f the outcome of the Cold War has shown one thing, it's that economic power begets military power -- and not vice versa.
Today American power is unrivaled, the product of three centuries of unbroken industrial and territorial expansion. A half century ago its sole Pacific rival was Japan, a nation that had begun building an industrial base a mere seven decades earlier. Today Japan is wealthy but stagnant and adrift, its spiritual and political back never having mended after having been shattered by World War II and subsequent occupation.
While not entirely writing off Japan's potential to pose new challenges, the U.S. has begun eyeing China as the next strategic rival.
Barely three decades after China began ditching its centralized command economy for the glories of capitalist wealth, most of its 1.25 billion citizens remain mired in an agrarian subsistence economy. But the 125 million Chinese participating in the industrial economy of the coastal regions have fueled China's drive for superpower status. By 2015 it will match the U.S. in GDP -- then double it by 2025. Militarily China has been a formidable land power since the Corean War. Now the Red Army is acquiring state-of-the-art warplanes, missiles and submarines. It has announced plans to send a man into space by 2005. China's overriding aim is to keep the Pacific from becoming an American pond.
Any shift in the Pacific power balance must also take into account the two Coreas, Taiwan and Russia. At any given time each of these nations are triangulating a course of maximum advantage with reference to the U.S., China and Japan. The precise posture these nations ultimately adopt may well tip the balance.
How will the Pacific power balance shift in the coming decades? What developments will pose the greatest threats to American power?
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Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:55 AM)
Many geopolitical analysts are in agreement that China will become the next superpower leading to the inevitable China vs. U.S.A. confrontation. There will come a day in which Chinese-Americans will have to make the painful decision on where their loyalty stand, with America or with China. Some say that day has already arrived given the increasing competition in all aspects of the relationships of these two diametrically opposing nations. Although the War Against Terrorism has provided a temporary diversion, such respite is all but over as 9/11 fades from our collective memory. There will come a day when all Chinese-Americans will suffer the wrath of hatred and abuses that is being inflicted upon Americans of Arab descent because of 9/11. Just as the Sikhs, the guys with turbans, have been mistaken for bin Laden’s fans, all other Americans of East Asian descent will suffer this wrath from their fellow Americans. A great injustice will befall us Asian-Americans, and to all American for that matter, and here is the reason why:
What most Americans do not know is that the China-USA confrontation is primarily a Chinese vs. Jewish confrontation for world domination, and that they are mere pawns. Historically, no other people have had such an impact on world civilization as these two ancient peoples. The Chinese throughout the ages are the inspiration and source of Eastern civilization, encompassing roughly two billion people. The Chinese, throughout world history, have enriched mankind by the production of desirable manufactured goods beginning with the finest silk, porcelain, tea, and now clothing, shoes, toys, electronic goods, and just about everything else. The Jews, through their Middle Eastern Abrahamic faith, is the inspiration for Judaism and Christianity, impacting much of European and Western civilization. From a recent article I read, 83% of Americans are Christian and 3% are Jewish. Almost half of Americans go to church once a week in spite of the fact that there is very little scientific evidence to support the truth of anything written in the Old Testament. For all of America’s technological sophistication, Americans have not embraced secularism to the extent that post-War Europeans have. Unfortunately, as noted by some commentators on this website, American Christians believe in the coming of the Tribulation and often refer to China as being in league with the Anti-Christ.
The term Judeo-Christian ethic has been coined in since the Holocaust to predicate the intimate relationship that the U.S. has with Israel. It is no secret that America’s foreign policy is essentially that of the Jewish lobbyist on Capitol Hill. That is what the Arabs have been complaining for decades and is the real reason for the 9/11 attacks. Thus, while the average Americans have no interest in subsidizing a desert nation in the Middle East, America does so anyway even if it exposes us to higher foreign debt, hostile terrorist attacks, political turmoil, and energy uncertainties. Thus while, the average Americans have no interest in seeing their manufacturing jobs moving to Asia resulting in unemployment and massive trade deficits, America do so anyway so that some wealthy capitalist can make big bucks in China. Meanwhile, Hollywood continues to make big money off blue-collar Americans who need to laugh off their misery by watching movies making fun of Asians. In the War on Terrorism, we should note that America is doing little about Irish terrorists, the Chechens terrorists who blow up Russians, or the Xinjiang separatists in China. India certainly feels a double standard when American cozy up with Pakistan in spite of that country’s known sponsorship of terrorists and lack of democracy. America’s War on Terrorism is essentially limited to nations that threaten Israel directly and through technological know-how such as North Korean missiles.
