Asian Air 


(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 06:02:22 PM.)

sian women are only interested in non-Asian men and don't give Asian men the time of day. That's the reason cited by many AA men for dating and marrying non-Asians. A minority of AA men say they simply find non-Asian women more physically attractive or more appealing in terms of personality, values and interests. Whatever the reasons, the rates at which young Asian men are dating and marrying non-Asian women are quickly approaching the rates at which Asian women are outdating and outmarrying (about 38%). Some Asian women are complaining that they aren't getting a fair shake because Asian men have been brainwashed by media standards of desirability.
     What are the real reasons for so many Asian men seeking out non-Asian women? How do Asian women really feel about this trend? Who benefits most from it? Will the trend continue? We want to hear your views.

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I am proud of my Asian roots and I think that Asian women are great. They are fun and attractive and I've even dated a few and had a lot of fun in the process. But when it comes to marrying and settling down with a woman, I could never see myself marrying an Asian girl. Honestly, I just feel more comfortable with white girls. I have more in common with them, more to talk about. There's an ease in these relationships that just doesn't exist with Asian girls. That's not a knock on them at all. There are plenty of guys that are into Asian girls. It's just that I, and an increasing number of my Asian friends, feel like white girls are more naturally suited for us.
Hawk    Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 09:54:08 (PDT)
I am a Caucasian woman married to a Chinese. If asian men want to date or marry us, it shouldn't be because we are white, but only because we get along and have the same interests. I wanted an asian male because of my interest in asian cultures and traditions. I have a brown belt in tae kwon do. During training I noticed that I really like the asian men because of their loyalty, respect for each other, and their calmness. I also love the asian looks. I went into an asian chat room at specifically to seek out an asian man. Many asian men want a white woman because they have tried to date asian women and haven't found a good companian for themselves. So they turn to another race until they find someone they are compatible with. Why should an asian man marry an asian woman just because everyone tells him he should. Most of the people who marry their race because they were told to do so will find themselves in an unhappy marriage. Marry who you want. Don't let others tell you any different.
singazone    Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 09:15:53 (PDT)
If race was not an issue, people would date interracially at roughly the same proportions as the people they meet in their daily circles (work, play, family, etc).

Although I have many asian friends, I wouldn't say that as many as 38% of the people I meet daily are asian.

Perhaps the increase of asian males dating interracially is simply the result of greater acceptance in the population as whole as opposed to them being "brainwashed by media standards of desirability"

A lot of people seem to view the high outmarriage/dating rates as a bad thing.
However I think it is a good thing.

To me outmarriage/dating rates seem to be a good proxy for measuring latent racism (i.e., racist attitudes that people hold but do not necessarily express verbally or in an obvious manner). A high outmarriage rate indicates a lower level of racism.
anonymous coward    Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 08:35:07 (PDT)
When I was in high school and university looking for a relationship. I would notice I was systematically rejected by asian women for any reason they could think of (ie. he's not tall enough, he's not handsome enough, he dosn't have a car, he's not making enough money, etc.) and the final answer would be "no".
Finally, I had enough of rejections from asian women I had hoped for all my life and started to date non-asians. After a series of both sucessful and non-sucessful dates with white women, I noticed that they would accept me based on qualities that I had, (he's knid, he's easy to talk to, he's a good listener, etc.) not reject me for things that I didn't have. To sum things up, I've been much happier dating non-asians instead of asians.
I'm not saying that all my dates with non-asians worked out, but at least I was given that chance.
To all the asian men out there that are still hoping to meet thier dream asian women, I wish you all the best in your search!
Chinese Canadian    Monday, June 25, 2001 at 18:37:44 (PDT)
I really don't care who I date as long as she is hot. However recently I have found myself to be actually interested in very, very few girls. AF to me is somehow an automatic turnoff and I don't know why, while only very few WF make me feel interested. Something like one out of an army division. Well whatever. The only thing I am really not satisfied is that we should get some white celebrities so we can stop the media from bitching at us. Someday people find out that the popsinger is dating an asian guy...
Wacky    Monday, June 25, 2001 at 13:07:12 (PDT)
Is it just me or has there suddenly become a new "trend" in white women dating asian men? I use the word trend simply due to a lack of a better term, I do have many white female friends who feel that Asian males treat women differently (in a good way) than most other males of other races. I say that respectfully only quoting the opinions of my friends. Can someone give some thoughts on this question? Is it a trend, or is it really just an evolution in the world of relationships?
I would appreciate all your comments.

