Asian Air 


(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 06:07:05 PM.)

e at GoldSea choose to honor the more natural rendering commonly used in the English-speaking world prior to the Japanese annexation and colonialization of Corea beginning in 1905.
     American and English books published during the latter half of the 19th century generally referred to the nation as "Corea" as recently as the years immediately preceding Japan's formal annexation of Corea in 1910. An 1851 map of East Asia by Englishman John Tallis labels the nation Corea. The same spelling is used in The Mongols, a 1908 history of the Mongol race by Jeremiah Curtin, the world's foremost Asia scholar of the day, as well as in several books by American missionaries published between 1887 and 1905.
     Japan's annexation of Corea didn't become formal until 1910, but for all practical purposes Japan had become the power that regulated Corea's relations with the outside world in 1897 when it defeated China in a war over Japan's ambition to exercise control over Corea. The only other power willing to contest Japan's supremacy in the Corean peninsula was Russia. When it was easily defeated by Japan at Port Arthur in 1905, the annexation of Corea became a fait accompli. Anxious to avoid a costly Pacific conflict, President Wilson ignored the pleas of a delegation of Corean patriots and their American missionary supporters and turned a blind eye to Japan's acts of formal annexation and colonization of Corea. During that period Japan mounted a campaign to push for the "Korea" useage by the American press. Why? For one of Japan's prospective colonies to precede its master in the alphabetical lineup of nations would be unseemly, Japanese imperialists decided.
     Japan's colonial rule over Corea ended on August 15, 1945 when it lost World War II. Now that Corea is eagerly shedding the last vestiges of the colonial period, even demolishing public buildings erected by the Japanese (for example, the monstrously immense colonial governor's mansion), forward-thinking Corean and Corean American journalists, intellectuals and scholars are urging the American media to revert to the original, more natural rendering of Corea.
    The changeover will pose a problem only in English-speaking nations as other western nations never accepted the "K" spelling. For example, France, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico, among many others, use the "C" rendering.
     English convention, too, is on the side of the Corea rendering. Non-European names are romanized with a "C" (Cambodia, Canada, cocoa, Comanche, Congo, and even old Canton, for example) except where the first letter is followed by an "e" or an "i", (as in Kenya). Other than that, the "K" spelling is used only in connoting childlike ignorance of spelling conventions ("Kitty Kat" and "Skool", for examples).
     Therefore, the American "K" spelling is

  1. offensive from a historical standpoint (remember "Peking" and "Canton"?);
  2. violates western rendering conventions;
  3. suggests a lack of sophistication toward Corea; and
  4. by connoting naiveté, imputes a lack of sophistication to Corea and its people.

     The Corea rendering will ultimately become universal when more Americans are educated as to the offensive and relatively recent origin of the "Korea" rendering. The English-speaking world was responsible for agreeing to Japanese efforts to change the spelling of Corea's name in English useage. Who better than concerned Asian Americans to help change it back?

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Asian-American History Educated:

I agree with moving on. If you keep on reminding yourself of the past...then you are in a sense still living it. That would just defeat the whole purpose of progress.
BJ Angelique    Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 21:56:09 (PDT)
Thank you for the clarification of "C" vs. "K." I heard about this through the grapevines over the years, but I neglected to pay attention. "Corea" it is. Thank you for the history lesson.

I disagree with Move On. Change starts with the simplest acts, believe it or not. It's a simple correction, firm, but poignant. Got me???
Asian-American History Educated    Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 02:42:57 (PDT)
Who cares about the phoneme "K" for "C". The fact remains that our (Korean) ancestors were faced with tremendous adversity when it comes to those ruthless Japanese of yesteryear. Let's face it.. I have spoken with many Korean elders who remember how treacherous the Japanese were. And it is typical that they would allow the change of spelling of Corea. As for you tyrants defending them... you are lame. Coreans are a resiliant people and never wished harm on any country. If you do your research you will find out that we never invaded any country. Just defended our land... our home.

Let's not forget that if things had gone as they wished we'd all be speaking freakin' Japanese and German right now. Gawd, what an awful thought.

Ultimate K    Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 11:22:51 (PST)
Every ethinic group on the face of the earth has at one time or another been the oppressed or the oppressor. Past sins should NEVER be forgotten, but they sure as hell won't be rectified on the basis of spelling! The Spaniards spent over 300 years destructing native Philippine culture while simultaneously shaping the Filipino people today. The Philippines also had it's share of Japanese imperial occupation during WWII. To hold a grudge against former oppressors is to deny progress and to dwell in history. You're reading WAY too deep into things when C vs K becomes a matter worth even debating.
Move On    Monday, March 18, 2002 at 22:27:04 (PST)
But, you should know better than that. Other western nations never accepted the K? Don't you even know that K stands for the phoneme [k] in all Germanic languages other than English and all Slavic languages?. For example, all Germanic languages other than English use the name 'Kanada' for Canada.
The reason why English use 'C' for the phoneme [k] is that it is very much influenced by Latin and French spelling conventions.
I don't think it's productive to make a fuss over this. The spelling is just a spelling. Talking about the Japanese' conspiracy is nothing more than an expression of inferiority complex or obsession.
Waga    Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 19:53:36 (PST)