Are AA Women the Real Victims of Prejudice?
Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:55 AM)
sian women get a free ride at the expense of Asian men. That's the received wisdom here in the U.S. This belief appears premised on the suspicion that American society sees Asian women as sexy exotics in need of rescuing from the cold clutches of Asian men who don't know how to smile except evilly.
The real victim?
Credit Hollywood for its tireless casting of Asian women as sexual accessories to white heroes while suppressing the very existence of Asian men except as unsavory paper tigers. Credit too the TV networks that uncover bevies of talking Asian women but rarely their male counterparts.
In fairness this media fantasy of the Asian race was partly inspired by recent history. Devastated and impoverished Asian nations sent tens of thousands of war brides and orphans, followed by several million desperate immigrants willing to hock their identities while toiling to build new lives.
Male-dominated societies toast new women as exotic sexual prospects while suppressing new men as an exploitable lower class or even enemy aliens. The women get all the breaks and the men get all the lumps. Even worse, the women have their heads turned and adopt a scornful attitude toward their own men. So goes the complaint of some AA men.
The women have a different take. Sexual predators bearing insulting stereotypes must be fended off while coping with women who see them as unfair competitors. Add to that the pain of being scorned as sellouts by AA men for no more reason than their apparent welcome by American society. Worst of all, complain AA women, is being begrudged the right to take simple pleasure in their own identities. How much easier just to face straightforward racial prejudice!
Do Asian women really have an easier time in America? Or do they suffer from the double-whammy of insulting stereotypes from non-Asians and unfair persecution from Asian men?
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Ah, wouldn't you agree that misinterpretation is easy in writing?
"you implied that an "exotic depiction" not a "sexy exotic" depiction of Asian women puts them on par with Caucasians women that is a very naive and gross projection on your part full stop!!!!!"
What I found to be offensive, was the fact that I was referring to mainstream media, and you automatically assumed I meant pornography. I'm not sure what you mean by gross--we may not be on the same page here.
"Equal par on porn sites get real."
The point I was trying to get across is that the standard of beauty in this country is Caucasian, to not understand -that-, I believe would be naive. I was NOT referring to my own preference and justifying it. That's why many AA groups have been working to get more Asians in the media.
I think "exotic" is a natural progression given this country's history, and I think the next stage will be acceptance of Asians as part of the whole--rather than a separate part. When I refer to competition, I'm referring to vying for attention in the media's eye. Having many Americans view AF as exotic, at least gets them in the media in the first place. Once enough Asians are in the media, and more people get used to it, that sense of "exotic" will dissipate. But by then AF will have a high enough media "status" that they will no longer need to have the exotic label accompany them. That's what I am trying to work toward. Realize that the media is driven by money, and what depictions will make the most money. To put AF in movies and print IMMEDIATELY (on par with Caucasians currently in the media) from a business perspective, is risky. The whole of the US has to become accustomed to it before AF or Asians in general will get that chance. Let me clarify that this is NOT how I believe it should be; it's just how it is.
"I most say that Americans in generally seem to be more preoccupied with race and live a more segregrated lifestyle than what I'm used to in Canada"
I've been to Canada myself as well as other parts of the world, and I agree 100%. In many other countries, it's not even an issue--people mix readily for the sole reason anyone would want to be in a relationship--because they love each other.
The reason I would like to take it off of the forum is because, although you seem very zealous in your beliefs, so am I. I enjoy debate as well, but I would not like to flood this forum with just our comments and subsequent rebuttals. Again, I will leave my e-mail at the end. If there is something particularly interesting, something that would benefit others from reading, we can always post it later to the forum. Otherwise, I do not wish to continue this on the forum. I hope you will understand and respect that.
Take care,
Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 18:18:05 (PST)
Asian Female,
I read your eariler comments....you implied that an "exotic depiction" not a "sexy exotic" depiction of Asian women puts them on par with Caucasians women that is a very naive and gross projection on your part full stop!!!!! Therefore, I didn't grossly misinterpret your comments its my summation to your statement!!!!
I am not hostile to you....debating is fun!!!!!! For the record, I'm a British born Canadian of Caribbean extraction....my bloodlines are multi-racial(African,English, Scottish, Carib Indian{indigeous people of the Caribbean} and Chinese)many of my relatives in Britain,Canada, and the U.S.A. are interracially married and it wasn't a big deal.....I was engaged to a Korean man and I have dated many different nationalities and I have always lived in an intergrated world which is evident where I live, how I live and a reflection of my circle of friends. Having grown up in Toronto, Canada I'm not unique. I stumbled on this web site by chance. I most say that Americans in generally seem to be more preoccupied with race and live a more segregrated lifestyle than what I'm used to in Canada....America's history is entrenched with racial strife....I have many American friends and friends from all around the world so please take no offence to my summation to my comments about America's preoccupation with race...it's just an observation!!!!!
