Asian Air 



Mitch: Wants to Stop Racist Jokes on NY Radio Station

am an Asian American living in NYC and a big time Yanks fan. I'm not sure if you're aware, but for the past 2 nights the Yankees have beat up on the D'Backs Korean closer Kim. Being Korean myself, I felt sorry for him in a way but I was still very happy for the Yanks. However for the past 2 mornings on 102.7 WNEW radio station here in NYC, there is a sports talk show called "Sports Guys" on from 5AM till ~ 10AM that are making racial remarks about him that I can't just ignore. These remarks include everything from "chinese food delivery" to "Long Duk Dong" (these are nothing compared to some others that I rather not repeat) and they are damaging our reputation and status. I'm not a fan of this show nor did I ever listen to them until a good friend informed me. I was furious and sent a letter to the station but all I received was a reply from them saying "We love everyone and it was just a joke". Yes, it was just a joke at the expense of Asians. Now I don't let every low life calling me a "chink" bother me and I could just move on, but I cannot sit by and look the other way when these racist "jokes" are being broadcast on public radio and making all Asians look stupid everytime an Asian is involved in a sporting event. If this email does not upset you, try to get a transcript of the show or listen a taping of it if you can. If you have any Asian pride, I assure you that you will be just as upset if not more. We as Asians should be more vocal when these types of comments are made. Thanks. What can I do to prevent this from happening again?
   Friday, November 02, 2001 at 11:47:00 (PST)

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first, you should choose another team to follow, because the yankees suck, and everyone, including Asians, will make fun of you.

secondly you should just let is slide man, it's just a joke... if you watch any late night TV or other radio stations you will notice that everyone gets it, it's just good, not so clean, fun.

but if you really feel it's a problem, you should keep sending in letters and be persistent.
numba one jap
   Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 12:45:21 (PDT)