Asian Air 


Is the D.C.-Baltimore Area the Center of Asian American Conservatism?

he greater D.C. metro area (including Baltimore and Northeastern Virginia) is not only the seat of the national government but the center of the U.S. defense establishment. The contractors and the large intelligence agencies -- most of which are headquartered there -- are easily the biggest employers of the region's affluent science and engineering professionals. An estimated 22% of these technologists are drawn from the 400,000 AA who make up 8% of the region's 5 million residents. This heavy concentration in the defense sector makes the area's Asian Americans not only the nation's most affluent, but also the most politically and socially conservative.
Mall Sunrise
Home of AA Conservatism?

     The Asian influx into the D.C. area is largely a post-Vietnam War phenomenon. The capitol's small but comely Chinatown on H Street between 6th and 8th boasts about 20 restaurants and a number of shops but they cater mostly to tourists and the lunch-hour crowd. Currently only about 1,000 Chinese live in Washington D.C. -- and that number has been shrinking steadily. Most live in the suburbs of northern Virginia (46,000) and southern Maryland (52,000). The D.C. area hosts only the 10th largest Chinese American population but a high percentage are degreed science and tech professionals with security clearances.
     Similar credentials are found among the 110,000 Corean Americans who make up the area's largest Asian nationality. They enjoy access to 53 Corean restaurants, mostly in Annandale, Arlington, and in Aspen Hill in Maryland's Montgomery County. The vast majority of Coreans here are staunchly Republican -- not surprising since their fortunes turn on the dollars allocated to defense spending.
     Vietnamese are another Republic-leaning Asian nationality with a heavy D.C.-area presence. Virginia is home to the nation's third largest Vietnamese population (40,000), mostly in the state's northeastern part. Less than half that number make their home in Maryland and D.C. combined. They do manage to support a nascent Little Saigon in Wheaton.
     Indians, who received over half the H-1B visas issued to foreign tech workers beginning in 1992, have been drawn by the area's defense sector. In 2001 the 52,000 Indians living in Virginia surpassed Filipinos as that state's most numberous Asian nationality thanks to a 143% increase since 1990. An equally large number of Indians have immigrated to take advantage of Maryland's abundance of science and tech jobs.
     Another good indicator of the D.C. area's political conservatism is the relative scarcity of Japanese Americans who have traditionally skewed strongly in favor of democrats. Neither Maryland nor Virginia ranks among states with the top 10 JA populations.
     Is the D.C.-Baltimore area really the home of AA conservatism? Or have the more recent waves of young AA newcomers begun embracing the more liberal values of the Clinton era?

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(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:55 AM)

okay there is so much to say to you, Metropoliton Aware.
First, you are correct, I am Caucasian, and no, I do not know, nor ever have professed that I know what it is like to be Asian or how it feels like to be Asian and have prejudice against you. So your hatred is misdirected at me by putting those words in my mouth.
Secondly, it is not "blowing smoke" by saying that from my Asian family and friends, that they have told me that yes, they have experienced some prejudice their entire lives, not only from whites, but other nationalities as well here, and some Asians . Yet, they still maintain that DC/NOVA is also a place more tolerant, full of more opportunity and a place they feel comfortable.
Your question about what the "grasp on language' has to do with anything. Let me explain please. Our friend Kam came from Asia , does not have as you put it, a "good grasp" on English, nor is a citizen yet. He is very poor, works very hard in construction, lives with two other family members. He has started taking English classes and has since started working for a bigger company making bigger wages, has bought a new truck, and has raised his standard of living.
Poverty has everything to do with standard of living no matter what your race, contrary to your belief. Who is going to command more influence or power or respect in this society? Someone that has money, someone that has a voice that is understood, and someone that dresses well and has an education?
Or a poor person working hard for less than minimun wages that cannot communicate well. I may not feel this way, but many others do, especially in the DC/NOVA area.

