Is the D.C.-Baltimore Area the Center of Asian American Conservatism?
he greater D.C. metro area (including Baltimore and Northeastern Virginia) is not only the seat of the national government but the center of the U.S. defense establishment. The contractors and the large intelligence agencies -- most of which are headquartered there -- are easily the biggest employers of the region's affluent science and engineering professionals. An estimated 22% of these technologists are drawn from the 400,000 AA who make up 8% of the region's 5 million residents. This heavy concentration in the defense sector makes the area's Asian Americans not only the nation's most affluent, but also the most politically and socially conservative.
Home of AA Conservatism?
The Asian influx into the D.C. area is largely a post-Vietnam
War phenomenon. The capitol's small but comely Chinatown on H Street between 6th and 8th boasts about 20 restaurants and a number of shops but they cater mostly to tourists and the lunch-hour crowd. Currently only about 1,000 Chinese live in Washington D.C. -- and that number has been shrinking steadily. Most live in the suburbs of northern Virginia (46,000) and southern Maryland (52,000). The D.C. area hosts only the 10th largest Chinese American population but a high percentage are degreed science and tech professionals with security clearances.
Similar credentials are found among the 110,000 Corean Americans who make up the area's largest Asian nationality. They enjoy access to 53 Corean restaurants, mostly in Annandale, Arlington, and in Aspen Hill in Maryland's Montgomery County. The vast majority of Coreans here are staunchly Republican -- not surprising since their fortunes turn on the dollars allocated to defense spending.
Vietnamese are another Republic-leaning Asian nationality with a heavy D.C.-area presence. Virginia is home to the nation's third largest Vietnamese population (40,000), mostly in the state's northeastern part. Less than half that number make their home in Maryland and D.C. combined. They do manage to support a nascent Little Saigon in Wheaton.
Indians, who received over half the H-1B visas issued to foreign tech workers beginning in 1992, have been drawn by the area's defense sector. In 2001 the 52,000 Indians living in Virginia surpassed Filipinos as that state's most numberous Asian nationality thanks to a 143% increase since 1990. An equally large number of Indians have immigrated to take advantage of Maryland's abundance of science and tech jobs.
Another good indicator of the D.C. area's political conservatism is the relative scarcity of Japanese Americans who have traditionally skewed strongly in favor of democrats. Neither Maryland nor Virginia ranks among states with the top 10 JA populations.
Is the D.C.-Baltimore area really the home of AA conservatism? Or have the more recent waves of young AA newcomers begun embracing the more liberal values of the Clinton era?
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Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:55 AM)
I see forms of hate but they are subtle, discreet, and covert. For example, at my gym (Lifetime Fitness), after 7 pm, I would say 50 percent of the dudes working out are Asian. Since it is an elite/upper echelon sorta gym, I feel that some people are beginning to hate and feel resentment towards us. Just because we make money and are enrolled in nice gyms and stuff you know... And I get dirty looks from white guys whenever they are with their girlfriends... I guess they feel insecure or something... It is not like I am trying to talk or make eye contact with their girls u know... Besides that, it is not all THAT bad.
Great Asian hangouts are places like Dream on Thursday nights and Glow (Insomnia) on Saturday nights. DJs are great and so forth. You can check out Cafe Noir and Reminisce in Annandale for tight coffee/drink hangout spots. They are Korean joints so they are sorta costly but very nicely decorated.
Norther VA area dude...
Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 09:30:34 (PDT)
I think the Washington Metro Area is getting more expensive by the day. Housing is so inflated especially in NOVA or Montgomery county, where plenty of asians lives. Asians who live in this area tends to have good jobs or wealthy in general even to get by. It's a great area to live if you have money. Otherwise, life can be quite mundane since there are crowds everywhere, and traffic can be horrendous especially crossing the Wilson bridge. Unless you live out in the boonies or Potomac, your townhouse neighbors aren't going to care to say hi to you. Also, the left side of the beltway is economically far better than the right side. And that's my take on it.
Proud Terp
Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 07:13:25 (PDT)
Hmmm, I don't know "Metropolitan". I see alot of affluent Asians in NOVA. Alot of affluent people in general. And not a whole lot of hate. There are so many different races here and even different ethnic Asians. I think people would be confused who to even hate.
Remember hate works both ways. I am Caucasian and have walked into the Eden Center market before and was left standing while other customers came in after me that were Asian were waited on while I was ignored. When my Chinese husband is with me, I am treated differently. They know they cannot treat me that way because he is Asian. I also know that I will get ripped off at alot of Asian stores in this area if he is not with me.
So I do not think there is a big conspiracy against Asians here or alot of hate. NOVA is quite a melting pot, and large quantitiy is Asian.
Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 05:17:51 (PDT)