Anyhow, it's fun reading all the different comments.
Asian Female, I send greetings of peace and love. People can engage in debate without being enemies or being hostile and that's the spirit of debate in which I choose to engage in this forum!!!!
One Love
Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 19:56:37 (PST)
Ok, I'm going to comment to several people on this post in the order that they posted.
First to onelove
"Personally, I don't see the depiction of Asian woman as exotic as necessarily detrimental. It allows for many Asian woan to compete on par with Caucasian women in a Causcasian society." Equal par on porn sites get real.
Ah, I understand that you've been discriminated against, and you don't appreciate objectification, but I was trying to look at things in a more positive light. Personally, I don't know much about how Asian women are depicted in pornography because I haven't seen any. I have seen pornography in high school, but that was a while back and I only remember seeing Caucasian women anyway. I never said I supported pornography did I? I was referring to media. Are you telling me you don't feel the least bit comforted that Asian women are starting to grace the covers of magazines and silver screens? You took my message out of context.
You said:
"Love who you love but don't date/marry people based on their race that's degrading!!!!!!!"
And I said:
"I just wanted to comment that... very often people tend to break things down along racial lines. Boy, rather than stereotyping entire groups, why not judge people on an individual basis? Then you can get the best possible mate of ANY race and that way everyone can stop with all of the overt racial segregation."
It doesn't look like our views are so different does it?
I am not on this forum to bash AF, but I choose to focus on the positive connotations of "exotic" rather than the negative. I do not support objectification (more on this later). I am a strong proponent in promoting Asians and culture as well as bringing AA issues to the forefront. I am involved in multiple AA groups and not once have I ever had someone so grossly interpret what I've said. If you're interested, my post is still archived in "Earlier Comments." But if the only feeling you want is one of righteous indignation, then you can go ahead and continue to take my message out of context. I'm going to assume you're better than that.
I've told you what I agree with and stated my own opinion. But there's a certain extent to which a dialogue degenerates into an argument. If you want to discuss this further, take it off the forum. I'll leave my e-mail at the end of my message.
Second, to exotic my @$$
Words are free of connotation; it's the perspective you bring to it. Personally I agree that I don't find Asian women exotic, because I see them all the time and I'M Asian, so how could my own race be exotic?
Nevertheless, we have to look at context. To me, Asian culture is exotic--why? Because most of my exposure has been to European and American culture and language, not Asian. Now, I know a lot about my own culture, its language, and its subtleties, but to compare myself to an Asian living in Asia (though I have been there), I will concede, that I know next to nothing. Asians may make up the majority in the world, but not in this country.
There's a distinction between being seen as exotic, and being objectified. I'm sure you've heard that European women are considered exotic right? That's because they're strikingly different or mysterious to many Americans. I know, for instance, in France and Italy (both of which I've been to), the women enjoy being considered objects of desire. But there's a difference between admiring a woman in that way and being objectified, I agree. Just because someone says "exotic" does not mean that they're objectifying AF. Look at the context, what do they really mean? Are they really treating you like a piece of meat? Ok, then go ahead and get angry. If not, then you have the option of calming down and asking them why they said that, what did they mean?
And, to Hank
I agree. I've seen one too many posts bashing Caucasians, and I'm getting kind of sick of it. This is not about being a banana, or whatever some people might want to call me. This is about getting rid of racism against Asians not promoting racism against those who are not Asian!
"Most people who have achieved something on their own are either unconcerned with the achievements of others or are congratulatory of their achievements and show proper respect."
In my personal experience, I've found this to be true. I have yet to see a person who's secure of their own place in society, who finds it necessary to discriminate against others... The exception I gather, would be those who were taught since childhood to be racist against a particular group and weren't familiar with any other way of perceiving the world.
Lastly, I want to make a comment to a handful of people who wants the world to be colorblind
To minimize racial segregation and prejudice is our goal... isn't it--not to be completely unaware of race. That type of thing is not only impossible, but it also detracts from the richness that diversity brings. If someone has a racial -preference-, leave them alone. There's a difference between preferring a particular race's features or cultural attitude and being completely closed to other races.
