Can China Avoid the Soviet Union's Fate?
Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:56 AM)
he People's Republic of China likes to compare itself with the United States. Both governments were forged to throw off the imperial yoke. Both are amalgams of many races and nationalities. Both are great continental powers capable of harnessing immense resources to promote national agendas around the world.
Beijing's bosses cite these parallels to justify China's ambition of returning Taiwan to the fold -- forcibly if necessary -- and violently suppressing movements for Tibetan independence, Moslem separatism and religious tolerance. The party line: "In a few decades we will be as prosperous, unified and democratic as you Americans."
Unfortunately, some observers see closer parallels to the former Soviet Union.
Founded in 1910 to free Russian peasants from oppressive landowners and a weak imperial government, the Soviet government quickly and ruthlessly expanded into a superpower that rivaled the United States in military might and reach. On top of nearly 300 million citizens of several dozen captive nationalities, the Soviet Union became the puppetmasters of virtually every Eastern European government. By 1989 it was buckling under the burden of superpower competition. In 1991 the communists lost power to the reformist Yeltsin. The Soviet Union broke apart into Russia and a dozen independent republics. Today Russia is a nation of 150 million struggling to build a capitalist economy from the rubble of the communist meltdown.
Among the Soviets' earliest converts were Mao Tsetung, Zhou Enlai and other young Chinese intellectuals who saw in communism salvation for the Chinese people from western imperialism and internal corruption. Mao's long struggle against Chiang Kaishek and the Kuomingtang would have ended disasterously without the support of dozens of ethnic minorities in northwestern China who believed his promise of ultimate political autonomy. Their help proved more valuable to Mao than the billions in American aid and direct military assistance to Chiang. By 1949 the Kuomingtang had fled to Taiwan and the PRC ruled the mainland.
Beijing's bosses have been as ruthless as the Soviets in consolidating territory and suppressing separatist movements. But they have been far more successful in creating a functioning economy. They began capitalist reforms in 1979. By 2001 China's economy had become free enough to enter the World Trade Organization. For the past two decades it has grown at an average annual rate of 9%. Few of China's 1.25 billion go hungry and about 125 million enjoy living standards comparable to Malaysia and the Philippines. By some measure China has just surpassed Japan in GDP and will surpass the U.S. by 2025.
But China's future as a united nation is far from assured.
Even assuming peaceful reunification with Taiwan and victory over Tibetan separatists, Beijing's leaders face some big hurdles. They must integrate a billion subsistence-level farmers and workers into the consumer economy of the east coast or face ethnic discontent on a scale that would dwarf America's racial strife of the 1960s. Yet burdening the developed regions could breed separatist sentiment in Guangdong, Fujien, Manchuria and other regions. Over 100 languages and dialects are spoken in China. Long-suppressed religious minorities are becoming better organized thanks to the internet and other communications technology.
Are China's prospects for staying united more like those of the U.S. or of the former Soviet Union?
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-Keep up the good work.------
I will keep up the good work, thanks for the encourgement.
pumkin pie
Friday, April 11, 2003 at 07:58:02 (PDT)
"Precisely. Do you think the US is going to just sit there and let China become powerful? We will do everything in our power to stay on top of the world, both economically and militarily"
Sometimes US's power is just not enough to contain China. If you really think about it, China is like the HULK right now, once the hulk breaks lose there is no stoping him. US will stay no more longer, and it's time to be Dethrone.
""we should never have set up diplomatic relations with China through Nixon""
You sound like a supremacist. Nixon is there because he is greedy, he has no intention of helping China and was only there for the money.
""I blame China's rise on these things:
-we should never have let China enter the UN or the WTO ""
You sound like a dumbass. NO body can help a country into the WTO. China join on it's free will, you think US invited China into the WTO, are you crazy.
If you don't want China in the UN, who you gonna let in the UN, African countries? Or what, all western country so you can have white supremist belief? Luckily not all whites believed like you. If they were, all blacks in america would have be dead and every country in the world would have been colonized.
pumkin pie
Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 23:03:41 (PDT)
Girl Supporting Nick
--I am saying not what I say to insult Chinese people but, to mock the government which I have had to deal in for years now. Thank you for your support of my comments.