Sam (New Orleans, LA)    Monday, June 25, 2001 at 10:12:12 (PDT)
hey guys, where do you think the number of AM/WF couples is highest?
cal    Monday, June 25, 2001 at 01:49:31 (PDT)
it's pretty simple actually, women control the relationship. at least from my perspective, women indicate whom they'll go out with and have relationships with by giving positive/negative body signals and acceptance/rejection words. and in my experience most asian girls won't even bother to look at me twice, not to mention i can't approach some of them without major fears of rejection because of that ATTITUDE! in fact, the other night this asian girl dissed on me all night how i couldn't dance salsa and merengue...

haven't actually done much dating (the usuall school/work excuse), the real good experiences have been with non-asian girls. why would i repeat negative experiences just to feel some sort of contrived "asian pride" by only going after asian-american girls when there are so many beautiful women of all different ethinicities available? it's pure probability and playing the field...

now am i stupid or crazy or even a "traitor" when non-asian girls accept me and consider me "sexy" but asian-american girls look down upon me? (i've yet to hear ONE asian girl who tells me that either i'm cute or sexy, when many non-asian girls have alreay given me that idea that i am)

i know what i want in a relationship and asian girls just ain't providing that so i might as well go elsewhere where i am being accepted. plus, the non-academic interestes i have are mostly dominated by non-asians so that means i don't hang in the "asian cliques." (in fact, right now i'm really interested in this girl who gives me all the good vibes and signals so i'm interested in her and she also happens to be NON-asian...)

it'll always be the women who controls the relationship. so unless asian girls give us more positive signals and are clearly showing interest, i for one will find girls who accept me for who i am. that's the way optimal investment/returns work. i'm not about to invest lots for very little in return.

villageidiot    Monday, June 25, 2001 at 00:56:36 (PDT)
Get it right:

I think you missed the point ProAM was making about Tiger Woods. It does not matter what Tiger's exact race is since he is a mixture of several races. His point is that successful Black, White and now Asian men are dating and I know in some cases marrying equally succesful white women. Some may call this a trophy girlfriend or wife. But I know 3 successful AM friends who married beautiful and successful WFs. All three couples are professional couples that come from the same socio-economic background. In fact, my friends were worried about being taken by golddiggers and made sure the WFs were equally successful before they began dating.
Dave    Sunday, June 24, 2001 at 22:37:01 (PDT)
Get it right:

I think you missed the point ProAM was making about Tiger Woods. It does not matter what Tiger's exact race is since he is a mixture of several races. His point is that successful Black, White and now Asian men are dating and I know in some cases marrying equally succesful white women. Some may call this a trophy girlfriend or wife. But I know 3 successful AM friends who married beautiful and successful WFs. All three couples are professional couples that come from the same socio-economic background. In fact, my friends were worried about being taken by golddiggers and made sure the WFs were equally successful before they began dating.
Dave    Sunday, June 24, 2001 at 22:36:46 (PDT)
Out of all my former AF friends, 100% of them married WM. I am still focused on being positive, thinking, its because they have found their soulmates, who happened to be WM. I constantly tell myself, it doesn't matter what race you date and marry, because as it is its hard enough to find a "soulmate" to share you life with.
Okay, I have been telling myself this for the past 12 years, but its just difficult to overcome this notion that AF's prefer WM's, specifically: Tall, really skinny, and PALE, most likely a veggie. :P For a period I began to feel badly, because all I see is AF/WM, and very few AF's give AM's a chance. Hey, for any AM, its hard already to fight the stereo types. Then its harder when you go out with your AF friends and they all date WM's. They are your friends, everything but romantically.

Out of my non AF friend experiences, I generally feel more natural, I don't have to work as hard in proving myself, because I feel they like me for what I am. (because I wasn't even trying to start something, but something did start) Of all the relationships the best ones are with a WF who are very interested in Asian culture. In fact we meet in a Asian Language class. Now, I tell myself, maybe this works the same with AF/WM, its just that it happens the same way reversly. I don't feel bad anymore. :P I still think AF's for some reason prefer WM, because of this "trophy" or "marrying up", dunno, I never really brought this subject up with my AF friends because I try very hard to be positive and act normally with them.

In fact, I would still prefer marrying AF's, but the odds are against it.
Reality is, I don't care what race who I date, or possibly marry, as long as we can share, love, and be faithful, enjoying the same things, then it doesnt matter what race.

