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Cultural Compatibility in Asian/Black Relations

ust out of curiosity. I have never seen such a vast number of Asian females with caucasian males. Seems to be a popular trend. Do parents object both Asian and caucasian? I wonder about Asian/black relationships. I do not see those groups coming together yet. Are the cultures able to blend nicely in these relatinships?
Patricia Cohen
   Tuesday, January 22, 2002 at 15:41:12 (PST)

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im black and i dated a vietnamese girl before (LESBIAN RELATIONSHIP). we had a great, loving and knowledgeable relationship.

i met her family, they liked and accepted me...she met my family, they liked and accepted her. we taught each other so much about life and each others culture. she developed a great taste for neck-bones and cornbread and i for "pho", a vietnamese soup dish. and only, due to career choices, we're no longer a couple, but remain very close indeed.

therefore, black and asian relationships, whether straight or gay, can work.
my thing is...why is it that i never see an asian man with a black woman?

san diego, ca
twisted locs    Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 13:30:33 (PDT)
If you want an example of whether Blacks and Asians can be compatible together, just look at Russell Simmons and Kimora Lee Simmons. They both incoporate their cultures into their relationship. Blacks and Asians can be compatible if they are in love, because love conquers all. I also think that Blacks understand some of the racial hardships that Asians must endure in our society...
Nasty Girl
   Friday, May 17, 2002 at 15:28:33 (PDT)
i am black male that was marry to an asian female, we have three kids, the union lasted for ten years, in her country we would probably still be together, but in the u.s. even in place like seattle, honolulu, its difficult at best, because of others of the two culture, i think most asian in the u.s. would rather stay joy luck than be cultural different, it's no doubt it can work, and in the future it will work.

   Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 11:59:59 (PDT)
I've seen far more interaction between Asian women and Black men outside of the US.

I am married to an Asian women that I met in Taiwan.

Since bringing her back to the US. I've found that we get more stares from Asians than from anyone else?

I believe that they are probably far more comfortable with their women being with white men as they can usually assume that MONEY and/or STATUS played a significant role in the women making the decision to cross the border.

Of course; you already know what most people think of the economic and/or status power of Black men!
Black Male    Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 23:07:12 (PDT)
I believe it is possible for Blacks and Asians to have cultural compatability. If two people are comfortable with who they are and are willing to learn about other people's history and culture then they have a good chance of making things work.

I see it as totally reasonable for Blacks to learn Asian language and culture just like Asians learn English and American culture. A couple in this situation can take turns chosing outings and events for each other, this time we do something with an Asian theme, next time something with an African-American theme. We can learn about and observe each other's special holidays. We can prepare our favorite meals for our partner and have them to do the same for us. We can share with them our favorite music, books and films and have them do the same for us, and of course not all of these will have anything to do with race, I listen to all kinds of music and read all kinds of books and watch all kinds of films.

We can show the other person the city or town we grew up in and tell them the interesting details of our country. In an idea scenario you can split up your days to where one day we speak English, the next day your Asian partner's language. This will help you to grow closer and improve each other's language skills.

I could go on and on with this. Racial prejudice and ignorance are what make this so difficult. If you love someone and they love you and neither of you is already married or anything then don't let other people tell you that it's wrong for you two to be together. People spend far too much time trying to pass on their phobias and hatreds to as many other people as they can, I wish they'd go get a more useful hobby!
   Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 18:11:23 (PDT)
Doubtful. The statistics do not support long-lasting relationships between Asians and black cultures. In my opinion, it has to do with a clash in cultural values. Any inter-racial couple has to work extra hard to overcome the differences and in a country with a 50% divorce rate, I'm not sure many people are willing to go that extra mile.
   Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 07:24:19 (PDT)

where in my post do i say anything about being proud. please read it again. you are right ghetto is not a positive thing. I am tired of stereotypes of black woman being that black=ghetto
almond joy
   Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 21:48:08 (PDT)
To Black Am. Woman

Re: Post on 2/1/02. You stated"...I don't know if the cultures would blend nicely in a romantic relationship or not". I am a BF who is married to an AM, and I can testify that romance is "blending just nicely" in this union. Romance is part of any marriage/ relationship. Asian men have what it takes to keep their Black wives happy. They are just as good lovers as any other men. There are alot of interracial couples who have been married for many years and who would probably tell you the same thing..."there is "extremely good" romance in AM/BF or BM/AF relationships :).
   Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 13:15:16 (PDT)