Asian Air 


Kevin's Brotherly Advice to Asian Females

irst of all, I'd like to thank Debra, Happy Gurl, CA-Girl, and WF-28 for nominating me to write this column. This column is dedicated to all of you and other females regardless of race that support and empower us Asian American Males. Of course, this column focuses on Asian American females. However, it may also apply to other females as well and I'd like all of you to take this to heart.
     In today's world, there is NO doubt that the media is incredibly bias towards Asian Males. There's also very little that can be done to prevent this from happening as most of what is seen on television is written to cater both to the White Male and the Black Male. However, the question here is whether such stereotypes are taken at face value or considered that which it truly is, entertainment. The fact of the matter is, what is seen on the media is often entertainment whether news or NOT and what is interesting to the human eye is always a sense of "sensationalized journalism" as what is usually the dry truth will NEVER be written. Most of us enjoy the media for its ability to entertain, but we all must understand that the actual truth is far from what is portrayed. This is where understanding the Asian Male comes in. Asian Females of all people should be the first to understand our plight as it seems that many of you are also living under constant scrutiny from these stereotypes. Just as Asian Females are NOT: submissive, exotically sexual beings, Asian Males are NOT: weak, cold and uncaring. Too much of what we believe can be attributed to such untrue stereotypes and therefore, the judgement upon a person is all too often unfair and without true knowledge. I therefore encourage our Asian Female sisters to look beyond what you are taught by the media and explore the inner persona of the Asian Male.
     Compliments are hard to come by these days whether from work, parents, or other sources. It seems that people are more inclined to criticize than anything else in today's world since it seems that the object of game is to remove blame from oneself. In a relationship however, compliments are sometimes the one thing that can keep a relationship together and to my own admission, Asian Males need help in this arena. And who better to help us in this area then our own Asian Female sisters. When our sisters need support and/or comfort, it is often the case that the Asian Male knows little of what do during those times. However, in my own experience and in the experiences of many of my colleagues and friends, all it takes is a little encouragement. Sometimes, it is important for women of all races to convey what they are thinking. It is unfortunate that Asian Males or males of any race for that matter, are NOT mind readers. But I am NOT saying that as means of being sarcastic, it's just difficult for us (men) to understand what you're thinking. We HONESTLY want to know, but of course reality is a different story. However, I'm NOT saying to be totally obvious as to cheapen the whole experience, but a little clue can go a long way. All we need is a hint.
     Many of us, Asian Male and Female alike, grew up in households that were both strict and unforgiving. Sometimes our parents love and wish for us to be successful and provided for, created a rift of disagreement, which damaged our relationships with them. Sadly, many of us Asian Americans see this and try our best to distance ourselves from our parent's "Asianess". This is both good and bad in the sense that YES we drop what is perceived as bad and outdated, but at the same time, this action somewhat forbids us to see what is good about our heritage. The fact is, NO civilization and/or race is superior in their ways to any other. There are good and bad, smart and dumb, people of any race, religion, or heritage. Such a judgement call to say that "American" values are always right is almost COMPLETELY wrong. There are good and bad elements of it just as there are good and bad elements of Asian culture. It is possible, though difficult, for someone to have an active and fulfilling social life, while maintaining a high SAT score as well. My point here is that all too often, the Asian Male has his heritage held against him and for little or no reason. The thought of him becoming like a typical Asian father bothers females to no end. This is of course, NOT an insult to all Asian Father's out there, but there is a prevailing stereotype of the Asian Father which harms the Asian Male image. NO, the Asian Male is NOT going to whip his children, nor will he set impossible standards for him or her. Keep in mind that the Asian Male and Asian Female grew up in a similar fashion and such deeds are ones to avoid in his mind. Here, I ask our Asian Female sisters to embrace what has become of the Asian Male identity. The two of you share much and have a great deal in common. Instead of holding such a past against him, talk and elaborate about it to a mutual understanding. You Asian Females will find that the past that both of you share can actually help and brighten your relationship. If your Asian Male boyfriend will open up to you in this context, there is little else he will hide from you as far as personal feelings are concerned. Understanding these commonalties are a step in the right direction.