Given the fact that Asians are fewer in number, on top of AF's preferences for WM's, AM's have little or no choice but to try date other races. Reality is supply and demand: Fewer available AF's means AM's have to go to other races to find someone they are compatible.

Bottom line is, Best of luck to all of you, no matter what race, to find a soulmate for whom you will love and will love you back for eternity.
I am still a believer, hopefully someday I will find her. If not, I will find her in my next lifetime.

Still hopeful    Sunday, June 24, 2001 at 21:19:52 (PDT)
To Get it right:

You are right about Tiger Woods. He's black, Asian, and whatever other mix. But my point still stands. He is dating a white woman. That is the first choice for some successful Black, White and Asian men. The point is, regardless of Tiger's race, he is not dating an Asian woman. It was not about Tiger's race, but who a successful guy like him is dating....Got it?

ProAM    Sunday, June 24, 2001 at 15:37:49 (PDT)
I live in NYC and I still tend to see more asian women that date outside the race than asian women. One thing I do notice is that the younger asian crowds tend to date thier own race where as the older crowd date more outside .May be it is selection. I don't think asian women should complain at all since they always had the favor when it came to dating. In the past they show no sympathy toward asian men but, only contempt. Why should asian men show symapthy now that women in general are noticing us.
JoJo 76    Saturday, June 23, 2001 at 13:30:57 (PDT)
When I was younger, I was a lot more interested in caucasian women than asian women. Not only am I american-born, I grew up where we didn't have other asians around. In fact, I didn't meet many of my relatives until I was 22 years old. Something about it seemed kinda weird at the time, like dating someone you were already related to.

I completely got over that, though. I am not only older and wiser(?) these days, but I live where we have a lot of asians around. I can honestly say that I don't have a racial preference at all. There are simply too many other things that are more important: personality, values, intelligence, etc. I find women of all races physically attractive.
30 something AM    Saturday, June 23, 2001 at 09:12:24 (PDT)
Being an asian american male myself, I have to say that I don't try to date one specific race over another. I will say that growing up in America I have adopted a lot of the American culture like most people would. That in turn has given me the "freedom" to date outside of my own race whether it be asian,white,black,etc. Needless to say I am still very proud of my race and culture. It's the fact that I'm understanding and knowledgeable about other cultures that I can comingle with them, and others with mine. It is these exact opposite kind of people that are the ones resistant and resentful to interracial dating.
Another one of my personal theories is that it's not so much that so many AMs want to seek out non-AFs...But that Asians as a race are in a period where we have overcome social and economic barriers to where we are breaking racial barriers together....But as males, AMs must meet a certain socioeconomic level (and we have) before we are accepted by females of any race as acceptable partners. Once that occurs, we are the ones to "make the move", so that makes us non-AF seekers appear numerous. AFs, on the other hand, while initially not numerous were "first" to be in interracial relationships because males of other races were already in the status to choose relationships with these women. And so it goes.
TX AM    Friday, June 22, 2001 at 21:58:07 (PDT)
I date White women because the Asian women I've dated were very high maintenance. They were judging me unfairly. They would say things like my ideal guy would be taller, more buff, more muscular, etc. I asked one AF how would you feel if I said to you, my ideal women would at least have B cups, have a womenly figure, and have long legs and at least 5'6"? The AF was only 5'2". Then I think she understood. With the white females I've dated, my physical size was never an issue. They like me for me and was not expecting me to be someone I'm not. How refreshing. My ideal woman description was just to get the AF to see how unfair she was to me. If the woman is nice to me, the physical size isn't really an issue for me. I've dated women as short as 4'10" and as tall as 5'9". BTW, I'm 5'7" not counting my hair. So for me, the White women I've dated accepted me as is, while the Asian women I dated judged me.
Jeff    Friday, June 22, 2001 at 16:09:34 (PDT)

