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Can China Avoid the Soviet Union's Fate?
(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:56 AM)

he People's Republic of China likes to compare itself with the United States. Both governments were forged to throw off the imperial yoke. Both are amalgams of many races and nationalities. Both are great continental powers capable of harnessing immense resources to promote national agendas around the world.
     Beijing's bosses cite these parallels to justify China's ambition of returning Taiwan to the fold -- forcibly if necessary -- and violently suppressing movements for Tibetan independence, Moslem separatism and religious tolerance. The party line: "In a few decades we will be as prosperous, unified and democratic as you Americans."
     Unfortunately, some observers see closer parallels to the former Soviet Union.
     Founded in 1910 to free Russian peasants from oppressive landowners and a weak imperial government, the Soviet government quickly and ruthlessly expanded into a superpower that rivaled the United States in military might and reach. On top of nearly 300 million citizens of several dozen captive nationalities, the Soviet Union became the puppetmasters of virtually every Eastern European government. By 1989 it was buckling under the burden of superpower competition. In 1991 the communists lost power to the reformist Yeltsin. The Soviet Union broke apart into Russia and a dozen independent republics. Today Russia is a nation of 150 million struggling to build a capitalist economy from the rubble of the communist meltdown.
     Among the Soviets' earliest converts were Mao Tsetung, Zhou Enlai and other young Chinese intellectuals who saw in communism salvation for the Chinese people from western imperialism and internal corruption. Mao's long struggle against Chiang Kaishek and the Kuomingtang would have ended disasterously without the support of dozens of ethnic minorities in northwestern China who believed his promise of ultimate political autonomy. Their help proved more valuable to Mao than the billions in American aid and direct military assistance to Chiang. By 1949 the Kuomingtang had fled to Taiwan and the PRC ruled the mainland.
     Beijing's bosses have been as ruthless as the Soviets in consolidating territory and suppressing separatist movements. But they have been far more successful in creating a functioning economy. They began capitalist reforms in 1979. By 2001 China's economy had become free enough to enter the World Trade Organization. For the past two decades it has grown at an average annual rate of 9%. Few of China's 1.25 billion go hungry and about 125 million enjoy living standards comparable to Malaysia and the Philippines. By some measure China has just surpassed Japan in GDP and will surpass the U.S. by 2025.
     But China's future as a united nation is far from assured.
     Even assuming peaceful reunification with Taiwan and victory over Tibetan separatists, Beijing's leaders face some big hurdles. They must integrate a billion subsistence-level farmers and workers into the consumer economy of the east coast or face ethnic discontent on a scale that would dwarf America's racial strife of the 1960s. Yet burdening the developed regions could breed separatist sentiment in Guangdong, Fujien, Manchuria and other regions. Over 100 languages and dialects are spoken in China. Long-suppressed religious minorities are becoming better organized thanks to the internet and other communications technology.
     Are China's prospects for staying united more like those of the U.S. or of the former Soviet Union?

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The reason why FLG is being prosecuted in China, is because Master Li wants to overthrow the PRC government there. He want political power in China. He does not want political power in the USA. Remember FLG was a legal organization in China, until Master Li decided to organized an unlawful political demostration, which caused his whole cult to be banned in China.

In fact even Singapore is starting to arrest FLG cultist these days. They are not good people.

Read this website and you will see why FLG is a dangerous cult.

In fact Master Li is against you dating a Chinese girl. It is racially unpure for Chinese to mingle with other races in his opinion and as the doctrine of FLG teaches. A good FLG member would not even think about a dating a black person, but would think of ways to make that black person donate to their cause.

In fact China doens't care about the hundreds of other internal kung fu systems in China, because their leaders are not looking for political power outside of the established infrastructure in China.

Case in point that the FLG is a political movement, you mentioned that a little old lady handed you a pamphet about the FLG. Is that not the beginning of a grassroot political movement. Since FLG claims to be non-profit.

You are exalting FLG like an idiot thinking you have the magical concept to counter argue with.

It would be like me on a Chinese board stating how great the modern KKK are in the USA. Like notice there are no KKK members in China lynching people. Or why the USA unfairly target modern KKK members.

