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A Simple Formula for Self-Empowerment

ony Robbins, a well known success coach said, "Some key differences between Happy and Unhappy people are 1) the type of questions they ask and 2) the things they focus on."
     When I use the labels Happy and Unhappy, I'm referring one's success in every meaningful part of your life including Spiritual (If you are spiritual), Family, Career, School (If you are still in College), Social Life, Personal Life, Healthy Relationships, Personal Health, etc. I firmly believe that one cannot be completely Happy unless they have a successful BALANCE in all these areas. I've met Asians that are very successful in one or two areas that are not happy. They might be super successful in their career, or ultra smart in school, but when you examine closely the other parts of their life, it's out of balance. I've posted some success intangibles in earlier post and will provide more details in future post for those Asians that want to improve their own life.
     Today's post will focus on the two issues Tony talks about. Happy people ask Empowering Questions and focus on the Positive. Unhappy people ask Limiting Questions and focus on the negative. A simple formula for self-empowerment:
  1. Determine what you want to be successful at: ie: Great Husband, Great Businessperson, Great Anything.
  2. Identify People that are already great at whatever you want to be great at.
  3. Once you identify these people, make sure they are Happy Balanced People and Great Role Models (Mentors) for you to pattern yourself after and copy.
  4. Ask the Great Role Models (Mentors) empowering questions to identify what's different about them, what makes them great and successful? What positive attributes do they have that I don't?
  5. Once you identify the differences, those are the things you must work on to improve and move closer to what your Mentors have.

     Some Asians are their own worst enemy. They have such a big ego that they feel they don't need Mentors. Perhaps you are familiar with Michael Jordan, arguably the greatest basketball player in the history of the NBA. Didn't Michael have a Mentor/Coach in Phil Jackson? If the greatest basketball player needed a coach/Mentor, what makes you think you don't need one?
     To the people I mentor, thanks for the kind words. Let me leave you an empowering thought for the weekend:
     Some people see the world as it is and ask "Why?" while others see the world as it can be and ask "Why Not?"
Dan - AM

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