Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:55 AM)
okes about cats and dogs aside, we Asian Americans ourselves assume that our diets differ significantly from those of non-Asian Americans. After all, many of us were introduced to Asian cuisines as kids and generally have more opportunities to enjoy them as adults.
At a minimum most people, including many Asian Americans, assume that we eat a lot more rice and vegetables and a lot less meat and dairy products. We also suspect that AA indulge more frequently in Asian staples like ramen, pho, kimchi, tofu and stir-fried vegetables. In fact, our generally leaner builds are often attributed to our "Asian" diets.
But in recent years we've seen growing numbers of Asian American kids take on the same proportions as many of their non-Asian counterparts. We casually attribute it to an "American" diet. But are our diets really giving way to the standard meat-and-potatoes fare or are we just eating more generous portions of the same Asian dishes? Or maybe we've developed a rich hybrid diet containing redundant portions, like those Hawaiian plate lunches that come with both rice and macaroni salad.
Here's a chance to open our kitchens, brownbags and dinner tables. Maybe it will help us shake off those nasty jokes.
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This is the first time I have ever commented on anything on this site.
I think it is a false assumption that the only food Asians eat is rice and veggie.
If anyone has been to Chinatown, have you seen the Asian markets. Much of it is not really healthy: roast pork, roast duck, all types of deep fried foods, and look at the dim sum. Most Asian Americans diet isn't as healthy as other think.
We are brought up by our parents to eat. I bet every reader here have heard the saying "Have you eaten yet?" every time you go to your parent's house or auntie's house.
So don't blame the American diet for our waist lines look at our own foods.
Lastly, dog meat is pretty lean, I had it this past year when I visited my parent's village. And it was yummy.
Friday, March 21, 2003 at 20:04:49 (PST)
Bearing in mind that we are genetically derived from our ancestors of China, they all lived off low fat foods like vegetables, rice etc. So our physiological make up has a direct result of their diet, what impact does that have on our bodily functioning if we adopt western diets especially modern diets of fast food? Is it a wise choice for us as a race to break the pattern of food choice for reasons of our health?
amateur doctor
Thursday, March 20, 2003 at 04:50:15 (PST)
1. Actually, I've noticed that many bodybuilders have normal to high voices, which would tend to indicate a normal to low test level. Could be due to bodyfat % that is too low or overstressing of the body - causing hormone suppression.
2. There are no health benefits to having a extremely ripped low (under 6%) bodyfat. In fact, it's UNhealthy. That's a totally cosmetic pursuit similar to anorexia.
3. I guess moderate targeted weight-lifting is ok.
4. Or people perceiving that you're overcompensating for an inner sense of insecurity.
5. Perfect health may require some iron, but internally, not externally.
6. Pumping iron changes your facial structure? Uh, is your name Joe Weider and where's your ad at the end of this post?
Dear Joe,
Friday, February 28, 2003 at 15:59:42 (PST)
Good Morning!,
Many women have different kind of taste. Some want their men with bulging muscles, like in the film Pumping Iron. Some want their men with slim body types, like people who fight in weight classes.
Depending on the goal of the individual they should tailor their excercise routine to that goal. Whether it be dropping weight or bulking up. In reality exercise is like food, best done in moderation. Taking any physical activity to the extreme, leads to injuries.
AC Dropout
Friday, February 28, 2003 at 11:39:50 (PST)
Going somewhat off topic...
Lifting weights productively, aside from "swelling" the muscles, have the following effects:
1. greater natural testosterone and growth hormone production... a naturally higher sense of health and well-being throughout the day... other effects such as stronger tendons, ligaments, and bones (assuming you work out safely)
2. increased muscle mass boosts the metabolism and burns more Calories passively, which aids in the control of bodyweight
3. greater functional strength as one ages, assuming a continuing weight-lifting regimen (a moderate or humble one will do)
4. subjectively, a greater sense of self-confidence and, potentially, of self-esteem due to change in body image and others' perception of it... one might note an increasing amount of respect from one's fellow men and of admiration from some women
5. as an interrelated effect, being more conscious of one's health and diet
6. one may notice other changes in one's body besides the swelling of muscles, such as a change in overall facial structure (in an appealingly more masculine way)
...and more!
There are of course some cons, but as with all risky ventures, one can hedge against them. For instance, increasing muscle mass puts additional strain on the heart and cardiovascular system; to address this, one makes sure to do some cardio on a consistent basis. In fact, the net effect is a significant improvement of the cardiovascular system.
Following a regimen of lifting weights does not mean one has to do so to extremes, and certainly one should have no fear of suddenly becoming a freakishly huge monster overnight. The motive may be getting bigger, looking better, improving one's general health as part of a larger exercise regimen, socializing in the gym, losing weight, or whatever. But let's face it, most young guys do it to get bigger and look good (especially to appeal to women).
Personally, I know that after years of lifting (I also used to run and do other sports), I am very happy with my results as listed above.
Good Morning!
Friday, February 28, 2003 at 00:07:27 (PST)
To "Good Morning",
Sound advice. I wish more Asian men would follow that routine.
Viet guy in Houston
Tuesday, February 25, 2003 at 20:01:31 (PST)
That's fine, but who said anything about wanting to swell your muscles up? For the record, I'm more interested in health than bodybuilding, which can be at odds in some areas.
And that still has nothing to do about the possible side-effects of soy.
Dear soy industry rep,
Tuesday, February 25, 2003 at 10:27:54 (PST)
Look... instead of worrying about soy and tea and company... do this if you are a guy and want to be big:
1. eat a lot...that's at least 20 Calories per pound of bodyweight...try to eat relatively healthy...since you are also working out, you should be having at the very minimum 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, and preferably two...don't be afraid of fat, especially healthy fats (do the research)...spread the food and protein throughout the day (say, 5-6 smaller meals per day instead of 2-3... or 2-3 meals plus 3-4 meals that include a protein drink)
2. work out with weights...do the research and learn how to work out properly...work out your legs and back as much as your chest/arms...focus on lifting continually heavier weights...don't work out for too long (an hour is a good limit)--lift INTENSELY and with good form...don't overtrain: for most guys, 3 times a week is good (say, separate days for chest/tris, back/bis, and legs), assuming quality workouts...be consistent, get your workouts in week in and week out
3. try to sleep 8-10 hours per night if you can
4. don't do too much cardio of any form, especially if you are ectomorphic, as many Asians are
5. supplement if you can...protein powder, creatine, and vitamins are good enough...the most important thing is eating a lot and getting enough protein
The most egregious error I see in guys trying to work out at the gym is LACK of INTENSITY and FOCUS. Second is LACK of PROPER lifting technique. And I guess if I followed them around all day, I would see that they don't EAT ENOUGH, also. Drives me crazy!!!
Good Morning!
Monday, February 24, 2003 at 17:04:00 (PST)
Look, I'm not talking about additives or pesticides, soy milk ITSELF inherently contains bioactive phytoestrogens people. And I also just read an article that says tea leaves also contain phytoestrogens. So, have Azns unwittingly been doping themselves with a double-shot of estrogenic compounds everyday for milleniums?
Now granted, these plants may also have some other beneficial health effects, but people should just be aware of ALL the effects so they can make an informed decision.
Soy-it duz da woman good
Friday, February 21, 2003 at 06:19:23 (PST)