Asian Air 


Cultural Compatibility in Asian/Black Relations

ust out of curiosity. I have never seen such a vast number of Asian females with caucasian males. Seems to be a popular trend. Do parents object both Asian and caucasian? I wonder about Asian/black relationships. I do not see those groups coming together yet. Are the cultures able to blend nicely in these relatinships?
Patricia Cohen
   Tuesday, January 22, 2002 at 15:41:12 (PST)

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Rangi Lomu

I can only say that someday you will realize that different races can and do intermarry and do extremely well. No-one can actually say that Asian/Black relationships don't work unless they've actually been in one. Yes, there are people who act "ghettoish" but that's unfair to stick that stereotype on the race as a whole. Here in America, there are plenty of good Asian/Black couples who work hard and raise good children. WE do the SAME things as any other couples do. If an Asian man or woman decides to marry a Black person, that's their choice and I personally wish them all the best. There is no such thing as white love, black love, asian love, is love and it's everybodies OWN choice to share it with whomever person they wish.
   Saturday, May 04, 2002 at 18:05:06 (PDT)
Hi well all I can say is one of my friends, who is black female, is married to an asian guy. And they will be celebrating their 10th anniversary this year. Also my mother was japanese and my dad is black. Their marriage lasted for 17yrs until my mother died. As my friend puts it "If God puts you together no one can destroy it."
Best of both worlds
   Saturday, May 04, 2002 at 07:50:29 (PDT)
Rangi Lomu
I know what you are talking about, these Japanese girls who date black guys are really outcasts for lack of better word in Japan. Lets not mislead anyone here who thinks there are alot of interracial dating in Japan. Over whelmingly most Japanese marry within their own. "These" girls are into Hiphop culture so they are more opened to dating blacks than other so called "normal" Japanese girls. I personally think its a fad, its very difficult to live in Japan if you are a outsider.

Almond Joy,
What is so proud of being ghetto?
The word ghetto only has negative connatations and its not something I would be proud of.
   Friday, May 03, 2002 at 17:23:45 (PDT)
rangi lomu

That is too bad you have such negative feeling about black and asian relationship. But lay off the stereotypes if you knew anything about black girls then you would realize that there is no such thing as acting or dressing "black" its called ghetto and anybody white, black, latino, or asian can be ghetto. You shouldn't assume from what you see that that is how all black and asian relationships are like. From what I know asians and blacks mix very well. Trust me I speak from experience.
almond joy
   Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 21:28:25 (PDT)
hi i live in japan im a new zealander of mixed race jewish mother and half maori father a maori is a pacific islander . anyway here in japan u see a lot of japanese girls with black americans and africans pretending to be american .here in japan only a certain type of girl dates blacks they r girls who try and dress and act like a black girl i personally do not like this matches in japan basically black and asian dont mix well
rangi lomu
   Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 02:52:30 (PDT)
I think this topic is a really hard one to discuss. I am a korean American. I dated a nepalese guy, white guys,hmong guy, and decided to marry a korean guy. I am very happy with my decision to stay within my own race. This decision did not come to me just because he was Korean. I would have married any other race as long as they understood me, loved me, respected me, and having everything click, like our personalities, our goals and so on. Peolple should not look at someone and judge them just because of their color. I have a korean brother who is married to a mexican girl. They met in orange County California,while he was in the marines. She is just perfect for him. She is sensitive to his asianess and he loves her mexicaness. It is all about mutual respect for eachother and loving them for what they offer as person not as their color. The word respect, can't be emphasized enough and also an openmindedness. It is only the peole that have narrowmindedness that don't seem to unaccept interracial relationships.
korean women who once believed that mixing races were bad but saw how ignorant it was to believe such a theroy
   Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 11:20:14 (PDT)