


Angela Harry
Krystal Kono
Joan Chen
Jenny Lo
Theresa Tilley
Debra Lin
Julia Noh
Christina Kishiyama
Kelly Hu
Tia Carrere

Who is the Greatest Asian Beauty of all time?

Comments on your nominee for greatest Asian beauty:

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(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:56 AM)

I think Kamora Lee Is one of the best looking women
Jelly Bean MrsIverson003    Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 20:59:37 (PDT)
I can't decide between Nadya Hutagalung or, Assunta de Rossi!?
Shane    Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 01:11:20 (PDT)
Kelly Hu is so gorgeous. she has the sweetest, prettiest smile, not to mention that great body, and lovely hair. oh did i mention her smile ;) i just fall in luv everytime it
crazy about kelly    Monday, April 22, 2002 at 11:29:31 (PDT)
Its a hard choice just to pick just one they all look so beautiful but my top to picks would have to be Kelly Hu and Tia Carrere I can't pick just one sorry!!!
Spiderndn    Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 11:20:21 (PDT)
Well, I am not really into the supermodel type. I think my former girlfriend beats them all. But out of the bunch, I like Jenny Lo. It think I prefer her because she didn't pile on the make-up in her pictures. I am not into the vogue scene. I did notice that her nipples were kind of crooked... That is interesting... But she probably isn't into albiyes.
Albi    Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 10:54:04 (PDT)
Angela Harry!!
We want more pictures of her. what about the Transpacific article? she also had Vogue and other magazine covers in the 90's.
tranh    Friday, April 19, 2002 at 08:08:48 (PDT)
jaymee ong

df    Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 01:57:44 (PDT)
Lucy Leston, one of the new faces in the modeling scene, esp. in HK and Taiwan. She's got the sweetest smile!
Lo Kung    Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 21:21:36 (PDT)
Kelly Hu has such beauti in her. I would love to have her myself. Every time I see her on TV or a picture of her I can't keep my eyes off of her. I won't look at another woman when I see her. Her beauty just stops me in my tracks. I wish her lots of luck in this contest and all other contest she enters, she has my vote in all in them.
Alf    Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 18:43:11 (PDT)
Aki Kawamura makes the chicks in the pictures about as appealing as Pee Wee Herman.
ber    Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 10:08:12 (PDT)
none of these women are particularly dark skinned - they all are pretty but there's not much choice?
malaysian    Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 20:22:01 (PDT)
Kelly, you are a real beauty, we all love you and proud of you for we share the same asian blood.
The website is quite good, only hope those photo could turn to be larger and clearer.
Love you, Kelly, my angel!
Would you find some time to email me?
Jeans    Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 13:19:54 (PDT)
I cant wait to see KELLY HU in scorpion should be fun!
the rock    Monday, April 15, 2002 at 23:48:37 (PDT)
Most of you go directly for the woman who is half asian or who looks half asian. Interesting.....whats' up with that. Oh, I know it must be my imagination...yea right....
just the facts    Monday, April 15, 2002 at 13:12:51 (PDT)
Angela Harry is "in my taste" the most beautiful model in this site. She looks all classy & sophisticated.
For a guy, a truly dream come true.
Take Care Angela & thanks :)
Vernon    Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 19:20:36 (PDT)
Kimora lee simmons is the most beautiful asian woman in the world
Eye of the Tiger IOFTHETGR@AOL.COM    Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 17:17:21 (PDT)

big fan    Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 15:04:20 (PDT)
Natasha Yi
blazian    Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 11:01:21 (PDT)
kimora lee simmons is one the prettiest women in show kimora
baby kimoar    Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 16:03:51 (PDT)
Sally Yoshino IS fine, has anyone seen Sophia Choi on CNN news ???
If you speak to her please tell her I'm in love and lust !!!!
jus bein me    Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 08:27:37 (PDT)
Debra Lin is the most beautiful woman ever! I am totally in love!!!
yukiko    Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 18:48:28 (PST)
Rosemary Vandenbroucke
yeodie    Monday, April 01, 2002 at 11:59:59 (PST)
Kelly Hu is the most awsome person on the planet.
Mr Blobby    Monday, April 01, 2002 at 06:06:16 (PST)
Liz Cho of ABC News
Mike    Friday, March 29, 2002 at 04:40:30 (PST)
Women don't get better looking than Sally Yoshino.
Dave    Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 00:14:43 (PST)
Julia noh looks cold when she is covering herself up
i wish i was julia noh's hands    Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 12:03:33 (PST)
Joan Chen is a GODDESS ! A perfect woman !
Steve    Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 11:34:01 (PST)