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(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:55 AM)

rouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, with its modest budget and phenomenal legs, was the past year's most profitable Hollywood release. It showcased the talents of multiple-Oscal-winning director Ang Lee and charismatic Hong Kong action star Chow Yun-Fat who had also co-starred in the lavish Anna and the King. Action director John Woo has helmed a half-dozen big-budget movies emblazoned with Hollywood's brightest names. Jackie Chan and Jet Li have each starred in a couple of Hollywood vehicles. The past five years has seen a virtual tidal wave of Asian talent washing into Hollywood.
     But some Asian Americans question whether the individual contributions of imported Asian talent, no matter how visible, have really changed the way Asians are portrayed by Hollywood and the way we are seen on Main Street. Others do see a shift, albeit subtle, and expect more to come.
     How do you see the effect that imported Asian talent has had on the images we Asian Americans must live with day in and day out?

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"Only Chow Yun Fat has come to USA because of his non-martial art ability. I don't see how he can improve AA image. I mean his first break in the USA was "The Killer." How is that good for the AA image. That we are all assassins that do bad with good underlying motives."

The Killer is great for Chinese image. It shows the world that Chinese guys aren't wimps, and people shouldn't F*** with us.
Toi San Jai    Sunday, December 30, 2001 at 13:38:03 (PST)
The fact is Akash that this movie was already filmed before the Sept. 11 attack. The movie will show no Malays of Pakis. Hence the fact remains that there has been an anti-Muslim sentiment in this country for a long long time. So much so that they will change the face of recent historic fact to downplay the slight possibility of showing a Muslim in a heroic light.
Black Hawk Downs ommision is not reflective of the current state of politics, it is one more installation in a chain of anti-Muslim rhetoric in America. Beyond that America is not at war with Pakistan or Malaysia. They are our allies and Malaysians aren't even all Muslim. But just the idea of showing a Muslim as anything other then a villain is just too much for America to deal with. How sad indeed.
Seaman    Wednesday, December 19, 2001 at 10:14:10 (PST)
I like em hong Kong comedies or the action movies about the future that use special effects instead of short kung fu people.

The special effects are actually pretty good.The people starring in them are very modern Hong Kong and are very tall and beautiful.The comedies are also very funny like dummy mommy without a baby and la brassiere.
If USA just stopped liking em kung fu people...sheesh
SAMMI CHENG all the way
BooChi    Tuesday, December 18, 2001 at 17:58:33 (PST)
If it is true that Pakis/Malaysians played an important role, it must be told. However after 9-11 I doubt it will be so. It would be great if they show it in movie though I have my misgivings. There is a strong anti Islamic undercurrent in America at this moment inspite of all pretense that war is not against Muslims. Who says life is fair!!
Akash    Monday, November 19, 2001 at 12:07:00 (PST)
Hollywood changing its tack on its portrayal of Arabs?? When did this occur? I Must have been out.
What I'm really curious to see is how they will incorporate the UNISOM Pakistani mech. platoon and Malaysians in the new movie Black Hawk Down. During that terrible incident in Somalia, It was a Pakistani armored column that drew fire from the Somali rebels in a pitched gun battle for 6 hours while American UNITAF forces using Malaysian UNISOM APC's rescued thier pinned down men. Infact the U.S. convoy left behind over 2 dozen men and even though the Pakis only agreed (even though they were not mandated to help) to draw fire and protect the convoy (a heroic act in itself)they decided to stay underfire to evacuate the other 24 U.S. soldiers left behind. To do so they had to open their doors and make themselves vulnerable to enemy fire for half an hour and waited for stragglers for another half. Infact one wounded U.S. soldier was crawling towards the Paki tank was carried by a Paki soldier, who took shrapnel in the face during the attempt, and managed to save him. The Pakistanis and Malaysians saved over 80 U.S. soldiers that day and over two dozen of them directly by Muslim Pakis. It was a Pakistani/Malaysian medical team that first treated our soldiers in the safety of thier UNISOM compound.
But do you think they will show this in the movie? Do you think they will stick to historic fact as stated by the writer Mark Bowden one of the surivors? Do you think they will show a Muslim (Pakistani or Malaysian)in a heroic light on the silver screen even though they were truely heros on that day in real life? Do you think Hollywood will find a way to twist the truth in its telling to rob the evil Mohammadens of any credit or pay homage to true heros and allies? DO you think they will manage to f**k up historic fact? How can I have any faith that someday they will include Asians or Muslims in positive roles of fiction when they can so easily twist non-fiction? Do you think that anything less then the telling of the truth is an insult to the memory of the men who fell that day? Is it an insult to edit out the soldiers who risked their lives because they happen to be the wrong color or religion to be palatable to U.S audiences?? I said it once and I'll say it again...F*** Hollywood!!!!!!
Seaman    Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 22:18:28 (PST)
Perhaps AA actors would be more popular if they played roles other than the same old maritial arts crap or the "we're victims" type of broken record movies. How about a story about an AA and a WA as friends living the american dream without a hint their race? Too much to hope for?
Get over it!    Monday, November 12, 2001 at 09:28:51 (PST)
Looks like Hollywood is beginning to change its tack on the stereotypes of arabs in movies as terrorists for fear of offending arabs around the world. Lets hope asians get more positive roles too.
sick of BS    Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 15:35:16 (PST)
Hollywood and Madison Ave Jews are the REAL enemies of all minorities!
Look how they put down minorities while they hire their own in these industries. HOw many more Holocust movies can we endure? Every year there's another one. Or some bullshit movies starring ugly Jew actors like Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler. Now tell me how else couple of these ugly guys get a role if some Jews are behind it.
Jews are hypocrites    Saturday, October 27, 2001 at 19:56:59 (PDT)
To White guy,

Wrong! All Asians ARE martial art masters since birth ....

he he he he :P
2020    Thursday, October 25, 2001 at 13:24:06 (PDT)