When it comes to making money or to academics, no other people rival the Chinese and the Jews. The Chinese have the highest spatial IQ of all people resulting in many perfect 800 scores on the Math portion of the SAT and multitudes of engineers, scientists and doctors. The Jews have the highest verbal IQ resulting in very high Verbal scores on the SAT and some of the smoothest lawyers and businessmen. In fact, the Chinese and the Jews populate the Ivy Leagues schools of the east and most of the best universities on the West Coast. Those Whites that we often refer to in the best universities of America are more often than not, Jews, and not WASP’s. Incidentally, because Jews are classified as Whites, the Jews while representing a mere 3% of the U.S. population have complete access to the unspoken 50-70% quota for the Whites in the best universities. Therefore, we never hear anything about overrepresentation of Jews in the best universities. In contrast, the Chinese get bashed for overrepresentation every time their number goes beyond 10% of a given student population at the best universities.
When we Asian Americans go on to be professionals, doctors and lawyers (as I am myself), we find ourselves in direct competition and sometimes professionally held back. We (as some of the comments in this website reveal) then wrongly blame it on White folks, but if we were to look a little deeper, you will likely find out it is a Jew who is giving us the pain. In fact, a good number of the partners in the biggest law firms are Jewish. The same can be said for most other industries. My two brothers and myself all work for Jews. The same can be said for anyone working in large firms and corporations.
Karl Marx predicted over a hundred years ago that the Jews would dominate America.
To sum up, the Jews through the media under the guise of human rights and democracy will cause the right-wing conservatives and the religious Christian zealots in America to hijack this technologically advanced jetliner filled with innocent Americans called America and to crash it into productive China. Incidentally, most of the hijackers in the 9/11 attacks did not even know the exact nature of the plan thinking that it was an ordinary hijacking. Likewise, most Americans will not know that their country is being misused as a missile to be rammed against any country that does not subscribe to the Israeli way. Even if America should be hit in retaliation, the rich capitalists, bin Laden-style, could afford to hide in the best bunkers or take refuge in a multitude of nations favorable to them. Why would the Jews to this to the Chinese or anyone else for that matter? Anyone conversant in history would know the reason why: greed. In fact, the Jews (the Sassoons and the Kadoories after they undercutted the Jardines) were responsible for the importation of half the opium to China in the 19th Century, even though they knew the deadly consequences of opium addiction.
There is still hope for America. Remember what happened to the fourth airliner that was heading for D.C. on 9/11/2001. The good and brave American passengers manpowered the hijackers and prevented a greater disaster. I want to believe that America is still a democracy and that the freedom we enjoy is real.
True Blue American Patriot
Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 20:48:17 (PST)
There has been a number of books telling of the coming glories of the Pacific Century. Not to mention the other side of the Pacific dominated the world's economy for several thousand years before. I think it will happen, economic power is going to shift some to Asia. The only thing we have to worry about it wars, and nuclear holocaust, and the apoclypse.
Asian History Buff
Monday, February 25, 2002 at 14:39:39 (PST)
Reality of survival of the fittest:
Most alleged "Christian" evangelistic TV in the US contains a ridiculous amount of biased propaganda supporting every United States military intervention overseas from Guatemala to Vietnam and constantly emphasizing US-Israeli friendship and supporting the status quo in the middle east (not just the Israel-Palestinian relations, but also our support of oppressive governments such as Saudi Arabia, which prohibited US army radio there from broadcasting Christmas music - so much for these alleged evangelists' devotion to Christianity.) There's a reason they're on at 4 in the morning after the Home Shopping Network stops broadcasting - they don't represent an opinion which can be taken seriously in policy formation.
T.H. Lien
Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 19:51:44 (PST)
"I am tired of watching Christian TV and endlessly seeing and hearing that China and the Islamic fundamentalist would be the enemies of Christ in Armageddon and other stuff like that..."
Actually anti-Christ is already here..they are knowns as Bob Jones of the Bob Jones University, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson...Actually, Pardon me, I am wrong...anti-Christ came when white southern slaveholders changed the story of the Tower of Babel and substituted racial instead of language differences. In reality, there are better Korean and Chinese Christians (particularly in Singapore) than white Christians here in the States.
"The way they put it sounds more like a race war."
Actually the KKK and others think the race war would be against Jews and blacks. Each to his own, I guess!!
Asian American Male
Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 12:49:20 (PST)