y FOBs we mean anyone who has ever been called an FOB. -- "fresh-off-the-boat", anyone not born here. In other words, half the AA population. Even the 2 million AA who immigrated as kids and speak English like -- or in some cases, better than -- native-born Americans rarely escape the sting of being dismissed by American-Born Asians (ABAs) based on real or imagined differences.
The stereotype of the hopeless FOB who just doesn't get American culture is all too familiar. But intra-Asian prejudice is a two-way street.
No less insulting are the images held by FOBs. ABAs are the descendants of the lowliest of peasants forced to flee their homelands to become indentured servants, sniff some FOBs. Born and bred to accept second-class status in a white society, sneer others. Slackers who don't know the meaning of ambition and sacrifice -- and who lack the guts to do anything about it in any case.
FOBs run the socio-economic gamut. A significant minority (perhaps a tenth) are highly successful trans-Pacific business families seeking a safe haven for their fortunes. The vast majority are engineers, scientists, physicians and academics braving the uncertainties of new lives for a chance to work hard for more money and better opportunities. A few are refugees and illegals risking their lives to escape hopeless, grinding poverty.
It's safe to say few FOBs feel in any respect disadvantaged relative to American-born Asians. In fact, given a dozen years most do as well or better than ABAs financially, if not socially. They can be excused, then, for harboring some less-than-flattering assessments of ABAs. By the same token, in their struggle to acculturate, FOBs often come to appreciate the trails blazed by the ABS, or at least, by their ancestors.
Assuming you're FOB or straddling the FOB-ABA fence, what's your image of ABAs? Let's hear the good as well as the bad.
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Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:55 AM)
"Besides, Seattle and Washington State aren't important or major areas of commerce or culture."
Not true. It is a vibrant multicultural town in a mostly white state.
"I don't discount Gary nor Washington State, but that area isn't a major area of development (proof: Boeing left and Microsoft will soon)."
Due to a white watch dealer by the name of Tim Eyman and the bunch of ignorant whites who follow him and his ilk, not just Microsoft, Starbucks and Nordstrom may leave town as well.
"Ok, without the Whites, many Asians here wouldn't be making a good salary in the USA, how about that? Mind you and your whatever business that you are currently running!"
Without Asian immigrants computer and IT firms would have moved abroad unemploying a lot of whites in their wake. It is happening in Germany which would not allow Asian immigrants..so German firms move operations to the US and UK resulting in higher unemployment.
"Without the Mexicans and the recent Chinese, we wouldn't be working comfortably while these immigrant do all the sh*t work."
Asian American Male
Monday, April 01, 2002 at 14:20:16 (PST)
"Many AAs today have no idea of the intense racism faced by the earlier generations, and their strong efforts to fight for equality."
It is a shame:
I completely agree with you. Most AAs not only have any idea of racism faced by earlier generations, but some of them such as Yeh Ling-Ling who herself is an immigrant is herself a racist. Look at the racist garbage this sell out white washed AF wrote in the Atlanta Journal Constitution on March 28, 2002:
"If the United States continues to grow as it did in the 1990s, people of Mexican origin will be the majority within the lifetimes of today's children. In 1997, then-Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo affirmed in Chicago that "the Mexican nation extends beyond its territory enclosed by its borders and that Mexican migrants are an important, very important part of it." Do Mexican and other Americans wish the United States to become another Mexico or part of the Mexican nation?"
Actually her group is full of white washed sell out Asians who want to continue the white majority rule which has give minorities nothing but misery both here and abroad.
Asian American Male
Monday, April 01, 2002 at 14:13:05 (PST)
T.H. Lien,
Since you are on the island right now. What the situation with the illegal mainland immigrants. Are they deporting to the 4/1/02 deadline they set a couple of weeks ago.
That should give some insight to the board on Chinese division.
AC Dropout
Monday, April 01, 2002 at 13:43:19 (PST)
cut the fat crap
In a 160 years taiwanese will have this old school mentality.
Monday, April 01, 2002 at 11:51:57 (PST)
Cut the fat crap!,
Your reading comprehension skills need improving. I was referring to the CPU unit and the OEM parts coming out of asia for affordable PC. With affordable PC allows Microsoft to dominate the OS market. Microsoft never went after the PC "clone" market. Since for obvious reasons they benefitted from it. You will have to read up more on how Apple and IBM failed at this market, before you will be able to handle a discourse with me on PC clones in the 80's.
Look before I have to tear you apart, because it it becoming clearly obvious, although somewhat intelligent. You don't have the breadth of knowledge continue this discourse. I would recommend you read up on "immigration wave theory" to see the difference between Cantonese immigrants and Taiwanese immigrants.
Yes there is the germ of truth that the immigrants that arrived 2 weeks ago look down on immigrants that arrived 1 week ago. And those that arrived 3 months ago think their all full of it.
However, there is also the germ of truth the after generations of living the good life, whites have become complacent in their status. Hence, asian will just out compete them at their own game. This is reflected in Japanese Cars in USA market, Chinese compurter manufactures in the USA market, and not to mention over reprensation in USA college campuses.
But if given a racial or class divide to view society. It is alway more relevent to consider class. Hence, individually I have been able climb my way up the social economy ladder in the USA. It has become painfully obvious that only 3 percent of my consumer needs are done by asian. The other 97 percent of my needs are service by non-asian, with what people of my status refer to as "f--- you money."
So who is that pick up my garbage? yup whitey. So who is that fighting my legal battles? yup whitey with a beanie cap. So who getting my kids their happy meals? whitey again.
Examine the social economic background of those asian that live in Chinatown, Mahatten and those that live in Flushing, Queens. The rest is elementary analysis. Remember if you are rich cantonese that moved out of NYC, well you political power just evaporated as you removed yourself from your possible constituents.
AC Dropout
Monday, April 01, 2002 at 10:09:52 (PST)