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Kristin Kreuk: Next Asian American Beauty?

t isn't a question of droolworthiness. Her looks are dazzling enough to have locked up a lead role in each of her first three auditions, including the title role in an upcoming TV movie. It's more a question of whether most of us would identify hazel-eyed Smallville heartthrob Lana Lang as a fellow Asian. Kristin Kreuk
     Kristin Laura Kreuk was born to a Chinese mother and a Dutch father on December 30, 1982. She grew up in Vancouver, Canada. Kreuk, 5-4, had decided to go to college to study forensic pathology until, in her senior year, her drama teacher suggested she go to an audition for a new Fox Family series called Edgement. She was promptly plucked out of the open audition to play a Chinese Canadian high scool student named Laurel Yeung. Even as she won fans in the role, she landed the Lana Lang role for WB's dramatization of Superboy's life as Clark Kent, then the role of Snow White in the ABC TV movie set for release in 2002. Kreuk's star-quality was obvious to all who tuned in for Smallville's premiere last October. Some even proclaimed her the show's main attraction.

     But many Asian American viewers didn't even suspect Kreuk's Asian ancestry. Even those who learned of her mother's nationality questioned whether she can be claimed by Asian Americans. Without an Asian surname or obvious Asian facial features, they argue, Kreuk's success would do nothing for the image of Asians in the American media. Others might argue that most African American stars are, in fact, only fractionally of African descent.
     Should we claim Kristin Kreuk and other hapas like her as Asian American celebrities? Or should that designation be reserved for those with a more obviously Asian identity?

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(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:55 AM)

shes the hottest asian ever
austin agosta
   Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 09:59:04 (PDT)    []
I just think she's soo fine, period. =)
   Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 23:51:04 (PDT)    []
I don't remember exactly when I saw Kristin on TV for the first time. But I was able to see that she was part Asian. The bottom line is that she's gorgeous & cute. She also has very beautiful eyes.
   Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 22:42:43 (PDT)    []
I think that Kristen Kreuk should definetely be claimed as one of the Asian American celebrities. When I had first seen her in my magazines and on TV, i recognized right away that she was part asian. I looked up some information about her, and it turned out that i was correct. So yes, i think it would do alittle something if nothing at all for the image of Asians in the American media.
   Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 18:07:34 (PDT)    []
Kristin Kreuk is beautiful!
   Friday, September 13, 2002 at 19:26:37 (PDT)    []
to curious,

I know plenty of dutch/chinese hapas who look much more chinese than caucasian.
   Friday, September 13, 2002 at 18:41:01 (PDT)    []
I personally can clearly see the asian in kristin. Her straight black hair, skin tone, and semi-slanty eyes are dead giveaways.
hapas rock!!!!!
   Friday, September 13, 2002 at 14:24:09 (PDT)    []
i think kristin kreuk is beautiful and has unique feautres but representably looks more causasian than asian. i dont think most people know she is even asian.
   Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 11:27:34 (PDT)    []
i think kristin can be an asian american beauty coz many people like her, no dout she's really beautyful in all ways that people admire her!!!!!
akima_xxx05    Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 22:03:48 (PDT)

¡§...if AM and the media bombarded you with messages that AF are ugly, fat...¡§

You need to chill a little. You¢¥re right on the fact that we¢¥re portrayed negatively in the media, I see that every day. But who cares what the media says. If you have the personality, confidence, and looks then you¢¥re settled. No chick would have a reason to turn you down, right?
orange mocha frapuccino
   Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 20:46:29 (PDT)
Yes, Kristin Laura Kreuk should be nominated as an Asian American celebrities. I just think that who ever question that fact that an Asian have to have an Asian last name is obviously not too bright. The reason why I think Asian American celebrities should be nominated is because she is beautiful. Secondly, she is one of the reason why I am watch the t.v show. Thirdly, she is an American. Last but not least, she is a wonderful actress and thats the reason why I think she should be nominated.
Heng S. Too    Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 00:32:49 (PDT)

to huu76:
ok i understand your views more now although u may have to explain more about the "reasoning" behind IR. i FULLY agree that asian men are portrayed negatively in the media, when even shown at all. this need alot of work and change. I'd like to add that Kristin herself said that she doesnt see herself as a role model or representative of asians so bashing her for being "more white" or of abandoning her asianness is unfair. it's not her fault that her mom is not culturally chinese. it's how she was raised. i am hapa myself and i think it's so unfortunate when other hapas werent raised w/ both cultures. Being and celebrating my Chinese side is a big part of my life but i also understand how other hapas feel when Asians accuse them of being white-washed. It isnt their fault most of the time. If kristin does prefer dating white guys (who knows if she even does?) she shouldnt be acccused of being a bad model because she never claimed to be a rep for AF anyway.
   Monday, September 02, 2002 at 23:25:29 (PDT)
The only reason why Kristin Kreuk get leading roles on television because she looks more white. The same for Su Ling Goh, although she was more asian- looking before. I wonder why. Su Ling Goh does represent her asian-ness a little. Not too many people know about Sandrine Holt. Sandrine is half chinese half French Canadian, but she looks more chinese, and she doesn't get represent a lot in the media. In my opinion, if a hapa who looks asian, she/he won't get represent a lot in media whereas a hapa who looks white will.
Real Observer
   Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 14:45:30 (PDT)
Believe me, I don't think IR is bad. A lot of the reasoning behind it may be though.

Assuming your an AF (I never really paid much attention). I'm sure you'd be all smiles and chuckles if AM and the media bombarded you with messages that AF are ugly, fat, don't know how to have fun and are bitches, then AM continually reinforced that by dating everyone except AF. I bet it wouldn't bother you a bit, right? Now change Af to whatever you are.

I've also mentioned before that since she's half, she can swing whichever way she likes. My comment was predicting that she probably swings white and it'd suck for AM if she was seen by AF as representing them while preaching AM are bad and not worth dating etc. (explicitly or by her actions)
   Friday, August 30, 2002 at 20:45:58 (PDT)
well it all depends on her. i mean, im half asian and half white but i guess i consider myself more asian, even tho i do look more white becuase my friends are mostly asians. my brotehr tho would consider himself white because his friends are mostly all white. so it all depends on her. im guessing she cant speak chinese and chills with white ppl so i would consider her white.
   Friday, August 30, 2002 at 19:16:56 (PDT)
to Huu76:
u make it sound like dating outside your race is evil or something. i don't see what ur getting at in ur comments either. anyway even if kristin dated white guys she'd wouldnt dating outside her race seeing as she is white.
   Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 22:57:44 (PDT)
I hear ya loud and clear. All AM need is to have another AF role model tell AFs that dating their own race is bad.

Since mother Kreuk did that, I don't see any reason why she wouldn't do the same, or atleast lean towards it.
   Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 03:03:01 (PDT)
You really need to sort out what's sarcasm and what's intended to be real.
If you go back (in any forum), you'll see how I feel about being Asian.
By the way, my butt has two T's.

Another thing, it's only bad for Kristin if she decides to represent Asians, rather than cater to the white masses.

I'm handsome, my mummy sad so. How do you read that :o)
   Monday, August 26, 2002 at 22:13:08 (PDT)
to KK isn't deserving:

i think that ure really insulting interracial couples. i understand some of ur points but i think ure really potraying couples in a bad light. btw kristin doesnt proclaim her "asianness". she said she doesnt identify w/ being asian at all in interviews.

to the truth:
american and canadian are nationalities NOT racial designations. anyone raised in canada or america are canadian and american respectively.
   Monday, August 26, 2002 at 20:11:54 (PDT)