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Happy AM: Brotherly Advice on Dating Options

know most of my Asian brothers already know the advice I’m about to give. But I wanted you all to be aware of how many dating and marriage options you have so all my Asian brothers can feel happy like me.

If miscegenation laws were still enforced, we as Asian men would be limited to just 2% of the USA population, which represents AA women. I hope my Asian brothers respect the AA women until they give you reasons not to respect them. If you are nice and respectful to AA women and they do not reciprocate, move on to other women. There are plenty of options out there. Let’s look at some of them.

Instead of limiting yourself to just 2% of the USA population, we have over 40% of the US population of Non-Asian women potentially available to us. As Asian men are outdating and out marrying more, this trend will continue to increase. Most of my Asian brothers in the USA already know this option is available so I will not detail this option. It has been well covered in other sections of this website.

When I was in Shanghai, I could not believe the number of beautiful, educated, and classy Asian women I saw there with whom I could have started a relationship. When I was in Hong Kong, it was the same situation. I’m sure if I visit more cities in Asia, I would find the same situation. There are plenty of high quality Asian women available in Asia. The key thing I noticed was that Asian women in Asia do not generally buy into the stupid negative stereotypes of Asian men as perpetuated by the American Media. When I went clubbing, I made a point of talking to the local hotties to see what they look for in an ideal man. To summarize their responses, they concentrated a lot on the man’s personal qualities, respect, hard working, family man, loving, caring, values, etc. In terms of physical attributes, they are not so superficial like some AA women, and just want a normal Asian guy. He does not have to be a physical specimen. Some hotties even said the only time they need a big man is if they want him to do some manual labor for them. Otherwise, they prefer men with big brains. How refreshing to be appreciated and respected just for being myself. I strongly suggest to all my Asian brothers to take some time and go to Asia and interact with the Asian women there. It will change the way you look at your own desirability and how you look at Asian women in general. If you are absolutely certain you want an Asian woman, there are plenty of Asian women in Asia if the AA women don't treat you right. You don’t have to limit yourself to AA women in USA.

I know what some of you are thinking. As AA men, we have nothing in common with Asian women in Asia. Nonsense!!!!!! If you are going to have an attitude like that, no wonder you have a difficult time finding women. In the large cities of Asia, the Asian women are educated, and some even speak English quite well. I found I had no problems finding common ground with these women. Sure there are some differences compared to AA women, but it’s no big deal. Work with the woman and make your relationship work.

Outside of the USA, there are Non-Asian women who are available for Asian men. From Europe, Russia, Australia, Canada, Latin America, Africa, etc, there are women available. I personally know several couples that are dating or married to women in Latin America, and Russia. These are options for you too.

First, I don't just limit myself to AA women in the USA. I'm back in the USA now and currently enjoying my dating life dating AA women and Non-Asian women. My Asian brothers, stop thinking that the 2% AA woman are the only women you can date and marry. Think like me and you will be much happier. In addition to the 2% AA women, you have 40% of the US population of Non-Asian women potentially available to you. With several AA women I dated, they were difficult and hard to get along with. I'm sure some of their arrogant attitude like "Look at me, I'm God's gift to man" comes from the fact that they think they are all that just because some Non-Asians pay attention to them. Luckily, most of the AA women are cool people and not like these arrogant AA's who disrespected me.

Let me break it down like this so my Asian brothers can see what I see. Even without the 2% AA women, there are the 40% Non-Asian women in the USA. Even if there were not the 40% Non-Asian women available to us, there will always be Asia. It only takes several cities in Asia to replace the entire AA women population in the United States. The majority of AA women are cool people. But I know some of the AA women have been very unkind to my Asian brothers. I feel it is more important for my Asian brothers to see what I see, and understand they have plenty of options. Good luck to all my Asian brothers. Be happy and go out there and find that special woman to share your life.

Happy AM

   Monday, June 25, 2001 at 18:05:33 (PDT)