Get your facts straight you dummy.

Nick most likely is a
a) grade school dropout
b) junior high school dropout
c) high school dropout
d) walking example for birth control
AC Dropout
   Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 09:36:40 (PDT)    []
"You want to see America fall apart, so you can laugh? So you come to America, enjoy all of its freedoms and opportunities, and then just s**t all over it?..."

Stop lecturing us on how we should behave in this country. I met some British pompous asses that had lived in Hong Kong for over 10 yrs and still couldn't speak survival level of Chinese and always hanged out in their tiny insular expat community. They even ranted about how there should be seperate amenties for the Brits and the locals, and the top brass positions in the government should be served by Brits only.

Grow a spine, you yellow Uncle Tom.
   Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 09:36:08 (PDT)    []
Here is the rest of the news on the world's top three executioners:


Amnesty denounced the United States for executing three death row prisoners last year who were convicted for crimes committed when they were under age 18.

"It is a practice that violates international law...There are many, many juvenile offenders on death row," Huber said.

In total, 3,700 prisoners were under sentence of death in the United States as of January 2003, according to the report.

Huber added: "We know that there are many innocent people who are sentenced to death."

More than 100 death row inmates who proved their innocence have been released in the 30 years since U.S. Supreme Court (news - web sites) rulings led to resumption of executions, according to Amnesty.

Number 100 was Ray Krone, a former death row prisoner in Arizona, released almost exactly a year ago after DNA testing proved his innocence. He had been convicted by two juries for the murder of a barmaid at a bar where he played darts.

"I am one of the few fortunate ones who had a chance to prove their innocence. It took a lot of work, perseverance and money," he told reporters.

Krone, who spent more than 10 years in prison, including 32 months on death row, had previously served in the U.S. air force.

"I am not proud of our justice system. Nobody who has seen what I have seen or experienced what I have could ever support the death penalty," he said.

"I was naive, ignorant of how the system really worked. I believed that innocence was protection, that truth meant justice would be forthcoming," Krone said. "I am going to do everything that I can to expose the death penalty for what it really is -- a tool used by prosecutors and police to gain career advancement and to put politicians in office."

OK..NS PHD of Redneckville.

Take this simple test for me to re-certify your degree from University of South Dakota.

1) Why were there 3700 people sentenced to death in the US?

a) The concept of human rights exist on papers.
b) A fair trial is too costly.
c) It's less costly to kill them than keep them in jail for 30 some yrs.
d) All of the above

2) Why did US execute prisoners who were under 18 when the crimes were committed?

a) They are blacks/mexicans/american inidans/minorities.
b) It's less costly to kill them than keep them in prison for 30 some yrs.
c) Too much paper works to file to get them off the death rows.
d) All of the above.

3) How many others that aren't so fortunate like Ray Krone? and Why?

a) Many, according to Krone. Innocence is not sufficient to protect yourself in this country of freedom and liberty.
b) Apparently, the system is constructed to faciliate career advancement of police personnel and politicians. Serving justice is not the primary function.
c) We are duped to believe that justice will be served and the system will fight for the innocents.
d) Too costly to give these unfortunate retrials. The money is better spent on indulging the lobbyists who fight for special interests group in the congress.

4) Why did NS PHD of Redneckville truncate this part of the news from the post?

a) A reflection of how western media/some white males bias against China. White males go to China to make fast money, not interested in contributing to or learning the culture. They see things from their own pperspective only no matter how long they have stayed in the country.
b) It would make US looks as bad as China and he doesn't want to make US look bad.
c) That's how media works in the US, pushing double standards towards other countries, but we allow ourselves to bend rules.
d) All of the above.
FOP - US wanna execute NS
   Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 09:14:38 (PDT)    []
Hey NS PHD of Redneckville,

What's up with this selective posting crap? You should have posted the whole news on the world's top executioners. Hey, US makes the third. Wow...amazing, isn't it? I read that news. US also is the only country that executes people under 18. Where are our human rights for our juveniles?
FOP _ US wanna execute NS
   Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 08:45:48 (PDT)    []
Nick the FLG cult member,

Have you ever taken a college course work in the history of USA penitenary system. Then you know why we want to execute even more people and have over 10% of our population in the penitenary system. 10% of the population. That mean 1 out of every 10 Americans is in jail.