Monday, December 09, 2002 at 13:18:07 (PST)
Asian Female:
I don't know what kind of White Males you hang around, but I do not find an accomplished, intelligent Asian Female in a position of Authority to be a "threat" any more than I would find any non-White person of comparable intelligence or authority.
There's nothing wrong with healthy competition nor is there anything wrong with someone else being very accomplished. How does that diminish my accomplishments any? Any person who would think like you described is a LOSER who's spending too much time comparing themselves to someone else instead of trying to achieve something for themselves. Most people who have achieved something on their own are either unconcerned with the achievements of others or are congratulatory of their achievements and show proper respect.
Stop generalizing about White Males already.
Hank Lewis
Monday, December 09, 2002 at 06:48:53 (PST)
the thing that irks me the most about wm talking about af is that they consider af "exotic". Exotic? is that supposed to be a compliment? what the hell do they mean "exotic"? Exotic is what you use to describe an object or a place. TAHITI is exotic. asians make up the majority of the worlds population. white people are the worlds minority. gad, if i hear one more person describe an af as "exotic", im just going to [bleep]...
exotic my @$$
Monday, December 09, 2002 at 00:40:03 (PST)
I'm sorry "Asian woman" but I was addressing an absurd statement to an individual who highlighted that being an sex object/fetish symbol as being actually good for Asian women because it puts them "on par with white women".
I certainly hope that you didn't read into my point about some ignornant white males as my support for their stereotype of Asian woman because it wasn't an endorsement for their views. Rather, it was a simple rebuttal to the individual who stated that being a sex object/fetish is good!!!!!!
By the way your point of "60% of Asian woman being dominant in engineering" means what exactly??????
Certainly, people especially ignorant ones pick and choose what they want to see....no arguments from me but how does this dismiss my premise about a negative stereotype and disillusional pride in being a sex object by the individual to whom I was addressing?????
Nevertheless, It's refreshing to read comments that are not obsessed with dating others based on race and not just mutally attraction. I think ultimately we're on the same page. Thanks for your rebuttal!!
One Love!!!!!!!
One Love
Friday, December 06, 2002 at 19:27:55 (PST)
"I lived in Korea for three years and let me tell you what numerous so called educated American, European men were telling me.....I'm not going to say but it was vile."
That is what they prefer to see. For instance over 60% of all engineering faculty members in the US who are women happen to be Asian. That is a stereotype white males do not want to see...because it reminds them of the Asian woman as a threat...it is always easier to forget about that issue when you focus on other stereotype..ie., sex objects.
Asian Female
Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 09:59:04 (PST)
blah..blah!!!!!! I haven't heard anyone say that they date someone dah because of pure and simple attraction......I keep hearing race!!!!! Soul-searching is needed!!!! Strange to witness and understand many of the postings!!!!!!!!
Bashing Asian women isn't cool!!!!!!! However one person's comment: "Personally, I don't see the depiction of Asian woman as exotic as necessarily detrimental. It allows for many Asian woan to compete on par with Caucasian women in a Causcasian society." Equal par on porn sites get real. The stereotype of Asian women as porno queens,all sex is growing steadily. I lived in Korea for three years and let me tell you what numerous so called educated American, European men were telling me.....I'm not going to say but it was vile. Love who you love but don't date/marry people based on their race that's degrading!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 23:11:21 (PST)
md man
Unless I'm missing something and I very well could be, I have NEVER heard of a purely Asian girl with blue eyes nor have I seen one. Doesn't exist does it? I've seen a couple that were half white and had blue eyes but never 100% Asian. I think you're going out on a limb here in trying to find that. Why don't you just date an Asian girl w/blue contact lenses? Seems a bit easier. Or does she have to be mixed with White for you to deem her as "ideal"? Sounds like you're on the verge of becoming a banana. Watch out. Also, have you given any consideration to dating women of other races? Believe it or not, they DO exist in this country! There are more women in this country other than AF and WF. Many more. And many have the blue eyes and black hair you are seeking...they don't have to be Asian or white. They could be Latin, Black, Indian, etc. I like these boards but it gets really old seeing everyone talking like there's no other races in this country other than white and Asian. You're comparing the majority to about the smallest minority. What about all those wonderful races in between? Unless you have some discriminatory biases against dating them.
What's up??
Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 00:06:50 (PST)
"It may be difficult given the society we live in..."
Depends on where you live. If you live in the east or the south or for that matter the midwest, Caucasian beauty dominates. In the west coast, particularly in California, you can get books with Asian American Princesses and Asian Pop Stars...
Another AM
Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 12:39:30 (PST)