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Who is the Greatest Asian Beauty of all time?

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:56 AM)

Get a life! Will you?

Third world mentality? Tell that to the Americans who by the way has a hundred of local beauty pageants for male and female from every locality up to state and national to international pageants with almost a century-old history. Tell that to the British owned Miss World who has history older than Miss Universe who by the way can pull off almost a hundred of candidates from around the world almost every year.

True, most latin countries candidates have done extreme surgeries but the Filipinas? never heard of such extremeties. Let me ask you, where in Asia can you find numerous eyelid surgeries? Now, that's an assignment for you to do. Oh Not! It's a public knowledge ain't it? *wink*

When was the last time that Philippines have won Miss Universe? 'twas the year 1973 but when was your country won Miss Universe? I take it NONE? *wink* lolz!

Just why can't you accept that beauty pageant is another diversity of life. Not all people in the world get involve with the same stuff. Some people love sports some don't. Some people love to do something that some people don't. Just like eyelid surgeries. I'd never wanna have one but I respect to the Koreans and Japanese whose most celebrities have done eyelid surgeries. They bleach and color their hair to look like caucasians. Well, that's another story to tell as I have no problem with hair dyes, surgeries as long as it can make a person's life happier and fruitful.

Now Chill! lolz!
Asia's Beauty Pageant Powerhouse    Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 19:59:36 (PDT)    []

other suggestions for more deserving women:

jaymee ong
maggie q
donita rose
kristin kreuk
kristine hermosa

and many more...

but alas, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and this 'Greatest Asian Beauty of All Time" business is pointless...

voice of reason, sd    Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 17:41:17 (PDT)    []
I think Nicole Scherzinger is the most beautiful, talented, blessed singer/actress out there. She is working extremely hard to get out there. And believe me when the rest of the world see Ms. Scherzinger..."Julia who?"
JiZZeR    Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 01:46:50 (PDT)    []
T dot 0 in 2k3
wow,as i was reading your post, i noticed some things that bothered me, (third world nations are beauty pageant powerhouses") but then i got towards the end, and you said a lot of miss indias (actually worlds and univereses) use it to break into acting, that's exactly right, aishwariya rai for example.
NdNgirl    Friday, September 27, 2002 at 20:08:17 (PDT)    []
Asia's beauty pageant blah blah,
Hey guy, I see you take this beauty pageant stuff seriously, you can recall all those past bimbos? WOW! truely pathetic! Congrats!!!
Anyway, my point is its always the third world countries that take this stuff so seriously. I heard in the Phillipines, Venzuela, etc...these girls get extensive plastic surgeries. I think it was couple years ago a Brazilian girl admitted to all kinds of surgeries, I think one even got pair of ribs pulled out to enhance her figure. Its a third world mentality because most women of these countries are fed lies,like, without beauty women can't succeed. And "beauty" standard are judged on caucasian features, a racist point of view.
What do you mean by bankroll??
When was the last time the Phillipines won the MS. Universe again?
Get a life!    Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 20:52:43 (PDT)    []
It's a toss up between Tamlyn Tomita and Joan Chen. The two women give off entirely different emotions; Tamlyn the innocent and Joan the mysterious. It's hard to look at both and not drift into the thoughts that carry us into our own dreamland...
Steve Lee bizyrk@bizyrk,com    Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 08:37:16 (PDT)    []
liz cho fool!,wisn 12 news man havent you seen?! asia carrera? NOT!...liz is smokin hot,the most beutifull asian women i have ever seen! she is married but you can see her whole profile if you search[yahoo]for liz cho,Thee hottest newscaster ever! you need picks and i know where to get insomniac news has never been this spicy!
nikko nharr@wi.,    Monday, September 23, 2002 at 20:35:53 (PDT)    []
To get a life:

"No country in Asia is soooo obessed with the beauty pageants like Philippines. This is a third world mentality, very sad. Its not even like any of these people ever becomes famous internationally."