I feel very sorry that Falun Gong practicers are kidnapped and killed by the PRC and not allowed fair/impartial treatment. I don't believe one word China says about FG because I have seen what they go through and I know PRC is Lying.
---You fail to recognize the admission of guilt. China tried to pass off SARS for what research believes was atually 5 months and not 2. The WHO has brought this up but China is so quick to shoot down their own guilt.
I am notsuprised one bit by te PRC's treatment of SARS. For instance, when I get on a plane and land in China, I get asked these few really stupid questions on their little purple customs slip:
Aids/Hiv - Infectious Skin ailments - Tuberculosis or MENTAL INSANITY.
To add to that, They didn't even bother to take the slip from me...
I swear to god. That is the most ridiculous, piss poor customs checking I have ever seen. I came out of China with over $10,000 wort of DVDs and audio equiptment and they didn't even bother to check me thoroughly. I was carying chemical samples and I didn't have to fill out a slip until I got to JAPAN which does a better job of customs checks. No wonder a single woman could infect so many travellers enroute to Canada.
China probably did exactly to SARS what they have been doing to GAN MAO
¸Ðð(Upper respiratory tract infection)
for the past 90 years. TREATING it with TEA and Soup.
Do you really think WE are better than the Chinese. Look at us, we are serial killer, unibomer and child molesters. Any way you should do what I do and help your friends like I did.
The White Boy
---Ok trailertrash...who is this WE? Not me. Only you and your filthy child molesting friend you told us about. I wouldn't mind introducing you to the hollow end of my SIG 550.
I may have sniper's tendencies but I am no Unibomber.
I've been complaining about the USA drop in status and economic conditions. And look a year later it has happened.
---Even if America experiences a drop in status (Im not quite sure what that is), it would still be far ahead of your poor PRC and far beyond Russia, the UK and virtually 100% of the rest of Earth. Cut your bull.
Don't worry even with SARS and what not the Chinese status is still above your Black A$$ in popular media.
Popular Media? What is that? You mean like your cheap 'wannabewhite' porn stars or your SARS inflicted Barbershops? Do you mean those boooooring TV shows on CCTV? Do you mean like those Hip Hop classes they teach in Chinese Colleges for kids who can't dance because the ratio of ass/body mass is insufficient? Im not certain what you mean. Try again.
Really your gf skin color like a plastic blow up doll. Now everything makes sense.
AC Dropout
----Insulting a Chinese girl? Youv'e sank to a new low. Anyway I was just eluding to the fact that she like my new favorite automobile share the same color. Yellow. Are you yellow ACD? Somehow I don't think so.
No human rights in China! --
There is, other-wise Yao Ming wouldn't be in Houston Rocket and making millions.
pumkin pie
Wait aminute? If Yao Ming is in America, then that means that something is wrong where he was origionally from! What could that be?
Maybe its the fact that Yao has to give China cuts of his Check in order to buy more red flags and cheap weapons. In this respect America is funding communism similar to Afghanistan and Palestine and Kuwait. Perhaps we should stop paying him and send him home broke so China isn't finally able to afford a brand new, OBSOLETE weapon.
Nicholi Servia PHD.
Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 20:19:44 (PDT)
Again, I still think u make a great spokesperson for the PRC's Tourism industry,----------
I think I make a great spokesperson for the PRC's tourism industry too. But is too bad that I don't speak Chinese.
and with the 2008 Olympics looming, maybe it's time for u to make ur mark. Tourism alone can boost China's economy to great heights. ---------
Your probably right and I am planning to going to China for the Olympic game, that would be my great vacation paradise.
pumkin pie
Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 17:51:26 (PDT)
I know --> This is me and I just wanted to point out to you why I Love China.
In the future I'm pretty sure more White people like myself will also love China and enjoy it's prosperity. They will have open eyes after 2008.
