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How to Use Mentors to Accelerate Success

entors are very important to accelerate your personal and professional growth. I have 7 mentors, male and female, currently helping me in different areas of my life. What are these Mentors suppose to do for you?
     They are your real life example of success. One of the reasons people stop growing is because they stop believing. If you have a real example in front of you, it makes it easier to believe. When I look at my Mentors, I say to myself, "If they can do it, I believe I can to." By taking action, you go from believing you can, to knowing you can, to I did.
     Mentors accelerate your growth. If you pick them right, they should be significantly more successful than you so you have room to grow to their level. They should be successfully balanced people. They don't need to be the greatest in every meaningful area of life, since no one is, but they should be extraordinary in the areas you selected them for, ie: business, family, social, etc. Therefore, each one of my Mentors has an area in life they are extraordinary at, and successfully balanced in all the other areas. I get to witness all their extraordinary qualities, learn from them, and apply them to my own life for self-empowerment. I also get to remove doubts, uncertainty and lack of belief since it's comforting to know my Mentors have the experience and wisdom to guide me thru the maze of decisions that face me now and in the future.
     Mentors also have two responsibilities to you. 1) Help you to put together a Realistic Action Plan. 2) Keep you Accountable. Don't leave anything to chance. If you try to put a plan together yourself without the necessary experience, it's like fumbling in the dark, hit and miss tactics, and not very comforting. Ask you Mentors to put together a Realistic Action Plan for you since their experiences will guide them to know what is realistically doable and what is fantasy.
     When you have a Realistic Action Plan in place, go out and take Action. Having a plan but not taking Action is a waste of your time and your Mentors' time. Your Mentors must hold you accountable and keep you on track to achieving your goal. This can be an intense time because when your Mentors take a strong stand to keep you accountable, the relationship can suffer temporarily. But understand that what your Mentor did was for your own good to reach your goals.
     When you reach your Mentor's level of success, it does not mean your relationship is over. Building your Network of Mentors is a lifelong pursuit. As you reach your Mentor's level, that's your cue to find even greater Mentors than your existing Mentors so you continue to have room to grow. Just like Michael Jordan had Phil Jackson. Phil Jackson had Tex Winter and so on.
     Therefore, if you haven't already, start putting together your network of Mentors and watch your growth soar.
Dan - AM

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