You have experienced very bad prejudice from your description, and I will never be able to stand in your shoes and say I know what it is like. That is why I asked you in my last email to explain.
But hating white people and making them all in one lump of evil is very wrong. And reverse racism is also a problem too.
Sorry you have a problem with people of other races that want to be educated about prejudice. I know I care or I would not be here. And my Asian husband is not a "shield". I am not completely sure what you mean by that. If anything, he exposes me to many things Asian because of his race and culture. Being that our son is part Asian, these things affect me and will affect me my entire life. Do not be fooled. As my husband and I discussed before, if we ever had an encounter with a white supremist, I would not be spared because I was white. Don't be fooled. I would be more hated than my husband, because I am married , and by my choice, to an Asian and have an Asian child. If you want more education on this, the internet and library is full of literature about and from these hate groups. It helps to know how they think so we can diffuse or avoid interactions with people that think this way.

But what are you imposing by your opinion and saying? That my husband should tell our son that his mother and all white people are evil and prejudice and he should hate me? Is that a good way to fight prejudice? That all white people in NOVA automatically hate you and you should never believe anything they say ?
And are you saying that my experience with Asian prejudice did not hurt me as much as your prejudice with white people hurt you? How can you determine how deeply something hurts you? I also have heard racial slurs, giggles, seen the scowl of elderly Asian people and their disapproving looks. I have heard red-necks yell chink lover at me. I am not denying that NOVA has no prejudices. I was merely stating that my Asian friends and family have said that it is a place where they are not the minority and feel safe and comfortable here. I am sorry you may think that is nothing and it hurts any less.
I also think that your ethnocentric attitude and hate towards white people shows through just as much as your hate toward inter-racial unions do. It seems that you implied this very loudly with your statement" Don't use your Asian bouyfriend as a shield, that's getting kind of old, in NOVA."
I guess the diversity of inter-racial marriages here must be something that is getting old here for you. Maybe you have so much hate inside because of the prejudices you encountered, that you cannot also see the good in this area. That not all white people hate Asians, although some do, and yes, we find love between these two races and cultures also, being that there are many Asian/White unions here.
I am glad you are expressing these things, and I asked you to please educate me on your experiences, but I also asked what we can do about prejudices here. And I said "We". Meaning both of our races. I am realistic, as I know that one of the worst hate groups, The World Alliance is headquartered in Herndon. Do you not think that I also have to be aware of this too?
To Man of Lsa(Mancha). The $800 apartment was a promotion in Centreville, which is actually a very nice place to live, and housing prices to buy there is incredibly high. We live in Loudon County now, and were lucky to buy a house before the prices went very high late last year.
As for you asking me to elaborate on the Eden Center prejudice a little more. I feel the discomfort whenever I go there. Doors are slammed in my face, people just walk by and push you out of the way, and you will be ignored before an Asian cumstomer. And this is from my experience only. Perhaps others have experienced differently. And my experience is different when my husband is with me. I am treated politely and no different than he is. I am unsure what the reason is. I am consistantly polite, hold doors for people etc. I still go,and not let the prejudice attitudes hold me back. There is a Chinese restaurant there that we are regulars at.
We love Annandale. I agree totally that it is a more welcoming place. Yes, the bakeries and barbques are wonderful, and I have not experienced any prejudice there. There are many mixed couples in Annandale.

   Monday, June 03, 2002 at 05:42:02 (PDT)
Metropolitan Aware:

I am darker than you. I am from South Asia..southern part of South Asia.

"To state that NOVA is more tolerant and racially diverse than other places in the U.S. is like saying Asians are killed off more slowly in NOVA than other places, which still wouldn't be true."

Definitely better than Texas, but not better than California or Hawaii.

"Hard to believe you say? They pointed to our skin and told us that we were yellow and the word "chink" was for yellow people and the word "nigg@@" was for black people, and how I shouln'd be angry at people shouting out the word, "nigg@@" openly in school, since it did not apply to chinks... and the principle agreed. I didn't even have the right, according to them, to become angry when White kids shouted the word, "chink," to my face, which was often the case, since, according to the teacher and principle, it was true, pointing at my eyes. I became immediately aware of the socialization efforts of Whites to undermine capable Asians and other minority members. The level of the conversation was beneath me, although I was just a child."