The White Man
Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 16:45:17 (PDT)
THE white BOY---
It's white man to you, Mr. How soon you just forgot that. You need to challenge your mind so at least you won't make that mistake again.
---You do not know enough about Falun Gong to say anything so I will not even reply to your foolishness.
Don't tell me what I know and don't know because you don't know one bit about me. I know FG better than you because I have Asian friends that tell me what FG is. Don't you think my friends would know it better than you?
#1 You haven't read the book---
I don't need to read books because I have first hand knowledge from my Chinese friends. Unlike you, you should read more books more often and enlightened yourself a little, cause FG is bad. Anyone who knows about it, knows it's bad. If you don't then you musta been part of it.
#2 You haven't attended meetings
#3 You have never attended a rally---
I don't becasue I not part of it and I know that it is not good stuff, like I said you should know better.
I am certain the Chinese jails aren't a comfortable as your trailer.-------
My trailer is more comfortable than your ghetto project.
I can see you on Springer.-----
Springer is a comedy show, it's not really fact that my people act that way. I shouldn't expect you to know that because you don't know anything.
The white man
Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 16:38:32 (PDT)
"...and go boff your scumbag friend so I can see you on Springer"
You watch Jerry Springer? Little wonder you are so clueless of the world. So what did Jerry tell you about China?
Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 13:01:10 (PDT)
I have heard they dismissed all the top brass from the SFPD. Look at their personal records, all have blemishes on them. Some were accused of having taken bribery and beat up civilians for parking violations in the past. With these crooks in charge, little wonder that their off-duty subordinates roughed up civilians over a bag of take-out fajitas.
Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 12:12:13 (PDT)
"In China mostly I saw Windstars and usually those vans were in the hands of dry cleaner owners."
Still the intransigent, igorant NS PHD in denial. I think the vans you saw are Transit, not Windstars. Next time you go to China, crawl out of the expat zones and see what the real China is like.
Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 12:07:15 (PDT)
Racial prejudice against Chinese has been a historical problem in Malaysia. Lazy Malays don't know how to run business and the economy is virtually run by Chinese in that country. They otherwise let HIV positive westerners into their country, because they have yellow uncle tom inferior complex.
AIDs did not cause downfall in the Europea and US.
Mad Cow disease did not cause downfall in the UK
West Nile did not cause downfall in the US.
Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 11:58:49 (PDT)
Really your gf skin color like a plastic blow up doll. Now everything makes sense.
--I think what he is saying is that his girlfriend is Chinese and therefore is yellow like his new car. LOL even though that was funny Nick, that was WRONG! :-)
Don't worry even with SARS and what not the Chinese status is still above your Black A$$ in popular media.
----That is stupid. Last I checked Basketball was number one sport, Rap and Hip Hop was the number one media. Koreans like Kat Kim and Chinese/ Japanese alike are trying to get into hiphop R&B failing miserably and Tiger Woods was dominating WASP owned golf. Sure I may be a Chinese but I still recognize talent when I see it.
Ur view has no logic...
-I was reading his posts and I agree with you LSD. I don't see logic there. Only misguided opiniions.
I've been complaining about the USA drop in status and economic conditions. And look a year later it has happened.
---Im not sure what your talking about. I like America a hell of alot better than China. And if America did drop in Social status or whatever, it is still in the #1 position because I can't name a single other place better. Who did America drop behind? Certainly not China. Even if America experiences a drop in status, hey we just kick Iraq's butt and the world knows America wins quickly when it fights. The whole world watches America on TV just slaughtering other countries. If America did lose status power who would know? Not Chinese. Not Europeans and not Russia. Therefore America is still #1.
Honestly ACD I think your talking smack and I don't believe you are a proffessional about this or anything else. What are your credentials anyway.
You just say ridiculous thing man.
SARS is China's undoing
Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 11:40:56 (PDT)
"#1 You haven't read the book
#2 You haven't attended meetings
#3 You have never attended a rally
#4 you have never attended the actual excersise demonstrations.
