Who is the Greatest Asian Beauty of all time?
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Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:56 AM)
Shii Ann Huang, a contestant on the new Survivor 5:Thailand.
Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 15:07:48 (PDT)
"Why you felt the need to attack my post i have no clue, you make me sick!"
"Indian women arent the ones who get eyelid surgeries (we do not need to), keep dying our hair all sorts of colors (we dont need to) or worry about a perfect tan (already got one). "
That's great, but your response made me just as sick...pettiness countered by pettiness is just what it is. PETTINESS.
everyone's beautiful, alright? And I personally don't really like the pictures of the models featured here. It looks like they are much better looking in real life. Their make-up is horrendous. That foundation is so freaking obvious and on top of that, gives off a blue-ish hue. Also, Christina K-what's her face looks like a man, and Kelly Hu looks horrendous in her pictures, except for the last what, three? who in the world--WHAT in the world--just...whatever. There are wayy prettier pictures (keyword:pictures) of pretty Asian females. But you do have a point, Indian women should be featured too, they are Asian also. Ah well, they all look kinda bad in these pictures anyhow, so why sweat it.
short asian girl   
Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 04:58:21 (PDT)
"to toi san jai kimmora was somebody before russell"
Uhh... say what? I think you quoted the wrong person. I put an earlier remark in quotations, and responded to it. If you are new to the site, what we do is put old statements in quotes, and write our rebuttals right below it. I know who Kimora Lee is. I put her on my www.asianscene.com top ten list waaaay back in the day.
Ohh... and there is this brand new invention. Maybe you have heard of it. it's called a period! Hopefully, you can learn to use it sometime.
TSJ Eric@KristinKreuk.net   
Friday, October 04, 2002 at 20:43:45 (PDT)
True, Philippines haven't won Miss Universe since 1973 but take note that India with more of an Eastern Beauty close to caucasian features have excelled lately compared to Philippines with Southeast Asian features have difficulty in entering top 10 thus get noticed than any other Asian countries aside from India.
Take note that only Philippines in Asia have won more than 30 International Beauty Title combine. Close behind is India.
Some facts for you to ponder:
Philippines have won:
2 Miss Universe
3 Miss International (no other asian countries have won till now. Lebanon broke the record although she's of caucasian feature)
4 Miss Asia-Pacific
6 Miss Asia-USA
4 Miss Tourism-International
1 Miss Globe International
1 Mr. International
1 Mr. World University
1 Miss World University
1 Miss Tourism World
2 Queen of the year International
1 Miss Tourism World-Asia
1 Miss Internet Face of the Net
1 Miss Model of the World
1 ASEAN Top Model of the World
2 Queen of the Pacific
1 FACE of New York Supermodel of the World
etc.. etc..
24 First runner-ups *almost winners*
43 Runner-ups
73 Special Awards
13 Miss Photogenic (4 Miss Universe, 4 Miss Asia-Pacific)
1st Asian Miss America is a pure Filipina.
1st Asian Miss Canada is a pure Filipina.
Now, this is a feat that no other asian country can outdo even if you accumulate all Fareast asian region's achievement.
"So what if some East Asian women dye their hair or have eyelid surgeries, how is that any different than white women getting lip injections, cheek bone implants or sunbathing?"
Your statement quoted above is the answer to "Mr. or Ms. GET A LIFE". Don't ask me that coz I didn't bring that up.
You said, what kind of American people entered their kids in beauty pageants? Usually highschool valedictorians, deans listers, college students or Professionals. Look at Oprah Winfrey, Dianne Sawyer etc. They are products of Beauty Pageants too.
Don't you just hate the beautiful people? lolz!
another trivia:
The First Miss Universe, Miss International and Miss Asia-Pacific were married to Filipinos?
Isn't that a coincidence? *wink*
Asia's Beauty Pageant Powerhouse   
Friday, October 04, 2002 at 19:29:26 (PDT)
TO asia's beauty pageant powerhouse and daljit fan...
Thank you for being intelligent! THis is exactly what i am so sick of, asians hating on asians, just because we may look different from east asians, doesnt make us any less asian, who said only east asians get to be called "asians"? If you go to a England or any other european country Indians are called asians. It's just the majority asian that "gets" to be called "asian." Now that's dumb. You got to remember that asia is a geographical term and not a racial one. And besides we have all influenced one another in some way or another, so i dont even see the need to hate. We should be proud that asians represent diversity, and we arent all just one race, like other people of other continents. But still some people like to start racist b.s, and fail to see the greatness in our diversity. So what if east asian women dye their or have eyelid surgeries? I'll tell you what,why do u think people get cosmetic surgery?! It's because they arent happy with themselves, because they think they could look better. Getting lip injections isnt trying to mimic people of other races, that is a basic procedure almost all women with thin lips get, has nothing to with race. Eyelid surgeries on the other hand are MUCH more drastic, and i know many east asians who are against it, meaning there is something wrong with an asian if they want to get it done. I personally dont see why any east asian would want to do it, its what gives them a different kind of beautiful look. And i love their hair, the natural black, but a lot of them dye and dye and dye to no end. And when i hear the reason for doing such things, it's unbelievable. A lot of my friends do it because they hate the black, they look at other (white) people and want that look so badly. Asian people have got the best hair/color, and still they want to change it? whats up with that? THE POINT IS...if east asian women fail to see their beauty, how can you say they are MORE beautiful than other asians? Sorry but ALL east asian women have to believe it first, before you can even come off saying that. Oh yeah i think you should take notes on all those indian women who have won beauty pageant titles, there's a reason why we "third world countries" win them all the time, because we know what's it like to struggle, and because of that we value life a lot more:) Beauty pageants aint all about looks, its about brains too...and filipinos and indians must have a lot of both...(i never said ALL filipinos and indians, so dont come back at me with that)
Friday, October 04, 2002 at 17:31:49 (PDT)
Right on,NdNgirl!there are many beautiful,super hot indian women out there.I'm Chinese, annd i find Indian women very appealing-much more than someone like Joan Chen.
Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 19:25:43 (PDT)
Loyal Christina Fan
I can see your ignorance spewing from your mouth. Filipinos and Indians are Asians and are beautiful people as well. India have acquired 5 Miss Worlds that no Asian countries had and 2 Miss Universes. Famous Indian beautiful faces are Sushmita Sen, Lara Dutta and Aishwara Rai. We Filipinos and Indians have something to be proud of that Philippines very own Melanie Marquez was voted by Global Beauties (Brazillian Missologist) the Most Beautiful Miss International and Indian Aishwara Rai as the Most Beautiful Miss World since the history of these 2 international beauty pageants defeated Latin, American and European Beauties. Can't you be happy for us that somehow Asia has represented?
NB: They were voted by Missologists from around the world and not just a person from the same place, same race or ethnicity.
You think Christina Kishiyama is a major beauty? maybe to you but not for the others like me but we respect your opinion as we have our own preference. You may not be interested with other non-other yellow race beauty but try visit American, Latin, European Beauty Pageant Boards you'll see how uninterested they are in your beauty too.
Asia's Beauty Pageant Powerhouse   
Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 17:39:49 (PDT)
kimora lee simmons hands down
Jhene Hong supgurl67@37.com   
Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 16:14:59 (PDT)
Asia's Beauty Pageant Powerhouse
What's with the Filipinos obsession with the beauty contests?? I don't think no other countries in Asia get worked up over this as much. It seems third world countries or less educated people are much more fascinated by this. Have you seen what kind of people enter their kids in beauty pageants in America? I heard photographs of Beauty contestant winners are all over your newspapers like if it were the Super Bowl. And to read you guys haven't won it since 1973, I wouldn't consider it a powerhouse. So what if some East Asian women dye their hair or have eyelid surgeries, how is that any different than white women getting lip injections, cheek bone implants or sunbathing?
Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 19:10:03 (PDT)
India is in Asia too, and so is the Mid-East.
I tend to view "Asia" as a continent (geographically) rather than a section of a continent where certain ethnicities that share common physical traits live, nor do I view "Asia" in the political sense.
So yes there are tons of attractive and beautiful East Asian, South Asian, Central Asian, North Asian, Southeast Asian, and Middle-Eastern women.
Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 07:44:55 (PDT)
a loyal Christina Fan
HA HA! i ask you could your lame statements be anymore stupider?!?! "this is about beautiful asian women" For your information, Indian women are asian, we are represented on goldsea (take a look on the nationality board) Why ED decided not to include us on this forum is beyond me (Ed, could you please explain why?) Please educate yourself, you racist bastard. And just to update you on what most people REALLY think, is that asian women have flat faces flat boobs and a flat a$$..do i believe this?? NO WAY!! this is just what i constantly hear. Indian women arent the ones who get eyelid surgeries (we do not need to), keep dying our hair all sorts of colors (we dont need to) or worry about a perfect tan (already got one). THere are plenty of Indian women much more beautiful then the ones you listed, as there are white women, or women of other races. Why you felt the need to attack my post i have no clue, you make me sick!
Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 17:58:50 (PDT)
kimmora lee is the greatest asain beauty of all time and to toi san jai kimmora was somebody before russell, Tyra banks..her best friend introduced her to him...so she had to be somebody..and if ur still livin under a rock kimmora is the designer of babyphat so why dont u stop hating and sho ur fellow asian some love..
Emma Lee missbossplaya209@aol.com   
Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 13:29:19 (PDT)
I think Kimora Lee Simmons is bomb!!She is an incredible exotic beauty. She was somebody before Russell Simmons, and she will always be somebody. I don't understand why someone who is half white and Asian is considered Asian, but Black and Asian is not. What is up with that? Kimora Lee looks more Asian than full-blooded Asians! If she is not Asian, than someone remove Angela Harry's picture off this site, beacause she isn't either.
Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 11:42:40 (PDT)
NdN gurl,
Who cares. This is not about Indian females. This is about beautiful Asian women like Christina Kishiyama, Joan Chen, Jenny Lo and all other beautiful Asian women. Specific categories of women who are Chinese, Korean,Japanese, Singapore,Vietnam etc. Those are all beautiful fine women. No one at all is even interested in hearing about women from India. I am not saying they are all ugly. Its just that noone finds Indian females remotely attractive compared to the beauties on this page. Christina Kishiyama is such a major HOTTIE!
a loyal Christina fan   
Monday, September 30, 2002 at 12:19:36 (PDT)
Liz Cho
Monday, September 30, 2002 at 11:44:47 (PDT)