Is Lucy Liu a Heroine or a Curse?
Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:55 AM)
he isn't exactly playing Suzie Wong, but actress Lucy Liu has chagrined Asian Americans nevertheless. As Ling Woo of Fox's Ally McBeal, she spouts lines like, "A woman hasn't got true control of a man until her hand is on the dumb stick," and, "There's nothing I enjoy more than seeing a happy couple and coming between them." The character is a self-described "tramp" who is simultaneously addicted to casual sex and uses sex to have her way with men. Being a creature of American TV, Ling's sexual encounters are never with Asian men, only adding fuel to the fire.
But some think Liu deserves credit for having built near-icon status for a strong Asian female character out of the scraps she was initially thrown in her first Ally McBeal appearance in September 1998. Ling Woo was evidently to have been scenery for the Nelle Porter character but stole the spotlight and, thanks to a killer kiss, quickly became a regular.
Liu's latter-day dragon lady has been deemed so compelling by American TV audiences that she often shares top billing with Calista Flockhart. Her overnight notoriety won her a lead in the Charlie's Angels movie in which she kicked ass, literally and figuratively, on par with the far better-paid Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore. Liu also landed the female lead in Jackie Chan's comic western Shanghai Noon and the role of a mafia dominatrix in the Mel Gibson flick Payback.
Her sexual roles opposite mostly non-Asians have led many Asian Americans to call Liu a sellout. The facts suggest otherwise. Her family immigrated from China and settled in Queens where Lucy was born December 2, 1968. The area began its transformation from an Italian neighborhood to an Asian one as she entered grade school and Liu went through an identity crisis in the normal quest to fit in with peers. Upon graduating from Stuyvesant High, she spent an unhappy year at NYU, then transferred to Michigan at Ann Arbor where she managed to fit acting, dancing and singing into a degree program in Asian languages. She also studied an Indonesian martial art called Kali-Escrima-Silat. She speaks fluent Mandarin.
None of that matters much, of course, to the countless Asian American women who suffer unwanted attention based on Liu's portrayal of the sexual predator Ling Woo. But some AA women are grateful that she has at least helped them shed the image of passive, submissive wallflowers. Many AA, of course, resent Liu for playing roles that reinforce the old stereotype of Asian women as being available to non-Asian men even as they applaud her for showing Asians to be English-speaking members of American society.
All of which begs the question, is Lucy Liu a heroine or a curse for Asian American women?
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"On Asian fetish - sometimes non-Asians have genuine attraction and love for Asians, you know. We're all humans here. We're sight based. What humans like.. is what they like. Get over it."
Therez nothing wrong per se in the writing, but somehow the tone is just wrong...as if a pedophile is talking about girls and trying to control himself from wriggling.
And Zhang ZiYi is just average looking. She was actually only picked for her acting, and the fact that those film makers thinks Americans like her and she can sell tickets...basically the same reasons why Lucy Liu is always casted.
another voice
Friday, January 10, 2003 at 12:34:45 (PST)
"On a personal note, Liu has been a curse. It's hard when someone who looks like she could be your twin sister shows up on the cover of Maxim....
Liu #2"
That's a compliment? Look, Lucy Liu is not attractive. Have you seen what real beautiful Asian look like? Flip through Asian Magz and see if they look like Lucy..Do Azn guyz think LUcy is hot? No.
Jackie Chan basically said Lucy was ugly and shuldnt have been picked for the part in Shanghai Noon.
If you look like Lucy and itz workin for you with the white guys...i'm happy for you.
Just don't go to China acting like you are a model-lookalike.
They arent too civil in that country and will tell you to ur face that youre ugly.
Then...those years of delusiona and self-proppin up will be shattered. A tragedy to an investment.
another voice
Friday, January 10, 2003 at 12:31:35 (PST)
To How Sad,
You just burst my bubble! I was starting to think that non-Asian people actually found me attractive! I guess deep down they're all just fetishists....
Bataar, those are some harsh words against AF's who marry Whites. You sound like the typical Asian male, b*tching and moaning because your chauvanist attitude towards women isn't going to help you get any. It's 2003, women don't want to be stuck in traditional roles anymore. Asian men and their old fashioned values need to understand that, especially if they're living in North America or Europe.