#5 you have never done good-will participation"
Crappers you are a FLG nut case. Okay did you ever get Edward Li autograph? How much did you pay for his personal seminars?
Do you have one of those ugly group shots under a big yellow ugly banners?
Does your gf practice FLG too? Don't tell me she introduced you to FLG....hahaha.
AC Dropout
Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 10:32:41 (PDT)
"#1 You haven't read the book
#2 You haven't attended meetings
#3 You have never attended a rally
#4 you have never attended the actual excersise demonstrations.
#5 you have never done good-will participation"
Crappers you are a FLG nut case. Okay did you ever get Edward Li autograph? How much did you pay for his personal seminars?
Do you have one of those ugly group shots under a big yellow ugly banners?
Does your gf practice FLG too? Don't tell me she introduced you to FLG....hahaha.
AC Dropout
Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 10:32:13 (PDT)
The last poster that challenged my logical analysis got homework. The post was a satirical reflection of your own nonsense.
How about I proposed that China might also rise to great height if the USA doesn't keep our act together and falls apart.
Like I keep mentioning my goals are very self serving not really aligned with any particular country. If I was in the travel industry I might put more weight in your advise.
AC Dropout
Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 10:22:55 (PDT)
SARS- China's downfall,
SARS to HK tourism is like 9/11 to NYC tourism. It will past.
As for you what we USA should not have done. I'm glad there were much smarter people in office running our country.
People like you would have just let the ressions of the 70's and 80's continue due to unneccessary pride.
Your probably one of those idiots that are so happy we just spent 75 billion dollars to go tearing down pictures and statues in a desert, while hundreds of thousands of red blooded American are losing their jobs and homes. Crap I should erect a statue on my front lawn and as the government for 1 billion dollars to tear it down.
Actually Nick, his gf, and you should go on Springer. It probably appeals your class of people.
AC Dropout
Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 10:16:52 (PDT)
Girl supporting Nick,
What really kinda of sad is that you would support such a character. You can definitely do better.
However, the mere fact that you are aware of the FLG plight in China, means that the PRC allow the public to know.
AC Dropout
Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 10:09:51 (PDT)
You really are an idiot who cannot speak Chinese. Look at your pronoucation mistake.
Is totally incorrect.
His name is "Zhang Guo Rong" in PRC romanizaton.
You type Chinese like a foriegner. Always inventing new methods to look foolish.
Hahah always falling back on Jo' Mama jokes when your in a jam. Here I will let have a taste of my wit.
No my mom doesn't work in a barbar shop. But I saw your mom on the corner the other day, like a crack ho'.
The proof for my FLG story, go to Department of Health in Jamaica, Queens and look up the case during fall of 2002.
Actually I can trace my roots 15 generations. But that only tells me what I am. It doens't tell me who I am. Unfortunately your identity crisis will probably never be resolved.
AC Dropout
Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 10:08:07 (PDT)
"Where did you hear this? When I was living in China I didn't hear stories of dead bodies and 200 kidnapping claims. All I heard was a little fuss about FG but nothing serious."
The Chinese government will never allow anything like that to get out into the public...
Kinda sad eh..?
Girl supporting Nick
Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 22:52:17 (PDT)
And while China is doing its best to cover up the disease, who has isolated the virus, and is working on a cure? You guessed it- American doctors.------
You are wrong buddy. It's not American doctors, it's WHO.
No human rights in China! --
There is, other-wise Yao Ming wouldn't be in Houston Rocket and making millions.
pumkin pie
Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 17:34:35 (PDT)
The only plausible conspiracy I can think of is the USA is unable to stop China's growth and cannot go to war with China. So it decides to use germ warfare.
First the USA tries their Postal Anthrax delivery system. Now the USA wants to try American Airlines SARS.
---Why search for a complex answer to a simple question?
Maybe SARS is just a result of China's filth and pestilence. I was born in GuangDong province and I personally know what it is like there. It does not suprise me that SARS started there.
If you want to look for an easy, ridiculous, in-plausable answer, just say tha t Falun Gong developed SARS.