I have nothing against outmarriage/
dating, be it AM or AF, but I am
kind of worried that our asian
population will shrink if this trend
Hello Kitty    Friday, June 22, 2001 at 14:24:58 (PDT)
Sitting at my desk reading the entries before mine,I must say that this topic is a funny one. I am a 25 year old asian guy and I have never, set preferences when it came to dating. If the girl was white, asian, african american, european...whatever it may be, the main thing that it boiled down to was that if the girl was cool.
Of course there are different stereotypes for all races, but it boils down to, if you have enough respect and confidence in yourself to rise up and put those misconceptions aside. Be yourself and the color of your skin will be the last thing on peoples mind.
e-mail me with what you think at
twostep    Friday, June 22, 2001 at 12:10:25 (PDT)
I say just be with whomever you want to. Don't just go with someone because of their race. That is so superficial and if there is anyone thing I hate, its superficial people
jjj    Friday, June 22, 2001 at 08:08:50 (PDT)
Before I was angry at AF selling out. Now that I'm a little older, that flame has died out in me. The reason why I like dating non-AF is because it opens my eyes and perspective to a much larger world than my own Chinese-American one. I feel part of the larger society. It is a great feeling and I think many should give it a try if it comes to you. I feel so free in such relationships. No need to worry about carrying on the culture, language, food etc. Not to mention the great sex. I had loved these women because they had loved me for who I am, not because they had to love me for my Asian face.
Nothing to lose    Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 23:24:28 (PDT)
To ProAm, Pinay, and all other guys who are with non-Asian chicks,

More power to you, dudes! This really shows that you've arrived in style! I mean, look at all the successful black athletes, the majority of them are with white women. This is a major status symbol, and one of the last remaining ones that proclaim to the world "I've made it BIG!".

I'm really happy for you guys because the more AMs date and/or marry white women, the more prestige and desirability AMs garner, and when I see my AMs walk proudly around, that makes me happy. Then, the AM I'm with (whose status has been artificially lifted by all the action of the leading pack of AMs with WFs) will be desired and will have an aura of mystique which will reflect on me!!!

I only wish that it would work that way in reverse. See, it doesn't work that way for us AFs. If we date white guys, our status doesn't change much. People only think that we are hanging with the WMs because "...of the negative stereotypes...submissive, passive, etc.". So, really the only choice that we AFs have is to wait patiently by the roadside whilst our men build up their confidence level with their practice wives and girlfriends, and when they've had their libidos fulfiled, then we may have a shot at stealing them away. ;o>

Seriously folks, everyone should try interracial dating. It really makes one appreciate one's same-race partner all the more when Chinese New Year rolls around and the red envelopes are being spread about, or when ancestral death anniversaries occur and all the food has to be prepared, the altar fixed, and the incense lit--or even when the kids come home from school to parents who are NEVER willing to compromise on school work, household chores, or parental respect.
MLK    Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 18:07:59 (PDT)
To: ProAM

Tiger Woods is half black & Half asian.
get it right!    Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 18:05:18 (PDT)
In response to 101 Asian Girl - I feel sorry for you that you are so prejudiced. I am an educated white female who happens to like asian men (guess I'm in trouble now huh). Because of prejudiced Asian females like you, I lost an Asian friend (male) at college - sadly he was influenced by some of his friends who obviously were putting pressure on him to stay away from me. I am thankful that in spite of this bad experience, I will not allow narrow-mindedness and hatred to change my opinion. Have you considered the fact that one day your child may grow up and want to date a white person?

White Brit    Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 17:55:05 (PDT)
I know some AM women who date only non AM men. (i live in the midwest) --most of these people are people who grew up wishing they were white/not in touch with or without a positive asian american community/confused/ashamed about identity-- the same thing oocurs with some asian american men, they grow up in the same situation, therefore they date only non asians.

of course sometimes people aren't really looking for love outside their race/ethnicity.. just love without specifics, & it just happens..that's fine by me..

but it seems to me the more aware an asian american is of his/her identity, the more they will seek out fellow asian americans in the dating scene.

for example, AM girls are less likely to stereoptype AM guys into short nerdy FObs, and realise that there are really hot asian guys who are tall, smart classy, sculped (muscular) and so HOT.
same thing goes for guys. they take their own stereotypes of AM women away..and see what they've been missing.
CA female    Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 14:47:21 (PDT)
Oh yeah, in response to 101% Asian Girl. All I have to say is... you are a freakin IDIOT. You have Asian pride because you date Asian guys? I think someone's trying a little too hard to prove their "Asianess," don't you? WHATEVER. Someone's a little bitter. Ya think? I don't know ...


Basically, get over your damn insecurites. Then maybe you can have some kind of pride.
Pinay    Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 00:48:23 (PDT)
First of all, I don't think Asian women really have a right to complain they aren't getting their fair share. I mean, Asian women have been dating outside their race for quite sometime now. So, I think they should be happy that AM's are able to date outside their own race. I mean, since when did dating become based on one's race? Being a certain race does not mean you have a certain personality, and I think it absurbed to think that. Everyone is an individual. When you're dating, you date the person for who they are -- not for their race. At least that's how it's SUPPOSE to be.

