y FOBs we mean anyone who has ever been called an FOB. -- "fresh-off-the-boat", anyone not born here. In other words, half the AA population. Even the 2 million AA who immigrated as kids and speak English like -- or in some cases, better than -- native-born Americans rarely escape the sting of being dismissed by American-Born Asians (ABAs) based on real or imagined differences.
The stereotype of the hopeless FOB who just doesn't get American culture is all too familiar. But intra-Asian prejudice is a two-way street.
No less insulting are the images held by FOBs. ABAs are the descendants of the lowliest of peasants forced to flee their homelands to become indentured servants, sniff some FOBs. Born and bred to accept second-class status in a white society, sneer others. Slackers who don't know the meaning of ambition and sacrifice -- and who lack the guts to do anything about it in any case.
FOBs run the socio-economic gamut. A significant minority (perhaps a tenth) are highly successful trans-Pacific business families seeking a safe haven for their fortunes. The vast majority are engineers, scientists, physicians and academics braving the uncertainties of new lives for a chance to work hard for more money and better opportunities. A few are refugees and illegals risking their lives to escape hopeless, grinding poverty.
It's safe to say few FOBs feel in any respect disadvantaged relative to American-born Asians. In fact, given a dozen years most do as well or better than ABAs financially, if not socially. They can be excused, then, for harboring some less-than-flattering assessments of ABAs. By the same token, in their struggle to acculturate, FOBs often come to appreciate the trails blazed by the ABS, or at least, by their ancestors.
Assuming you're FOB or straddling the FOB-ABA fence, what's your image of ABAs? Let's hear the good as well as the bad.
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Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:55 AM)
This forum is about Fobs' perceptions of AA's.
What's up with this Hakka, Hoklo and Cantonese discussion?
Let me say that all Southern Chinese groups are people who originated from the Tang Dynasty. It doesn't matter whether you're Cantonese or Hakka or Hokkien, or even Shanghainese, we hail from the same ancestors and dynasty. If you look at most Southern Chinese, they all share similar physical features (this is true for all Chinese). What divides us are our mentalities, but other than that, we have a common history!
So stop this trash talk about which group is superior! This is the 21st century and no one gives a $#%ck about what Chinese group you belong to or have ties with. To the eyes of non Chinese or non Asians, we are all Asians or foreigners.
On the issue of Cantonese contributions to the US.....
Besides the lopsided view that Cantonese only worked on railroad tracks, many Cantonese fought hard with Blacks during the civil rights movement. Along with Japanese Americans, Chinese Americans help pushed for rights for Blacks, Asians and other minorities. To say Asian Americans have made very little impact on the US by building railroad tracks or who were interned during World War 2 in the case of Japanese Americans, shows ignorance, and is a total disgrace to the Asian Americans of the past who fought hard for the rights of future generations to come. Many AAs today have no idea of the intense racism faced by the earlier generations, and their strong efforts to fight for equality.
It's a shame
Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 19:34:46 (PST)
Rock, Hapa,
Gary Locke is not a 1st gen Asian American. Besides, Seattle and Washington State aren't important or major areas of commerce or culture. I don't discount Gary nor Washington State, but that area isn't a major area of development (proof: Boeing left and Microsoft will soon)
In NYC, the Cantonese have been here for quite sometime, they are the dominant group as well. Every freaking year the same old Cantonese politicians come out running for office, and rant the same old rhetoric, and never make it. On the other hand, the Taiwanese community have someone elected already. Is there something wrong? You bet!
I don't resent the successes of the Cantonese, but what I dislike is their "constant old school mentality". The Cantonese have done their part in building up the Chinatowns and the Chinese community in this country but somehow, they think that adding the "icing on the cake" isn't appropriate (let the more recent Chinese groups improve and build upon what they left off), instead they b*tch about the newer Chinese taking over.
No, Cathay Bank was never used by my parents.
AC Dropout,
This allow cheaper chinese PC clones to permeate the USA market. Without that Microsoft would not dominate and USA successful entry in the service economy would be non-existant
This is full of BS, in fact MS had to investigate the counterfeit practices of Chinese Market year after year. These ppl churn out fake software which harms MS in the Asian Market. Btw, fake pc clones use fake MS applications and operating system programs, any Chinese in Chinatown will tell you that!
Think unlicensed goods are beneficial? Think again my friend! All the fake crap that comes out of China are made by prison/slave and exploitated labor. They hurt legit businesses and ruin the lives of innocent ppl. They don't boost the sense of morale and professionalism in the global business world.
Even though no business schools will admit it, there are benefits to soceity with unlicense goods. Such as afforable goods, and no cost market penetration. How? If so, wouldn't a socialistic system of distributing free goods be a better way?
Chinese Take out - Without this little invention Blacks and Jews would have starved to death in the USA a long time ago. And there no extra duck sauce or MSG in this statement.
Here are more colorful spins to prove your statement is just out of pure pettiness!
Ok, without the Whites, many Asians here wouldn't be making a good salary in the USA, how about that? Mind you and your whatever business that you are currently running!
Without the Mexicans and the recent Chinese, we wouldn't be working comfortably while these immigrant do all the sh*t work.
Without the 24 hr Middle Eastern owned convienient stores, ppl would starve to death in the middle of the night!! Tell that to Osama Bin Laden, and perhaps he wouldn't try to hurt us anymore.
Cut the fat crap!
Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 11:58:19 (PST)