Trust me 10% of the Chinese population is not in jail. Also trust me when I say you feel a lot safer in the worst neighborhoods in China, than you would in America.

Also China has 6 times the population of that of the USA. Of course it is going to have more executions.

And don't forget our conservatives in office. They want more death sentences in the USA. Mostly they want it to kill black and minority immates. So it not me that wants you executed. It is the people in office. If you are a black male, statistically speaking you have 1 or more family members incarcerated in the USA.

Unlike you I've actually taken class without multiple choices exams. Go back and finish your collection of Where's Waldo books.

America may have done the R&D, but the Japanese have been credited with how to apply the R&D to become commercial successes. Keep whining, that's in the past. They were right and we were wrong.

Your imaginary gf wouldn't get near you FLG nutcase. You worshipper of Master Li and thinks aliens will wipe out the human race.
AC Dropout
   Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 08:12:28 (PDT)    []
Okay, you are just delusional. So what if China is a huge country with 1.2 billion people? More than 40% of them live in dire poverty. We've gone over this point before- size doesn't equate to strength.

The Goldsea written opening statement says that China has 1.25 Billion inhabitants while 125 million of them enjoy similar lives as those in Singapore and Malaysia.
That means that 1 125 000 000 are still poor compared to western countries.

No you moron, Yao Ming is in America because there is something wrong with the modern day Black athlete. They are all wannabe thug drug dealers, when they should be focusing on the the simple game of b-ball.

---No, I think Yao Ming is a SPY like most other Chin-Americans we keep hearing about.
Perhaps you have looked in the news and read about KATRINA LEUNG who sexed her way into a WASP's bed and tried to leak American secrets until they arrested her little ass.

It means dumbass that there is no such thing as Asian wannabe kungfu fighters in popular media, unlike the black counterpart. That even if we are portrayed negatively as organised criminal, we are not portray as common hoods like (i.e. hispanics and blacks) on tv. It means if a murder happens to a white person, chances are the police are looking for a black male and not an asian male. It means chances are, an asian in a luxury car is usually not suspected of car robbery or drug dealing.

---Perhaps you can explain the rise in the Heroin trade in China and South East Asia? Asians deal drugs just like every other race does. and as for wanna be kungfu fighting, your to busy trying to steal American secrets and learning how to drive. It is difficult to steal a car when you can't drive.
Asians are potryed just as bad in the media ACCORDING TO GOLDSEA's posters.
The Asian male is portrayed as the ANGRAY Asian American male who can't score with his own women because they are americanized andgo after Wasps or he is a kung fu star/ Yakuza member/ Triad member,mathematics wizard/nerdetc,etc. According to Goldsea the Asian Female is sexualized to the point of being considered less than a woman; a house slave. However, Ive been to Asia alot and Im not sure which of these steretypes isn't true.

I can see you disrespecting Yao Ming, could it be the fact that there are Chinese in the NBA? Well for you to know that this is just the beginning of the Chinese invasion of NBA. In two more years it will be twice and then three times as much. And the people who lives in the project will stay there.
pumkin pie

- At least we have houses. Or maybe youv'e never been to China before? All (regular) Chinese live in Apartments that are just as filthy or filthier than the American ones. Yao Ming is probably the product of stolen genteic material via ChinAmerican espionage. Trust me, the PRC isn't taking over anything here, except our cheap/unhealthy food industry.
China wants to Execute NS
   Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 07:02:07 (PDT)    []
...........The White Boy

I can see that you didn't take my advice and challenge your minds yet. Ohh..well, nobody cares.

--------- "You don't need to read books because your Chin friends told you..." Are you kidding me?

I'm Kidding you, how am I kidding you. Didn't i say that my friends and their family told me stories of how FG affecting their lives? I guessed you forgot that because you failed to follow my advice on challenging your mind.