In the past, dating an AM was considered "dating down," and this is why is wasn't as prevelant before. I think now, women of other cultures are now finding them attractive and not buying into that taboo about AM's. Because of this, AM can now step outside boundaries and date non-Asian women. I don't think it has anything to do with brainwashing. If it did, why wasn't this more common in the past when there was little to no diverity on tv?

And so, I think it's a good thing. It's helps the movement that looks beyond appearances and stereotypes.

Pinay    Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 00:43:28 (PDT)
i am Not asian. i am in fact a white woman (gasp). basically, if you find someone attractive well, darnit you find someone attractive. regardless of race. don't you think it's a little closed minded to say that someone is a traitor to their race if they date outside of it? is that not a little outdated?
white lady    Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 00:03:37 (PDT)
I don't think that many AM go for non-AF for revenge. Seems kind of childish and limiting of one's options. As an AM, I would ideally like to go out with and eventually marry an AF, but have no conflicts with non-AF in the dating and potentially marrying department. Listen, a guy just wants to hook up with a nice girl. Since it seems that many AF don't dig AM, we are going to date women who are receptive to us - i.e., we will go with our available options, including nice AF.
1luv    Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 22:53:43 (PDT)
When black guys are successful like Tiger Woods, who does he choose to date? When white guys are successful, who does he choose to date? Now that Asian guys are getting attention from Non-Asian women, why should it surprise anyone that the successful Asian guys may choose to date white females too. There is clearly a difference in interracial dating. Some Non-Asian guys date Asian women BECAUSE of the negative stereotypes...submissive, passive,etc. Non-Asian women date Asian men DESPITE the negative stereotypes. Big difference. I know some Asian women are in so much denial they actually believe they are God's gift to all men and that these Non-Asian guys go after them for them instead for negative stereotypical expectations. I don't know what is worst. Not getting enough attention or getting attention for all the wrong reasons. Non-Asian women have to overcome the negative stereotypes of Asian males and be open-minded just to start a relationship. To me, that is a much more solid foundation for a relationship rather than one based on negative stereotypical expectations. I don't know why some Asian women would act surprised that some Asian men do want to date Non-Asian women. Asian women should be the last people to complain. Asian men are now asserting themselves, and exploring all the possibilities out there. We can think for ourselves just like the Non-Asian women can think for themselves. Give us some credit. It is the ultimate in arrogance when an Asian woman thinks an Asian guy can only have interest in Asian women and God forbid if he even had an interest in any Non-Asian woman, it cannot be for geniune reasons but for some spiteful reasons. How arrogant can you be? What's next? You are going to tell us how we should think too?
ProAM    Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 21:05:58 (PDT)
I think this trend of AF/WM thing only holds for people in their late 20s, 30s, and 40s. I myself see a trend of Asian couples only among younger Asian Americans. This may be because younger Asian Americans are a lot prouder of their roots and are much more confident about themselves since being hip now pretty much means anything Asian. Furthermore, Asia is so developed and developing. The economy now and the future is based in Asia. Asians in the past have suffered being mocked at for being "different and strange," and speaking with weird accents. Not anymore! With more Asians in the country now, Asians are much more connected with one another and much prouder of their roots.
AF- West Coast    Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 20:28:20 (PDT)
I am mature enough to date whomever I want and it has nothing to do with the media. If miscegenation laws were still enforced, I would be limited to just 2% of the population which represents AA women. I have no problems with interracial dating by AA women because as people got uses to it, it has opened the door for AA males like me. Instead of just 2% of the population potentially available to me, now I have over 40% of the US population of Non-Asian women potentially available to me. Imagine if all the AA women in the United States were outdating and outmarrying Non-Asian guys, that still would be no big deal if I truly wanted an Asian woman, there are plenty of Asian woman in Asia. When I was in Shanghai, I could not believe the number of beautiful educated classy Asian women I saw there that I could have started a relationship with. Right now, I'm enjoy my dating life in the United States dating AA women and Non-Asian women so I can compare them. I also know that there are plenty of Asian women in Asia to choose from so I can afford to be picky. My Asian brothers, stop thinking that the 2% AA woman are the only women you can date and marry. Think like me and you will be much happier. You now have 40% of the US population of Non-Asian women potentially available to be mates. And if you are dead set on Asian women and the AA women you meet don't respect you or give you the time of day, move on to Non-Asian women and Asian women from Asia. When I was in Asia, one thing I noticed is that Asia women there don't generally buy into the stupid negative stereotypes perpetuated by the American Media. I found I could just be myself and I did not need to be perfect. With several AA women I dates, they were difficult and hard to get along with. I'm sure some of their arrogant attitude like "Look at me, I'm God's gift to man" comes from the fact that they think they are all that just because some Non-Asians pay attention to them. Luckily, most of the AA women are cool people and not like these arrogant AA's who dis me. Memo to AA women: If you want to attract AA guys, lose the arrogant attitude. We are not deseperate like you would like to think. Let me break it down like this so my Asian brothers can feel good about themselves. Even without the 2% AA women, there is the 40% Non-Asian women. And even if there wasn't the 40% Non-Asian women available to us, there will alway be Asia. It only takes several cities to replace the entire AA women population in the United States. To my AA sisters, don't be offended by what I just said. I love you. But some of you have been very unkind to my Asian brothers. I feel it is more important to make my brothers feel better about themselves because if they can see what I see now, and understand they have plenty of options, they would be happy, very happy just like me and not get angry when they see interracial dating within the 2% of AA women.
HappyAM    Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 20:22:07 (PDT)
I grew up overseas in Asia (despite being born in the US), and I went through an English schooling. The most popular girls were white (Euros and Aussies), so I grew up dating and lusting after girls that looked like them. I guess old habits die hard. =P But now that I've become more aware of Asian American sexual politics, I try to include Asian women in my dating choices, because I DO find them attractive.
A Formerly Brainwashed AM    Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 16:30:09 (PDT)
As I see more and more AF/WM couples I tell myself my dating pool is getting smaller and smaller if I limit myself to AFs only. When that notion kicks in I start to explore other possibilities. Now I realize there are many desirable women out there be it Asian or non-Asian.

