Asian Air 


(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:55 AM)

sian American women are abandoning AA men by the millions. Young AA women seek out any race of men but their own. Women like Amy Tan write books and make movies that dump on AA men and glorify Asian women in relationships with white men.
     That's the perception of many AA men.
     On what do they blame this state of affairs? Brainwashing by media that play up white men while cutting Asian men off at the knees. Desire for payback by AA women who feel slighted by their families and Asian society. Large numbers of non-Asian men with blind fetishes for Asian women. Some even acknowledge that Asian men are often too fixed in their ideas of how a woman should look and behave, causing many AF to feel devalued.

     Other Asian Americans see AF outmarriage rates as merely a natural state of affairs for a 4% minority population that includes many recent immigrants. The outmarriage gender gap will narrow as growing Asian population centers provide ready access to bigger pools of singles. Besides outmarriage isn't the same as rejecting one's racial identity, they argue. Many AF who outmarry retain strong identification with their Asian identity.
     Is there really an Asian American gender divide? Is so, what's behind it? If not, what's behind the perception?

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personally to me, white guys have better personalities and they are less immature and childish and they know how to treat women so i mostly like them better.
   Monday, October 07, 2002 at 16:54:10 (PDT)    []
I equate starting a new life with having a better chance of being financially well/better off.

Japan, Taiwan and Corea have lots of guys who make way more money than the average roughneck in the army. You saying these women who mary to get away can't find anyone who makes more loot than G.I. Joe? I think they put emphasis the value of assets that money CAN'T buy.

Why don't the warbrides stay home, their standard of living in these 3 countries will more than likely be the same. Yet they still take off.
   Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 08:31:35 (PDT)    []
"but I can see how this negative attitude would turn off a woman of any race"

Only if you're an asian man... But toss in positive attitudes in there as well. Apparently the phrase doesn't apply to those who are not.

AM's have nothing to lose either way. Also, it's nice to see people coming to this board blaming asian men for their gender divide or claiming it doesn't exist. I'd say it's a cheesy attempt at curbing rightful anger. And another insult to injury to be put in the bank, and cashed out with interest.
kimchi d'evil
   Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 19:48:25 (PDT)    []
B.Lee posted:

"Anyway, there is a brighter side (I don't know why some AMs are so negative - but I can see how this negative attitude would turn off a woman of any race). "
I agree with you. No woman (white, asian...) would find a man like that attractive. Also I think the' sellout' phenomenon might be blown out of proportion sometimes...
   Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 01:29:37 (PDT)    []
B. Lee:

"The fact is, over 200,000 Asian military brides married to white (and some black) Americans have entered the country since WWII up until now."

That's a very important thing to remember about the Asian Gender Divide. Consider many Asian women married to white and black men are foreign born Asian women who come here to start a new life with their American born husbands.

I think as Asian guys take this into consideration it become less an issue of Asian women prefering non-Asian men.
Geoff DB    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 21:58:53 (PDT)    []

About "South Asians" (Indian, Pakistanis, etc..) being included in the Asian category. According to the 2000 census, "Asians" make up 4 percent of the American population. Among that Asian group, about 20% is composed of South Asians. The other 80% refers to the East and Southeast Asians we are refering to. Therefore, when mentioning Asians, I think using 3% of the American population figure is more accurate; that is, East/SE Asians make up 3% of the American population.

Whoever said the military and mail order Asian brides factor has an insignificant factor on Asian IR rates is dreaming. The fact is, over 200,000 Asian military brides married to white (and some black) Americans have entered the country since WWII up until now. Also, over 3000 Asian mail order brides enter the country every year (almost all married to WM husbands/buyers), and this industry has been going on for decades. These two factors have an insignificant effect on America as a whole (with a population of 280 million), but in the Asian population that only makes up 3% of America, it will be well noticed. Especially when only a minority (15 to 25 percent) of Asians outmarry, the Asian bride imports will significantly affect the WM/AF:AM/WF ratio.

Anyway, there is a brighter side (I don't know why some AMs are so negative - but I can see how this negative attitude would turn off a woman of any race). With Asians making up 3% of America, if just a little less than 1 percent (I'm estimating 0.8%) of all non-Asian women marries an AM, then outmarrige rates of AM and AF would be equalized and there would be no gender divide.
B. Lee
   Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 21:57:03 (PDT)    []
kimchi devil and brother man,

Both of you are right. The census never takes into account interracial couples who are dating, living together without marriage or those who are divorced or has biracial children without marriage.

I know the disparity through my eyes. It is much larger than just 7%. I see it.

Also, I don't even know if the census included East Indians and Middle Easterners among Asians. Both these groups do not have a disparity in intermarriages. If more than anything, their men mostly dates outside.

Filipinos also tell me that if they were taken out of the Asian grouping, these intermarriages would widen the gap for East Asians.

Either way we see it, it is a grave situation for us AMs.

Anyways, for me, 7% shortage for AM bachelors is already quite a big number.

