux tho
What I'd like to know is which engineering school has the most AA females.
Just remember to pick the best graduate school for you, not just the one with the biggest name.
People often just do that, or even don't go to graduate school because they didn't get into MIT or Stanford etc.
In general it seems that asians are too into prestige and not inherently
that interested in what they are doing. Statistic: 1000 math PhD's are given out per year in the US.
#of AA earning them:.......18.
(not percent, just 18!)
I guess math PhD's don't have a high enough earning potential or
No wonder people think Asians are a bunch of followers, not leaders.
Asian Canadian in the US
You guys left out Calpoly San Luis Obispo, CA... it was ranked by Newsweek as the "#1 Top public undergraduate engineering/technical school in the west." I'd say this is pretty good for a 4 year degree, then trasnfer to UCB or UCLA, etc... for the the graduate degrees. Yes, there isn't a large asian population there, as a matter caucasians consist of roughly 85-90% of the student body, but that hasn't been a problem for me. When the Asian population is small, you can blend in really well and no body ever gives a second though to what race you are. Most of my friends there are white, and they treat me the same way they treat each other.
email is: cyberpup at prodigy.net
A school not on your list is Cooper Union, a small but extremely renowned Engineering school located in NYC. As an A.A. attending there, I can tell you that A.A.s make up a decent percentage of the student population.
KeVdAwG (kevdawgydawg@yahoo.com)
Don't forget The Cooper Union. It's in New York, and it's FREE. (Everyone gets a 4-year full tuition scholarship)
I hear you! Even though I went to USC, UC Berkeley has always been my #1 pick. Too bad they didn't accept me.
go to caltech to get best education for your money. then go to mit for graduate school. but shit, this is easier said than done.
Even though i've graduated from PSU, MIT always has been my #1 pick.
Rensselaer Institute has a distinguished list of Asian alumni.