SARS is China's undoing
Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 13:27:52 (PDT)
'The only plausible conspiracy I can think of is the USA is unable to stop China's growth and cannot go to war with China. So it decides to use germ warfare.'
Ur view has no logic...
So do u think SARs is an American fabrication of a Chinese originated disease?
If it is, it already backfired, since SARs has been threatening in the States.
I always have disagree with u regarding China. But I do agree that China has the POTENTIAL to be a mighty country, and surpass the US. This will only happen if the Chinese will get their act together.
Again, I still think u make a great spokesperson for the PRC's Tourism industry, and with the 2008 Olympics looming, maybe it's time for u to make ur mark. Tourism alone can boost China's economy to great heights.
Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 12:55:05 (PDT)
I think there are a lot of misconception about the SARS disease at this point.
The first misconception is that we know how this diseased developed or mutated. We really have know clue. Sure there was a test that showed the Disease was related to some farm animal disease. But it is not conclusive. Last week the news reported it was an STD, because they found chlamydia in a patients lungs. Let's wait till the researchers find something conclusive in the next couple of months.
The second misconception is that China News reporting was the cause of the disease. That I think is more western propoganda. Would the spread of the disease slowed down in a matter of 4 weeks due to newspapers? The first case was 4 months ago. Rarely do people know that it is an epidemic until the disease spreads, and fatality rates are calculated. So currently the fatality rate is about 3%.
Thirdly, this is an example of how China media has changed and their public policy to outside assistance. Sure there was some resistance in the beginning as China fell back on it old "admit nothing" strategy with the WHO. But look at it now. It's all over domestic and international news. Reform to the media is coming in China.
You are an idiot. It was the Japanese the pioneer composite material on cars.
What makes you think Chinese consumers in China wants an SUV. Japanese consumers don't want SUV in Japan. Korean consumers don't want SUV in Korea. Neither do HK and Taiwan market want SUV.
I've been complaining about the USA drop in status and economic conditions. And look a year later it has happened.
Don't worry even with SARS and what not the Chinese status is still above your Black A$$ in popular media.
Really your gf skin color like a plastic blow up doll. Now everything makes sense.
AC Dropout
Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 11:04:07 (PDT)
Even if SARS brings down the world's economy, the US can recover- we always do. East Asia can't recover nearly as quickly.
SARS- China's downfall ---
America will not recover as quickly as you may think. The reason being that America already has a declined in their growth of GDP. And if the SARs cases affect it's economy, it will be down even more.
If you didn't follow recent news, it reports that America is at it's highest job lost rate this week. I believed the numbers of jobs lost are in the hundreds of thousand.
I know
Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 10:33:44 (PDT)
SARS was passed from animals to humans in the GuangDong province merely due to a lack of proper sanitation.----
That is what scientist now believed but that may not necessarily be the case. Further investigation are being conducted as of now and more information will be revealed, until then we can not safely say it comes from animals. And some experts believed that it may not even originate from China.
Visits to China and obverstaions of Chinese people demonstrate a general lack of proper sanitation.-----
This is not facts that you have observe.
Not to be meant as slanderous, however, the biggest qualm against the Chinese from other Asians, and Non-Asians aside, is their poor sense of sanitation.-------
This is part of propaganda that people still have of China. But most people, including yourself didn't know that things has changed a lot and it's not as what people use to think.
I know
Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 09:58:30 (PDT)
America's main dirty deed is subterfuge. If certain large continents were to unite, not only would AMerica lose its grasp on the Earthly balance of power but, America might one day become a 2nd class nation. I guarrantee you, the day a single leader is able to unite these two countries is the day that China, America and Russia become totally F&%*%D!
--so what I made a little mistake. I wanted to type :" INTO TWO COUNTRIES". Besides it is not like you are a proffessional. You can't spell "lokk".
Nicholi Servia PHD
Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 09:46:24 (PDT)
SARS- China's downfall ---
Hey, no need to fear them Chinese SARS case. It will disappear before you can say "I do".