It is very telling that we do need to open our horizons. It is not so hard to cuddle up and talk with a Latina or white girl.
all over the world
   Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 18:55:15 (PDT)    []
all over the world,

"Considering that California's atmosphere is more open to Asians and more Asian men intermarry in this state than others, there is still a 7.1% gap. Asian men get the shortest end of the stick. Very likely, that is probably the same number of Asian men who will not or cannot find a lover unless he finds it outside the race."

and "I have loved the beauty of Latina and Arab women all my life. Now, with this new insight and the numerical realities, I can try and bring that dream or fetish into reality.":

By your Californian "just for fun" attitude you're causing an even bigger gender divide than the altready existing one. If you are a "wife giver, not a wife taker" --accept it and don't flee into the world of fun. REPRODUCTION is for successful people. So if you want to have Asian children with an Asian wife in America you will have to WORK for it.
rare stuff
   Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 15:31:28 (PDT)    []
all over the world,

And also, I might add... Those figures may in fact be skewed even more if south asians (arabs, persians, etc.) are included in the figures. The inclusion of south asians would make (what we would otherwise assume east asian) female outmarriage rates lower than actual and male outmarriage rate higher than actual. This is on top of what I mentioned earlier and including factors which b. lee and others may have mentioned. Whether or not south asians are included in the stats does makes a BIG difference, trust me.

So don't get your hopes up too much, it's kinda bleak. But on a lighter note, americanized asians appear much better off than foreign born ones, for what it's worth.
kimchi devil
   Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 12:36:43 (PDT)    []
all over the world,

"As of now, 7.1% more Asian women intermarry compared to Asian men."

You're assuming the number of marriage-age Asian men and women are equal, when you mention there is a wife shortage for Asian men. However, the reality is that there are Asian women being imported into the U.S.A., thus creating more AFs per AM.

The AF imports already married to WMs are from:

1) U.S. military servicemen marrying Asian brides while stationed in Asia.
2) Asian mail order brides.

The AF imports entering the U.S.A. and further increasing the number of AFs per AM are from:

3) Greater number of Asian girl over boy adoptees (over a 2:1 AF:AM ratio).
4) Greater number of female over male migrant workers from the Philipines (about a 2:1 AF:AM ratio). Fact: the Philipines provides the second greatest number of migrant workers in the U.S.A, behind Mexico.

So the Asian wife shortage isn't as bad as it seems. You are correct that all Asian males shouldn't limit themselves to just 3% of the American population when seeking dates, but please don't bash on all Asian women in the process, either.
B. Lee
   Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 19:18:57 (PDT)    []
all over the world,

Those figures are mild and watered-down from what I know. It's actually worse than you think.

They compare the percentage of married asian women to married asian men. Ignoring the fact that there is undoubtedly more single asian men out there. Oh, and BTW black women are the largest group of singles in the US... with a shortages of dates and marriages.

It also ignores interracial cohabitation rates, which for black men is about THREE times greater than the black men in interracial marriages. Same goes for asian women, but a bit lower (duh, we can't exceed 100% :-).

Anyways, it's just another statistical scam to make the picture alot prettier than it actually is. YES, that's it! It appears the message is... "there's nothing to see here people, ignore reality and grow old before you can actually do anything about it."

Wouldn't want asian men to start lynching scavengers, now would we? HAHAHAHAHA. Hmmmm, on second thought...
kimchi d'evil
   Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 17:18:32 (PDT)    []
"Considering that California's atmosphere is more open to Asians and more Asian men intermarry in this state than others, there is still a 7.1% gap. Asian men get the shortest end of the stick"
All Over The World, I really hate to be so negative but if we take a look at AF/WM cohabitation then we get an even bleaker picture. I won't even breathe a word about AFs dating out. Not married or living with WMs but dating white as a preference. Then the numbers can get a little on the staggering side.

"So can you stop squirming out of telling me which one is your problem statement so I can address the chance you’re granting me?"

I meant that I'm going over the bridge to check on the sightings that you say you observed re AM/WF.

"I know one Asian guy who was bothered by this gender divide for so long that the couple of Asian American girls he dated did not last long. There was just so much bottled-up anger and insecurities he had held inside of him for too long."

Jeff, I've also heard of such things where the AM would be afraid of AFs. Some AMs find that AFs cannot be trusted and are flaky in a way. They find that some of AFs have no allegiances or loyalties to their brother men. Rightly or wrongly this is a fear that more than a few AM have. That AFs aren't aware or could care less about our struggle.
Brother Man
   Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 13:38:41 (PDT)    []
"Very likely, that is probably the same number of Asian men who will not or cannot find a lover unless he finds it outside the race."

Did you mean INSIDE the race?
   Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 11:00:37 (PDT)    []
thank you very much for your brilliant explanation. I can see clearly now. AF and everyone else are actually misguided.

I also understand more clearly why asian women date men outside of their race. Given a choice between you and other intelligent men of other races there's no question that she'd make a wiser choice by simply ingoring your fine-tune minute BS.

You stated your case very well but you don't gain many AF love interests I gather.

You have a nice day.
Political Observer
   Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 10:55:36 (PDT)    []
All over the world wrote:
"Considering that California's atmosphere is more open to Asians and more Asian men intermarry in this state than others, there is still a 7.1% gap. Asian men get the shortest end of the stick. Very likely, that is probably the same number of Asian men who will not or cannot find a lover unless he finds it outside the race.

I cannot even imagine how it is for Asian men and the dating situation in the other non-CA states?"
Actually in Texas, I actually see more AM/WFs than AF/WMs. Too tell you the truth I actually see a bigger gap (more AF/WM than AM/WF) in California than other places.
Deng Ai
   Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 10:31:28 (PDT)    []
Honestly, I would never, ever, ever, ever consider any Af a second-class citizen. Period.
   Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 10:09:53 (PDT)    []