     I sometimes wonder what is this game that we play? Why is it that a girl must be asked out, or pursued before she and a male can begin a courtship? I say this because it seems that quite often, the complaint from an Asian Female is that "NO Asian Males will ask me out" and to this, I can totally understand. There seems to be a serious communication breakdown between Asian Males and females of ANY race. Some of us, for lack of a better word, are "shy-guys" and do not retain the confidence to approach a member of the opposite sex. We constantly stare yet we make NO attempt to make verbal contact with someone we find attractive. To this I will tell all my Asian Male brothers to, "STEP UP!" and ask the girl out or at least initiate contact with her. There's NOTHING more rude than constant staring and there NOTHING more frowned upon than a missed opportunity. I can totally understand how frustrated some of you Asian Females must feel to find an Asian Male attractive yet NOTHING happens because he lacks the confidence to approach you. The current statistics obviously still support the notion that Asian Males are still more attracted to Asian Females than any other group, and there are still more Asian-Asian couples than any other arrangement involving Asians. Therefore, the attraction is obviously there but there is NO icebreaker to get things started. This is where I ask our Asian Female sisters to stop hinting and start asking. Again, sometimes it is hard for Asian Males to pick up on hints or clues, therefore perhaps you should just "hit him in the head". Instead of smiling 15 times up and down a supermarket aisle, save sometime and talk to him. Keep in mind that just because he's occupied with something at the moment DOES NOT mean he doesn't notice you. In fact, more often than not, he does notice you, but he's just too shy to make contact. Remember a tiny little word or verbal hint can go a LONG WAY. Talk to him, what harm can it be. Forget the stereotypes and existing norms, if he can ask you out, why can't you ask him out?
     Often an issue of distress for all girlfriends of Asian Males is the mother. In fact, I have been the giver of advice on this issue for quite sometime now. The reason stems from the closeness between the Asian Male and his mother. During difficult times with parents, usually the father, his mother often comforts the Asian Male throughout his early days. This can be seen as both immature and/or affectionate, but the implication upon a relationship is obvious, there will be times where the Asian Male will have to chose between his mother and his girlfriend or wife. In such a situation, it is almost "no win" for anybody, especially the Asian Male since he no doubt wishes to keep both relationships in good order. However, to all my Asian Female sisters out there, understand that the mother's word is NEVER absolute and more often than not, your Asian Male boyfriend will side with you while trying to pacify his mother. I guess the key here is to avoid such a controversy whenever possible. This is NOT to say that the Asian Female should be submissive to the mother-in-law, but try to keep the Asian Male's attention AWAY from his mother and towards you. This can easily be accomplished with some nurturing or a good conversation. See, Asian Males, like other males, probably have the ability to separate thoughts. They usually only occupy their minds with one thought. If you constantly make him think about you, his girlfriend, I doubt conflicts with the mother will ever occur. If such a situation already developed where there is a rift between you and his mother, the before mentioned scheme will also contribute to a peaceful solution. The key is to let him know that you stand by him and that he does NOT have to chose between parties. In fact, by standing by him even when there's a disagreement with his mother, he'll be more likely to settle the dispute with his mother via peaceful means and who knows perhaps you and his mother will become best friends.
     Humans are imperfect and of course to expect perfection is completely ludicrous. However, to strive for perfection, is a noble feat. I say this because it seems, today more than ever, it is all too easy to judge upon someone by the color of their skin through existing stereotypes. To be honest, there are times where I become a victim of that trap as well, but I, like many of my peers, try VERY hard to judge people on a case by case basis. The fact remains that all of us are individuals on this planet no matter, white, yellow, black, or brown. Each person has his/her unique qualities and even if 2 people are of the same heritage, there are definite differences in between the two of their personalities. I ask my Asian Females sisters and all other women to judge the Asian Male on who he really is rather than what his facial features entail. You'll find that we are NO different from any other individual on the face of the planet in that we all strive for different goals and accomplishments. Some of us, just like any other American, strive to be doctors, lawyers and engineers, yet others wish to be film directors or writers. Do NOT assume that just because one is an Asian Male that he wishes to strive for financial success and nothing more. It only takes reality to strike down that generalization as there are many Asian Males who just wish to make a decent living just like any other human being. The strive for success is more for a reason of responsibility than actual success. Sure, we all know the Asian Males score the highest on tests, or have the highest average salary, but are these really a gage for greed? Probably NOT, in fact these facts are more a sign of living up to responsibility than anything else, and I believe most Asian Females see this NO differently as you shadow us in almost every academic statistic out there. Therefore, I ask all the Asian Females out there NOT to judge upon the Asian Male by the color of his skin, but rather his own personality. You find a wealth of information, and much of it is very common to your own sense of being. Realize that both Asian Males and Females grew up in a similar fashion and embrace this fact rather than disparage it. Get to know the inner person rather than rejecting the outer one.
     Thank you!,
Kevin Yang

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