Happened to my sister and more recently happened to the daughters of my colleague (who is also from South Asia). They live in Germantown, MD. However, the kids did not hear it. Two blacks heard it and beat up the white kids who used that word.

"The police preyed upon young Asians, stopping them, without reason, trying to issue reckless driving tickets, to give these Asians a "record" of some sort, to rob them of their futures. If these Asians fought it, "they" oftern blamed it on "miscommunication" resulting from a "poor command of English" on the part of Asians in question."

I have heard of the phenomenon of Asian men DWWW in NOVA., ie, Asian men driving with white women on their side who were stopped and harassed by the police, but I have not seen one yet. May be a hangover from the anti-miscegnation days of Jim Crow. After all forty years ago, it was a crime in Virginia for a non-white person to marry white. Ever heard of the Loving case?

"I lived through seeing Governor Allen, who is popular in NOVA,"

He got 60% of white votes. Most of his popularity was from downstate because he robbed the rich Asians and whites from NOVA to subsidize the lazy whites in Southern Virginia such as Danville and Spottsylvania.

"The experiences I've had as I became an affuluent Asian in NOVA are mind boggling. The anti-Asian hate will not go away. These teachers, and the students they have taught are still there, and those students are adults now, occupying positions in government agencies, religious organizations, corporations, and etc. You ask for the location of the "Old Guard," well, they are everywhere, since I grew up with them, and yes, they are still the same. They haven't changed a bit, and they are breeding, and I see their racist kids displaying all the familiar behaviors when they think we are not watching."

Actually if you look at the statistics, most of the bigots are fleeing from Asians to places such as Leesburg and Fredericksburg. Several Asian colleagues of mine just bought their houses in Great Falls and several whites moved farther away in response! They do not want their sons talking to their Asian neighbor's daughters.

"Support Democrats and non-conservatives to open doors for Asians."

Would you help the Democrats defeat Connie Morella in the Maryland eighth district which borders DC? Morella claims that she is really not a Republican, but her presence in the GOP only helps rednecks and racists who you are railing against. A vote for Morella is a vote for Tom Delay, Tom Tancredo, JoAnn Davis (Virginia First District) and Virgil Goode (Virginia Fifth District Congressman who is very Anti-Asian, although he helps in the robbery of rich Asians of Northern Virginia to support lazy whites in his southern Virginia district). By the way Tancredo is a Colorado Congressman from a 95% white district who has frequently implied that Asian Americans are not really Americans (I mean implied, not a specific statement) and who wants to stop immigration and even tried to close the borders after 9/11

"Stay Asian, and raise Asians who will remain Asians for generations to come in NOVA. Effect change, and don't ever fall for smoke like the smoke Hannybunbun is blowing in your face, because without the proper perspective, you will often fall for their smiling faces and the slippery slope and red herring statments they spit out."

Let us not get personal here. Hannybunun is not trying to blow any smoke on anyone's face. If you make a point that whites have to become minority in the US, I agree. My experience in Arlington indicates that with whites as minority (and no one as a majority) things have dramatically improved.

"And who's trying to entrap and attract good Asians by claiming that Washington, D.C. is an Asian-friendly town? These Asians have no idea as to what is going to hit them and their children. Oh, get involved in public/private school organizations. And lastly, watch out... because, eventually, anti-Asian hate will hit you in NOVA like a mack truck."

May be you need to move to Arlington, Va...perhaps by Columbia Pike. I dont know what you are talking about here. Actually, I rarely ever see whites in this area. I dont even see any whites these days (and when I see them, they are foreigners from Eastern Europe working for their embassies), let alone letting them hit me with anti-Asian hate like a mack truck. My experience in NOVA is that when your number grows whites neighbors move out, especially those with sons who may eye Asian girls next door (and have their progenies contaminated with non-white blood). I say good riddance!

Not just Black and White!

You mean black or African-American influence in DC?

South Asian resident of Arlington, VA
   Sunday, June 02, 2002 at 14:46:36 (PDT)