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Thomas: to Puzzled AAF on Attracting an AM
ell I read the MLK post and I was in agreement until the last "secret". As a heterosexual AM, I just thought it was wrong. So wrong that I was moved to correct it in my own post (no offense to anybody just trying to help). There's nothing more disgusting and repulsive as a woman who thinks she's the bomb and acts like it. The objects you surround yourself with won't change how hot YOU are. If you're really good looking, then the AMs that you've been talking to are either gay or dumb. If you're ugly then that would explain the lack of sexual attention. If you're not a voluptuous goddess then two things can possibly be done to attract a great AM. One, have a great personality. Caring, infectious happiness, sensitivity, generosity, etc. Trust me, AM aren't shallow. Two, surgery. If it's well done then no one should be able to tell the difference and you will be hot (just don't get a bad attitude). Yeah, just make sure it's done well, you don't wanna know the consequences of surgery gone awry.
Peace, good luck.
Monday, August 06, 2001 at 13:43:31 (PDT)