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AM in Boston: Advice to Teen Underachiever

ear AF in UK,

Reading your post, I can tell that you really want to make things better and get into a good university. Even more impressive is that you seem to care deeply for how your parents feel.

Community gossip is something you can't really do something to prevent (until you prove them wrong at least). Take it as something you "earned" because of, as you described, "your somewhat naive early teen years". It'll get to you at times, especially when you see the way it affects your parents as you've already observed, but bear it not just with a thick skin but with dignity. Rather than let gossip and other people's showing off and condescension get to you, take it in stride...accept it not simply as a consequence of your earlier actions but also as a reflection of the community your live in. I think your post already shows that you understand this to some degree. Please don't let things like this turn you away from your Chinese community and the Asian American community in general.

Your plan to take a year off sounds good to me. There is no rush to enter and finish college as quickly as possible; you have many years ahead of you that you would want to enjoy as much as possible without simply rushing through it all. Just keep your plan in mind and focus on it. You may want to sharpen the plan and fill in more details as time goes on, be sure to meet deadlines, etc.

Finally, remember in your heart why you are doing all this... I don't want to answer that for you because that's your job. Maybe you can soul-search a little more and tell us the reasons.

Good luck!

   Thursday, July 05, 2001 at 20:39:45 (PDT)