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MLK: Toddler's "Talk to the Hand" Response for Racial Taunts

have a four-year-old niece who can do a "Talk to the Hand!" piece of action (hand outstretched, palm facing the offended person, head quarter-of-a-turn away, nose in-the-air). She babbles out "Talk to the hand!" in toddler talk and sashays away with a major kick-ass attitude. It makes me weak with laughter because I know she got it from seeing me do that, and when I laugh, it makes her laugh too.

You see, in this day and age, if you act like you're THE SHIT!, then it's damn difficult for kids to taunt you. Asian kids need to remember that they are Americans too, and they need to be told in action and in words by their family, that they are THE SHIT! But to balance the scale so as not to create a monster, you tease them mercilessly (but in a laughing loving manner) so that they will be used to being teased and not feel inferior to the kids that are doing the teasing. They also need to be able to laugh at themselves, and the best way to get them to do this is to laugh at yourselves when things happen to you or when you make a mistake. That way, the next time a kid taunts your child with something racial/or otherwise, it's "Talk to the Hand!" action--and saucily walk away.
   Thursday, June 28, 2001 at 18:41:31 (PDT)