Yes it is a third world mentality and it is something that Filipinos should get over. If you look at all the so-called "beauty pageant powerhouses" they are all 3rd world nations. However, your assertion that beauty pageant winners don't become internationally famous isn't true.

I'll give you one example. Isabel Preysler, the mother of Enrique Iglesias, was a local pageant winner in the Philippines and she is considered as royalty in Europe. Some pageant winners use their pageant success to open doors to their careers. How many Miss India's have used their success to break into acting? They may not be well known in the US, but that doesn't mean that they are not well known internationally.
T dot O in 2k3    Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 23:37:59 (PDT)    []
Liz Cho is really attractive,but she should do something with her hair.
hikaru    Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 23:48:15 (PDT)    []
who is kimora lee? anyone got a pic?
Kimora Lee? who is she?    Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 18:19:36 (PDT)    []
I think that Vanessa Minnillo is so pretty. She's half white, half fillipina. I wish that I could look like her, she's so gorgeous. Anyway, not only was she Miss Teen U.S.A., but she even made on E's "Wild On". Too bad she didn't get picked though. Whoever chose the new hostess lacks poor judgement, because Vanessa is more radiantly charismatic & is much prettier.
Too Bad!    Friday, September 20, 2002 at 21:57:52 (PDT)    []
Liz Cho is the hottest by far. I don't think that there is anybody hotter than her on television and I am surprised that everyone isn't talking about her. She could be a model/actress. I love watching her
JJ66    Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 03:48:13 (PDT)    []
Christina is not only has the beauty but you can tell she has the brains too!
She has em both, she has my vote!
todd    Monday, September 16, 2002 at 23:03:15 (PDT)    []
Jeff I agree. JuJu is beautiful
:)    Monday, September 16, 2002 at 14:47:28 (PDT)    []
To: get a life

You really need to get a life and facts too.

India had bankrolled International Male Beauty Pageants. In India alone there are thousands of applicants every year and only a fraction of them can get into the preliminaries.

Japan has bankrolled Miss International for the past 3 decades already.
Korea has bankrolled Mr. And Miss University International.
Singapore has bankrolled Manhunt International.
Hong Kong has bankrolled Faces of Asia and how about Miss Chinatown International?
UK has bankrolled Miss World.
USA has bankrolled Miss Universe etc.

There are hundreds of International and thousands of national beauty pageants in the world. So, how in the world did you come up with that idea that only Philippines in asia are obsessed with beauty pageants? Not because Philippines has done so well and your country didn't then you have to sourgrape. Be a sport. If you think your country is not so obssessed then they have to stop sending delagates every year.

Winners of the beauty pageants are the ambassadors of goodwill. They help the charities around the world. Winning doesn't mean you have to be rich and famous all through your life. It is only a stepping stone. There are celebrities in Hollywood that used to be former beauty queens like Michelle Feiffer, Halle Berry, Linda Carter etc. And, if you're talking about the Filipinas, Melanie Marquez, after winning Miss International 1979 was voted The Most Glamourous Woman in Italy, and captured FACES OF NEW YORK. She won the right to represent the country USA but she declined because she wanted to represent the Philippines instead. She ended up as first-runner up. She was a runway model in NYC & European countries together with some famous caucasian models like Cyndi Crawford. The first 2 Asian Supermodels are Filipinas. There are no other Asian models in Philippines but there are Filipino models in Asian countries like HK, Singapore, China, Vietnam, Japan, Thailand just like the likes of Phoemela Baranda, Donita Rose etc.

Note: Winning beauty pageants doesn't mean you're rich and famous. You have to do more than that. Most Filipina winners are University students and professionals. Some winners turn to be a prominent actresses or celebrities and some are politicians or lawyers, doctors, nurses and good housewives. Then some lives didn't turn out to be good just like many others. And that's what you call LIFE. Now, get a life!
Asia's Beauty Pageant Powerhouse    Monday, September 16, 2002 at 14:44:08 (PDT)    []
Its Connie Chung!!!! If you're old Jewish guy like Maury. LOL!
I think Sophia Choi on CNN is cute.
Newsnut    Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 17:50:14 (PDT)    []