Asian Air 


Ugly & Lost AF: How Do I Attract a BF?

'm a 14 yr.old AF I can't say I'm attractive cuz thats a lie. Anyways i have no problem in getting AM but its only a friend thing, it never goes farther. I think its cuz i'm not attractive. But on the phone guys who don't know me yet are always hitting on me. I think its strange but i also think its cuz they haven't seen me yet. So i guess looks do matter right? any tips for me e-mail me -k- :) tanx
ugly and lost    Sunday, October 28, 2001 at 21:15:05 (PST)

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Hey I know its hard to be a teenager and have low self esteem. You are just a kid. Its true that people change after their teenage years. I know people who were nerds in highschool and couldn't get dates. Now that they're in their mid-20's things are completely different for them! TRUST ME!!! THIS IS THE TRUTH!!!

Some of the best looking girls I know didn't even start dating until they got to college. You don't have to worry about things like this because you are still young and are going through a maturity stage in your life. You haven't reached your peak as far as beauty is concerned (14 is hardly an age where people reach their peak, its way too young).

I wasn't very attractive at 13 or 14. I didn't get any girls at all when I was younger. But things are totally different now (a complete 180). I changed the way I dressed and how I carried myself. But the most important thing was that I felt good about myself and had confidence. You won't believe how people can see confidence flow out of you.

People change after time. So trust me, all you have to do is look inward and feel good about yourself. As long as you are confident in yourself and know how to carry yourself then you will be fine.

A Cute Filipino Guy Who Knows
   Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 21:49:30 (PDT)
Honey, I am so sorry that you feel this way. I think all of us have gone through a stage at one point in our lives where we feel inferior or like we have to compare ourselves to some unrealistic standard. The fact is, we are all beautiful in some way as cliched as it sounds. I went through braces, glasses, a chubby phase, the works when I was about your age! Now I am 20 and I have no trouble turning heads or getting dates, although I think some of that has to do with inner beauty as well *^-^* Keep your head held high, know that you are special, and just wait...the boys will be lined up at your door before you know it!
Solara Babe
   Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 16:46:53 (PDT)

you're so young still. i know when i was your age i felt ugly and unattractive and never had boyfriends. i had braces, was super skinny and didn't wear makeup or know how to put myself together. now, i'm 22 y/o and more secure in my own skin. i think i've made a 200% improvement just because my attitude towards myself has changed and i've become a little more mature. in my observation, most white women looks their best and are at their peak in their teens and early twenties. i always felt that all the white girls at my high school were so much prettier than me, but now i realized that is because that is the best they are ever going to look. it's all downhill for them after high school. asian women however, are awkward through their teens and really start blossoming in their early twenties and thirties. trust me, give it a few more years and you'll start to fill out and feel more confident in yourself. going to college really helps too because you'll meet a lot of girls who are just like you.
vn girl
   Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 20:33:52 (PST)
Hi, I don't know if anyone has e-mail you with any advice yet, butI want to let you know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
You shouldn't think that you are not pretty because beauty is from the inside and not the outside. If a person is looking for the out looks then thats is not love.
But don't rush, you have many years ahead of you, many things will change. As I say there is no need to rush.
   Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 19:52:40 (PST)
You're only 14 years old--some people are late bloomers and become more attractive in college. It's worse if you're beautiful at too young an age because then as you get older people always compare you unfavorably to your younger self. (Remember Drew Barrymoore?)

First, My advice to you is to get your mind on your schoolwork. At this time, doing well in school will guarantee you a better future in terms of income as well as better self-esteem from your accomplishments.

Secondly, stop focusing on yourself! If you spend too much time focusing on yourself and all that you THINK is wrong with you, of course you're going to feel ugly. Do some volunteer work and help some other people with stuff like tutoring, helping out at a retirement home, getting involved with your church's volunteer programs or a service club like Tri-Hi-Y. If you help others, you will feel better about yourself and that will make you more attractive to others.
Anonymous Male
   Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 06:43:24 (PST)
hey don't be so sad girls i am Asian and i like all kinds of girls as long as they are nice ;-)
Kris    Friday, December 21, 2001 at 02:26:54 (PST)