But I didn't seriously think about dating out until noticing the alarming trend in AF/WM couples. So I don't think AFs should complain about they aren't getting a fair share of AMs as there are still many more available AMs than AFs out there.

I'm simply applying the rules of supply and demand when it comes to dating. It has nothing to do with media standards of desirability. I'm mature enough to form my own opinion and not let the media dictate mine, thank you.
CdnAMLvr    Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 13:11:54 (PDT)
Why are there so many Asian men seeking out out non-Asian women?? Because they are STUPID traitors. They don't have Asian Pride AND they watch too much blond bimbo television. They need to get in touch with their Asian side and give Asian women some credit. As an Asian woman, I LOVE ALL ASIAN MEN. I'm dedicated to my Asian man. I believe Asian men are God's gift to Asian women. I don't need to look somewhere else to find worth in myself and my Asianess. I have ASIAN PRIDE.

101% Asian Girl
101 Asian Girl    Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 09:39:02 (PDT)
In my opinion just as with others who have posted to this topic, "why AM date non-Asian women", is to get back at AW for dating non-asian men. Is this a mature way of dealing with this issue for AM? No, it's not! Think about this scenario:a couple of AM are going out on the town hoping to meet some quality women, preferably Asian. So they go to the trendiest club to only get negative feedback from their own women, basiacally they got dissed! Although these AW seem to be more friendly to Non-AM. Now, the only women who are giving them positive feedback, talking to and shaking their booty with these guys on the dance floor, to them are white or non-asian. So put yourself in their shoes, who would you hook up with? Another scenario for your cognitive amusement: a young college AM is walking around on campus in any town, USA. He notices a few Asian couples but sees predominately AW with non-Asian males all hugging and kissing on each other. This AM gets discourage and frustrated at the sight and with the negative feedback that he gets from his Asian-female classmates. Now the only female classmates who are friendly to him are non-asian.
I understand that there are alot more reasons why AM go for non-AW than the one I listed. As for an AM who prefer AW, I think this has to be the top reason why AM go for non-AW, revenge!
As for myself, I haven't given up on my sooooo fine AW. Yes, it's discouraging and down-right frustrating at times to see you(AW) in the arms of a non-asian and to get the reply of,"Sorry, I only date white guys" when approaching you. I still prefer and will only date Asian women! I can't help it! I just find you women sooo irresitible! You all are the best!
But I tell you one thing, this non-giving up hope that I carry has left me quite lonely and sad...
Nam    Tuesday, June 19, 2001 at 22:47:59 (PDT)