Who is the Greatest Asian Beauty of all time?
Comments on your nominee for greatest Asian beauty:
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Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:56 AM)
Christina Chang, Globe Trekker TV on PBS
shes 1/2 Filipino/Chinese, 1/2 American
cute, culturally adventurous, and open minded. (actually, all the Globe Trekker women are. I love that show!)
hbt i love REAL women   
Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 12:15:00 (PDT)
'not being racist'? yeah, right....
Perhaps your real fear is being LAUGHED OUT OF THE BEDROOM by a woman who has previously dated a Black man.
Do us all a favour and keep your pathetic little (and I do mean little) insecurities to yourself!
I'm pretty sure that Kimora or J-Lo wouldn't want to step out with racist scum like you anyway.
Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 10:11:13 (PDT)
Tia Carerre is sizzling. I can't wait for her upcoming playboy appearance.
Ilongo nation   
Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 00:49:48 (PDT)
Lucy Liu is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen!
Actually you ARE being racist and you seem to be quite proud of it. Just don't turn around and say you're not. Childish, man.
So, it doesn't make a difference that Lucy Liu's character in Ally Mc Beal was actually in love with a black man?
Monday, July 01, 2002 at 21:27:31 (PDT)
Am I allowed to vote for an Asian beauty from HK..?
Yes I vote for Gigi Zhao!!!!!!!!!!1 Also known as Zhao yazhi......
She is has so much class to her looks...she is one of the only beautiful woman I have seen...there are alot of pretty women..but Gigi is beautiful and she has it all...beauty,charisma. And how she acts and reacts is just plain cool.
Zhao fan   
Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 23:40:08 (PDT)
I can't think of any Asian of Greater Beauty than ** Rosemary Vandenbroucke **
A good start to her modelling career, plus a couple of movies to get her acting career going... I'm looking forward to finding her album(s) really soon..!
Best of luck to you, Rosemary; May Fortune Smile Upon You Always!
Guy Tenner gb10ers@hotmail.com   
Friday, June 28, 2002 at 00:47:55 (PDT)
I think that either Zhang ZiYi or Lucy Liu. They have to be tie for the Greatest Asian Beauty of all time. if it's not them, then it's me! Give me a call n I'll send you a picture of myself then you'll know what i'm talking about.
Van asianvgirl124@yahoo.com   
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 09:02:13 (PDT)
Gong Li
Talent, beauty, classy.
One who enjoys asian films.   
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 11:19:13 (PDT)
Christina kishiyama is the hottest of all the girls! nice milky white skin with a body to die for.
Monday, June 24, 2002 at 19:31:51 (PDT)
Kimora Lee is the daughter of a Japanese-American mother and African-American father.
She was raised in St. Louis by her mom
Joanne Kyoko Syng. She is estranged from her father, who never married her mother.
Read PEOPLE magazine July 1, 2002 issue
pages 97-98
Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 11:41:08 (PDT)
Tila Nguyen Is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOT. I think I'm in love.
Saturday, June 22, 2002 at 18:46:03 (PDT)
Rosemary Vandenbroucke.
Hands down. Five stars. 10 out of 10. 210%. Numero Uno. World Class. Two Thumbs Up. Above the Rest (at 5'10", that's easy!) THE Most Beautiful Eurasian Girl in the Universe.
I could go on, but the list would get too long. ;)
Eurasian One   
Saturday, June 22, 2002 at 08:04:16 (PDT)
The hottest Asian babes are the babes in Crouching Tiger, Specially Michele and Lucy Liu and Kiana Tom. Kimora Lee is Asian, but she married a black dude and that ended my attraction to her completely. Not being racist, but Just like J.Lo, once they had black, you don't take them back. Tainted!
Saturday, June 22, 2002 at 00:43:54 (PDT)
Natasha Yi is the best ever! She gets the nod over Mihoko Sunouchi.
Lovesick NC fan.   
Friday, June 21, 2002 at 09:54:19 (PDT)
kimora's half japanese half black... its says so in babyphat.com
reply to kimora admirer   
Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 04:40:32 (PDT)
for the millionth time, im gonna say LIZ CHO
and that fly mestiza Natassia Malthe!
she has the most incredible eyes. and shes dated fat/ugly men. maybe i have a shot. heh heh
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 11:23:53 (PDT)
Danielle Peita Graham is the best among alls... xxx
suyee hooisuyee@yahoo.com   
Monday, June 17, 2002 at 22:09:42 (PDT)