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Heartfelt Sisterly Advice to Asian Men

mile More. We don't bite you know. At least not on the first date. Have a sense of Humor. That's very appealing. Don't be a Say Baan. Don't be so serious all the time. Remember, there is a time and a place for everything in life. A time to be happy, sad, fun, excited, passionate, etc. If you don't have enough confidence to ask the Asian Female out, just start out as friends. My boyfriend and I were friends for about a year before we both started having feelings beyond friendship. We were able to learn a lot about each other as friends. Understand that sometimes, when two people use the label of dating and making themselves boyfriend and girlfriend, it does carry more pressure than the relationship is ready for. Starting out as friends just reduces the pressure and allows two people to get to know each other. Be confident when you ask her out, but don't be over-confident. One of the most endear qualities for me is when I notice you are a little nervous, shy, awkward, stumbling and not very smooth when trying to pick someone like me up, that is a good sign. Why? Because I know you are not a player. I hate players. When a guy is too smooth, it means he is well rehearsed and has practiced a lot. Not a good thing because I will not tolerate infidelity and wandering eyes.
     Learn to pay more attention to women's signals that they are interested in you. When we want to spend more time with you or want to know more about your life, those are some healthy signs. When we flirt with you guys and some of you don't catch our signals, we wonder sometimes if we have lost it. It can make us insecure. Stop being so picky sometimes. Do you know there are Asian females just waiting for you to ask them out or just to start as friends? You have the control to ask any woman out. But we do not have the same control because we are just waiting and hoping the next guy who asks us out will be the Asian man of our dreams. You guys can be too superficial sometimes, waiting for the Asian Beauty Queen, when a perfectly decent Asian female is sitting right next to you in college, at work, at play, etc. Beauty Queens can have bad pay hay. Learn to appreciate us for more than just our looks because we cannot all be Asian Beauty Queens.
     Compliment her. I did not spend 2 hours getting ready for our date for me, but for you. Be yourself. Nothing is worst than a guy trying to be something he is not. You don't need to impress us with talk, impress us with the depth of your character. Remember, character is doing the right things even when no one is watching.
     Pay attention to small details because it pays big dividends. Do you know what won me over with my boyfriend? He actually remembers more details about our relationship that I do. Scary isn't it? I'm almost embarrassed to admit that. He noticed when I have on a new ear ring, a new necklace, new anklet, new perfume, and remembers the first time we kissed, hugged, first dance, first song, first romance, first fight, first makeup, anniversaries, birthdays in both families, etc. When a guy can do this, it tells me he values the relationship and I know that is a very comforting feeling for me.
     Learn to listen more because sometimes, we just want to be heard and get some attention from you. When we come to you with our problems, we don't necessarily want you to fix them for us. Last time I checked, we are pretty capable too you know. When we want you to fix a problem for us, we will ask. Sometimes, you might have to sit and listen to us for hours talking about an issue. Use that time to show us you care and demonstrate empathy and a sympathetic ear. Not all problems require an immediate solution. Sometimes, the best solution is to let time pass and allow the problem to solve itself.
     Did you have to call us flat-chested, no butt and figure. Ouch, that hurts you know. But I forgive you because I know you are only venting from the people who attack you. You do know that we age more gracefully.
     Since we are the ones intimate with you, we already know what kind of men we have. You do not need to defend your manhood from attacks by insecure people. Take the high road and act like the Majority Race on this planet. When they attack you, you have over 2 billion reasons to smile.
     Don't you know we see the hypocrisy? How can they tell us we are beautiful and desired, but attack our fathers and brothers? I know we sometimes attack you unfairly, but some of it is justified because we are frustrated and venting. Some of us just want to know you care, that we are important to you and we deserve more attention and not to take us for granted.
     Last piece of advice. The best way to keep your women is to never give her reasons to leave you in the first place.
     Keep your chin up, unless your last name is Chin, then it should be keep your chin up Chin, stand proud and represent the Majority Race.
Asian Princess