Some of my friends from PA are still there doing business with the Chinese, so it's no big deal.
The White Man
Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 09:40:33 (PDT)
DOE says: Dont try to cover up your mistakes, you will just lokk like a bigger fool, (as if that is possible)
----The word you are looking for is spelled L-O-O-K.
HUH?? A commie Chinese complaining about lack of human rights and free press??? Hey AC, you don't have to look no further than China itself. hehe!
Now I heard everything!!
No human rights in China!
---Thanks for shutting Hua Cao up!
-Keep up the good work.
In Chinese, Leslie is universally known by his Characters, not the romanizations. The romanization is only used to accomodate foriegners in Asia. Know your Chinese before you speak.
---Cantonese is poor Chinese according to my Chinese teachers. The actor's name in Mandarin was
I could type the characters but this computer doesn't have the character software unlike the one I left in my China apartment.
I know of two cases in NYC where practioners of FLG refuged treated for STD in Chinatown. When they die I doubt anyone is going to ask them in the West were they FLG members.
----That is a good attempt to save your argument. NOW I CHALLENG YOU to find me proof of that in writing because I know you are lying or heard the info from 3rd party. LIAR!
Just like the Maoist in China and USA are not killing people either. Do you know where is the only place on the planet where Maoist are killing people?
---YES ACD I know all about the Maoist rebels in NEPAL.
I can go to 90% of China and both men and woman will tell me USA was one of the invading countries in China that caused a lot of disruption and death in China. Using Open Door Policy and Religious Missionary as fronts in a failed attempt to colonize and divide China.
---Regardless what you say.
I guarrantee you that 90% of China is applying for US citizenship.
I can go to the USA and 90% of the Blacks don't even know where their homeland is, or who their ancestors were. And somehow the USA is an expert on human right?
----This is very interesting coming from a Taiwanese child who can only trace his roots back about 3 generations (or less) to a blur.I can go to 90% of Taiwanese buisnesses and get "special services". When your mother was working in that barbershp you told me about, exactly at what point did she decide she have enough of the difficult life and want to migrate to America to work in a NY
hair salon?The only problem then is whether or not I leave with SARS.
THE white BOY
---You do not know enough about Falun Gong to say anything so I will not even reply to your foolishness.
#1 You haven't read the book
#2 You haven't attended meetings
#3 You have never attended a rally
#4 you have never attended the actual excersise demonstrations.
#5 you have never done good-will participation
I was actually in Beijing and saw Chinese police arresting practicers.
I am certain the Chinese jails aren't a comfortable as your trailer.
Chinese hiring is not done solely on scores from tests.-----
You gotta be kidding me. You mean just like what my people did to your people with Affirmative Action.
"my people did to your people"?
You don't have the slightst clue who I am or what I am so do yourself a favor and go boff your scumbag friend so I can see you on Springer.
Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 09:39:28 (PDT)
And while China is doing its best to cover up the disease, who has isolated the virus, and is working on a cure? You guessed it- American doctors.----
Do you really think WE are better than the Chinese. Look at us, we are serial killer, unibomer and child molesters. Any way you should do what I do and help your friends like I did.
And if you didn't know, there is both Chinese and American doctors that is working on the cure. You really need to get real, as AC would say, "your ignorance is laughable".
The White Man
Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 09:22:46 (PDT)
"America is not going to sit back and let two new supercontinents form and challenge its supremacy; its going to do everthing it can in order to stop them catching up."
Precisely. Do you think the US is going to just sit there and let China become powerful? We will do everything in our power to stay on top of the world, both economically and militarily.
I blame China's rise on these things:
-we should never have set up diplomatic relations with China through Nixon
-we should never have let China enter the UN or the WTO
Meanwhile, there is a new outbreak of SARS cases in Hong Kong, with 48 new infections and 2 deaths. And the Chinese government says "There's nothing to fear, please come visit our country, there's no need to stop tourism plans". Please.
SARS- China's downfall
Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 09:17:14 (PDT)