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Who is the Greatest Asian Beauty of all time?
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
When you think about it, the truly beautiful women whether Asian or not are the ones who look about the same with or without makeup. i can really say that in my entire life(36yrs), i have only seen less than 5 women who look the same with or without makeup. most women look completely different when they slap the powder on. makeup makes women age faster also. i think you guys know what i mean when you've seen a woman with or without makeup. some women have really disappointed me. this is like a taboo that is hardly ever talked about in public. My advice to Asian women is to wear hardly any makeup so that you won't scare guys off when you wake up in the morning.
Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 20:09:38 (PST)
Kimora Lee Simmons is my role model!!! She is a beautiful Asian and black woman, but I would classify her more asian than anything. Although I am not asian, but a bi-racial young woman I know what it is like to have to defend both sides of my nationality and try to relate to both halves. I think that she is a wonderful and talented woman and rare beauty in the world. Russel Simmons is a lucky man to have her as his wife.
Neiko Neiko34@aol.com   
Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 10:04:54 (PST)
AND, i just wanna add that Halle Berry and Angela Basset are the most beautiful Black women too.
Who cares! This isn't the Afro/black forum , get it?
who cares!   
Monday, December 16, 2002 at 15:11:17 (PST)
tia Carrera is beautiful but DEFinitely not the most beautiful of all asian women! there are so many many many beautiful women for her to stand out as the most beautiful....
Monday, December 16, 2002 at 11:44:42 (PST)
The most gorgeaous asian women i'veseen is Gong li, Jun Ji Hyun, Hyolee, Shen Ao Jun, Huang Yi, SOng Hye Gyo, Park J i Yun, Kyoko Fukada and lots of other. I guess those names are very unfamiliar to most cos they're celebs in Asia.
Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 14:50:44 (PST)
I'd say Tia Carrere is by far the most beautiful of all Asian women...period! AND, i just wanna add that Halle Berry and Angela Basset are the most beautiful Black women too.
Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 14:50:32 (PST)
How about Gigi Leung?
Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 21:48:34 (PST)
By no means are they the most gorgeous"
Yes they are my friend. They are by far the most beautiful women on the planet earth. You are incorrect. It was me that posted that Asian Indian women age the most gracefully. The reason you feel that they are not is because many Korean, Chinese and Japanese Asian carry the White Racist attitude in their view of what is beautiful in a woman.
hrmph. maybe i need to clarify myself; when i said "By no means are they the most gorgeous", i was referring to the women listed in this article, not asian-indian women...
furthermore, i suspect you have some issues in your statement to assume that other asian women have taken what you call a "white racist attitude". that is an awefully brave thing to say by generalizing non-asian-indian women all over the world, dunchathink? let's be open-minded people.
also, to the writer(s) of this article, to title the article "asian beauty greats" is plain silly. that title alone facilitates argumentation and extreme opinionization as to who is greater as compared to the list you presented; the title is misleading.
anyway, no harm done, at least there is a site like this where asians and asian-americans can have a decent discussion...
Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 11:21:51 (PST)
Batchu's got a point, have any of you ever seen Bipasha?? wooooooooooo hooooooo...dayuuuum!! It's utter perfection. And i can admit to batchu's claim of indian women aging gracefully, my mother is 45 has four children (oldest one is 23) and doesnt look a day over 25!! She gets mistaken for my sister all the time and at the place where she works she is told constantly by WHITE customers that she is very beautiful. Her mother (my grandmother) has the youngest legs i have ever seen, not a wrinkle to be seen and she is 84! These are just a few examples. And it is no wonder that india has had countless miss worlds, universes, and ASIA pacifics.
Monday, December 09, 2002 at 18:37:38 (PST)
Bipasha Basu: Stardome
She is so incredibly fine and elegant.
she is not as beautiful in an ellegant way like Bipasha, but Sarita is quite sexy and hot with those lips.
Batchu Praveen   
Monday, December 09, 2002 at 11:36:19 (PST)
I would just like to say that Ms. Tia Carera is by far one of the most eye-catching woman I have ever had the pleasure of watching.
Also that she perfectly fits the part of Casandra in Wayne's World(couldn't have done it better my self).
I was also very curious to find out what her ethnic background was. I have heard a few oppinions but was wondering if you could help me out with finding the truth behind Ms. Carera's mind blowing beauty?
Quakka32 quakka32@hotmail.com   
Monday, December 09, 2002 at 05:03:45 (PST)
"By no means are they the most gorgeous"
Yes they are my friend. They are by far the most beautiful women on the planet earth. You are incorrect. It was me that posted that Asian Indian women age the most gracefully. The reason you feel that they are not is because many Korean, Chinese and Japanese Asian carry the White Racist attitude in their view of what is beautiful in a woman. Otherwise, Asian Indian Women would be mention as well as posted. The women posted are attractive, but not as attractive as say Bipasha or Indira Varma. There is a big difference between Indira Varma and Liz Choe. Indira Varma needs no makeup to look natural and clear in her beauty. Nothing can change my mind. I feel Indian women are the most beautiful and that is how it will always be thankyou.
Batchu Praveen   
Monday, December 09, 2002 at 00:27:20 (PST)
The Chinese Woman in David Bowie's "China Girl" music video.
What was her name? Does anyone know?
does anyone recall?   
Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 09:58:04 (PST)
I think Kelly Hu is the most attractive. I used to think
Sung Hi Lee was so pretty...but after seeing her in a movie
Chain Of Command...she looked quite different. She DID NOT
impress me. She looked pretty rough..with heavy bags under
her eyes and all that makeup. I suspect she wears tons of makeup for those playboy pictures. I've seen regular pictures of her...where she looks so different and not even
close to as pretty as the playboy pictures. She's lucky that
she's photogenic..but in real life she's common. I find it
sad that I hear she's got such a ego. That really makes a
person even less attractive.
Saturday, December 07, 2002 at 15:24:55 (PST)
[Don't put carriage returns at the end of every line! --Ed]
Very tough to choose between Tia Carrere and Theresa Tilley!
Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 13:05:50 (PST)
It really depends on what your scope of the world is... those people are asians that have exposure in the US. What about Asian women celebrities FROM Asia? Somebody said Indian women are not listed... very true. I've seen some gorgeous Indian women... These women are beautiful, no doubt. But by no means are they the most gorgeous; there are a LOT of people we don't know about that are big celebrities in the rest of the world...
Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 12:44:25 (PST)
Indian Asian women age the most gracefully and have natural and pure beauty.
Actually the description fits asian women more. This is where indian women hardly can match east asian women.
aaron: she's 30 or soemthing...she ages so well..
Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 12:54:24 (PST)