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f the outcome of the Cold War has shown one thing, it's that economic power begets military power -- and not vice versa.
     Today American power is unrivaled, the product of three centuries of unbroken industrial and territorial expansion. A half century ago its sole Pacific rival was Japan, a nation that had begun building an industrial base a mere seven decades earlier. Today Japan is wealthy but stagnant and adrift, its spiritual and political back never having mended after having been shattered by World War II and subsequent occupation.
     While not entirely writing off Japan's potential to pose new challenges, the U.S. has begun eyeing China as the next strategic rival.
     Barely three decades after China began ditching its centralized command economy for the glories of capitalist wealth, most of its 1.25 billion citizens remain mired in an agrarian subsistence economy. But the 125 million Chinese participating in the industrial economy of the coastal regions have fueled China's drive for superpower status. By 2015 it will match the U.S. in GDP -- then double it by 2025. Militarily China has been a formidable land power since the Corean War. Now the Red Army is acquiring state-of-the-art warplanes, missiles and submarines. It has announced plans to send a man into space by 2005. China's overriding aim is to keep the Pacific from becoming an American pond.
     Any shift in the Pacific power balance must also take into account the two Coreas, Taiwan and Russia. At any given time each of these nations are triangulating a course of maximum advantage with reference to the U.S., China and Japan. The precise posture these nations ultimately adopt may well tip the balance.
     How will the Pacific power balance shift in the coming decades? What developments will pose the greatest threats to American power?

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(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:55 AM)

To Tru-Blu American Patriot,

I think your greedy Jewish carpetbagging theory is a worn-out cliché and too stereotypical to explain why the Jews would want to confront the Chinese. How would Jewish greed lead the Jews to advocate the destruction of Asia? I don’t see the profit to be made, (apart from the armament business)?

I like Samuel Huntington’s “The Clash of Civilizations” as the better explanation for the coming world conflict. There, Huntington divides the world’s civilizations according to major religions. Of the nine types of religious civilization, he identifies just two as being capable of world domination: the Christian West and the Confucian/godless Sinic (Chinese). Huntington even states a year (2010) and equally specifically pits the U.S. against China. Given the difficulty the Judah-Christian nations are having with Islamic terrorists, Huntington’s thesis of the world’s civilization divided on religious types seems quite credible.

Therefore, the peaceful solution to the coming holocaust is to move civilizations closer by eliminating religious differences. I think the Jews hold the keys to moving this world closer to world peace. From a religious standpoint, Judaism is a cornerstone to three of the world’s faiths. Many Jews, especially the secular ones, know that there is little scientific or archeological evidence to support the events as written in the Torah a.k.a. Old Testament. Judaism, is not original, but is in fact plagiarism from many other older cultures. Judaism borrowed heavily from the religion Zoroasterism while the Jews were captives in Persia. Circumcision is a rite copied from the Egyptians who in turn copied it from the Nubians of Black Africa. In addition, the biblical story of the Great Flood is too much like the story told by the Sumerians in the Epic of Gilgamesh. The Jews could do humanity much good by coming out to the world clean through the mass media about the falsity of their religion Judaism.

Without Judaism and the Old Testament, Christianity would collapse upon itself. The world’s longest civil war, in Ireland, would then cease. The other Abrahamic faith, Islam, would then collapse upon itself, setting free another billion souls. Peace will descend upon the Middle East when the Jews return their false ‘promised land’ back to the Palestinians. Asia will no longer be demonized by the Judeo-Christian West to be in league with the Anti-Christ. The Jews would be able to re-enter the fold of humanity, instead of viewing everyone else as ‘them’ the Gentiles and subhumans to be exploited.

Christianity is the greatest fraud perpetrated against humanity and has led to the death of millions of pagan and Jews. The Asians will be the next victims. I find it a great paradox why the majority of my fellow Americans, the sons and daughters of freedom, are so willing to surrender their freedom and faith in democracy by dreaming and praying about being lifted into another world where they can worship a Jewish dictator called Jesus and be judged not by the goodness of their action (rule of law) but by their personal relationship to this dictator (rule of man); it boggles the mind. I say we should ship all American Christians to China so they can worship Jiang, be under the rule of man, and share everything communally!

   Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 23:48:27 (PST)
Interesting reports on each other's countries by China and the US. Just propaganda and exaggeration.

But could you talk crap about the government of China, while in China, without prosecution?
USA Is Not Perfect But My Place To Live
   Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 19:22:04 (PST)
To the editor:

Where do your economic figures come from? Specifically, how do you say China's GDP will match the US' in 2015, then double it in 2025?

Likewise, while China is (literally) "acquiring" (from Russia) modern weapons, that doesn't mean they will be able to use them effectively for decades.

While China is undoubtedly growing wealthier and therefore more powerful, you are a bit overly optimistic (hopeful?) in your projections.
   Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 17:52:07 (PST)
AC Dropout,

China has been publishing their own offical human rights violations of the US for many years. There are some truth to certain area in the report, such as police brutality, ingrained racial discrimation and imbalance between white and blacks inmates. There is nothing amusing about it. If you talk to other Europeans or British, most are not fond of this country.
   Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 12:11:51 (PST)
T.H. Lien,

HAHA.... Jews; Mah-jongg....HAHA Chinese; Bagels.

What's next....circumcised Chinese are actually Jews in disguise.

Only in America would someone try to relate Jews and Chinese.

It like the joke in NYC. What are the two questions Jews ask before buying a house in the city.

1) Is it walking distance to a place of worship?
2) Is walking distance to a Chinese Take-out?

AC Dropout
   Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 11:37:41 (PST)