----------Do you refuse to read because you are illiterate? If so I know people who can help you.

You're an idiot. I refuse to read because I have no interest in FG and am not APART OF IT. Do you get it. Like I said you should read more books more often since you seem to be so interested in it. know people that can help me? You must be joking,, First off, I don't need help and if i do. I wouldn't ask you, you AREN'T RELIABLE like my Chinese friends. Like i said before YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING.

------AC Dropout

Thanks for providing the articles. I really have no interest in them FG at all. I seem to trust my Chinese friends more in that they told me how bad FG was. And no doubt it is.

And this guy Nick, your are sure right about him. He is defintily part of it, other-wise he wouldn't mention FG so much. He told us about their rally, exercise and events. How pathetics is that, yup a 100% FG nutcase.

-------Right, so all white people are serial killers, unabombers or child molesters?

I am ashame to say this but Yes all white people are all of that, the only exception is me. You just don't have open eyes when you travel. Go out more often and you will see it clearly infront of your face.

-------- What's up with putting down your own people and being a white apologist?

The better question you should ask me is WHY DO I SELL MYSELF OUT. Just look up at the above paragraph at what you asked me.

-------- Whatever dude, grow a spine.

Grow a spine? I think you need to grow a Brain other-wise you will end up being a serial killer yourself.

-------- obviously you never passed the 8th grade-

Yup a lot of whites never passed 8th grade and it's not my fault. I did my job already, teach your kids to do theirs. And also teach them to enjoy China's prosperity and not to have hatred.
The White Man
   Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 06:55:14 (PDT)    []
""""""Actually, on this page, no one really makes factual comments.""""""

The only thing that is not factual is your made up, imaginary stories. It's all a bunch of non-sense.
pumkin pie
   Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 06:18:59 (PDT)    []
-"The top three executioner states were China -- with 1,060 executions in only one year -- Iran with 113 executions and the United States with 71 executions," she added. -------

BIG DEAL, if America was to execute all the blacks in jail and them drug dealers. Alone, we would have surpass the world as the number one executioner. You're just lucky the white are lenient on your ASS.

You want to see America fall apart, so you can laugh?------

Let me just answer this dumb question of yours. When did I ever say that I was going to laugh at america falling apart? I never say that or imply that. But i'm pretty sure the American Teliban will laugh and will do so PUBLICLY.

And why is everyone on this board so anti-America?------

Truthfully, we aren't anti-America. We are just anti-white and blacks who are the one's corrupting america. Example, we are anti-the American POT HEADS and DRUG-DEALERS roaming the street.
pumkin pie
   Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 01:10:06 (PDT)    []
""What part of you is Chinese. It is obvious you are culturally isolated from those who would actually be considered Chinese. Is you claim purely a phenotypical one. """

He is a wanna be Chinese, that is why he is here on this site. It is no wondering why his thought is always so confuse and don't know what in the world he is talking about.
pumkin pie
   Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 00:13:03 (PDT)    []
SARS--aka White Supremacist--

Okay, you are just delusional.------

Delusional..?? Are you kidding me? ."MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT", US will not and CAN NOT contain China. They had tried so many times and failed miserably. You think I'm joking, if you do then your a dumb ass. Go read more history books about china.

All your other message are garbage. You don't need to repeat them. That has nothing to do with my discussion and it's irrelevant.

""'if you love China so much, why don't you live there?"""

I don't think you know that loving a country or anything has no colors. Do you know that now?

why don't you live there?----

Why do you care where I lived and work. This is non- of your B's wax.

--enjoy all of its freedoms and opportunities,---

What freedom are you talking about? I live my Chinese lifestyle anywhere i'm in.

That is pathetic.---

The only thing pathetic is you. A guy who learns Chinese and has so much hatred for the culture and country. And you calling me pathetic? Think again, pal.

You should learn it like I did.----

I don't need to learn like you did cause I was born to know the language, Tu comprende?

From now on I will not reply to any of your comments. ----

You better not because then I will just shoot your ass down, tu comprende?
pumkin pie
   Monday, April 14, 2003 at 23:51:34 (PDT)    []