Friday, January 10, 2003 at 11:11:56 (PST)
Lucy Liu is above-average in looks but there are far more pretty actresses. Like Tia Carrere.
In terms of her acting, she's only at acting like a stuck-up type. I can't see her as being romantic or being depressed.
Liu not all that
Friday, January 10, 2003 at 10:25:27 (PST)
"2) On Asian fetish - sometimes non-Asians have genuine attraction and love for Asians, you know. We're all humans here. We're sight based. What humans like.. is what they like. Get over it."
spoken like a true asian fetishist.
how sad
Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 15:41:56 (PST)
what, you don't think Americans think the same way?
In fact, for Americans, there *IS* no rest of the world. lol
Better to go back to the Middle Kingdom mentality, methinks. Why cavort with our enemies, and a bunch of morons?
Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 13:23:06 (PST)
Oh, and Midnight Kitty if true the "high profile" "Asian" women marry white and bash Asian men,
we shall simply bash them back and ignore them. Who are these "high profile" people? For instance, I only know of Amy Tan, and her .. works ^^
These nonentities should get out of the way, or rather, we should push them out of our minds and thus dissipate whatever influence they might have, so that Asian kids can grow up without seeing their malign ways.
Who are these people who can bash us? They think they that good, eh? I'd like to see what it is all about, (then kick their @ss) - but it is better to
dismiss them (whoever they are - who are they anyway?) and reshape reality according to our way and not theirs.
Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 13:20:39 (PST)
No, she is not very hot. I am sure people who say so are either extremely kind (and I envy you, I am aggressive and mean hehehe) or merely average looking themself.
That is all I have to say, I will try to refrain from insulting her or anyone. Heh
Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 13:16:12 (PST)
B.E.Verins. I think your comments are very nicely put. Unfortunately though, when it comes to comparing beauty standards, we could debate the topic forever!
At any rate I think Liu has had more of a positive impact on the AA community than a negative one. Ok, so maybe her roles portray her as a bit of a dragon lady, but at least, unlike actresses like Angelina Jolie or Drew Barrymore, she isn't getting the headlines because of her screwed up personal life. She has enough looks and talent to get all the attention she needs.
Lucy is a great role model. She's college educated, is an accomplished artist, and has a great career! She basically followed her heart and her ambitions and managed to do quite well for herself.
On a personal note, Liu has been a curse. It's hard when someone who looks like she could be your twin sister shows up on the cover of Maxim....
Liu #2
Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 10:15:48 (PST)
1) Many people consider Zhang ZiYi to be quite ugly, while seeing Lucy Liu as pretty. Why is Asian-sensibility for prettiness the standard by which Asians should be measured? I seem to hear a derogatory tone when people write "oh, well, she matches *western* tastes". Well, that's the %#$&@ point. That's why she's working in *America*. We like her over here. You can stick with Zhang ZiYi's incapability of acting (all she knows how to do is pout nicely) all you like. At least Lucy Liu knows how to place herself in a different character.
2) On Asian fetish - sometimes non-Asians have genuine attraction and love for Asians, you know. We're all humans here. We're sight based. What humans like.. is what they like. Get over it.
Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 06:54:09 (PST)
"Not an insult to Lucy or anything, but if you say she is beautiful, you are basing your judgment on the American perception of what Asians look like."
Perhaps (though personally, I dissagree wiht that statement.
But isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder anyway
Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 20:58:27 (PST)
Are you speaking of yourself? I bet you have a hard time meeting women. Also women are all the same, whether they be asian, black, white, latina. The only thing is that it is hard to get a pretty white women that think she is better than you. Other-wise, everything is the same.
Monday, January 06, 2003 at 19:16:55 (PST)
"I'm a Hispanic American living in the D.C. area, recently graduated from GMU, and I happen to think Lucy is one of the most beautiful women out there. No, I don't have an asian fetish, but I can recognize a beautiful person whenever I see one. I'm proud to say I have a signed Maxim Sept issue cover by her. Keep up your work Miss Liu."
Not an insult to Lucy or anything, but if you say she is beautiful, you are basing your judgment on the American perception of what Asians look like.
In Asia, she wouldn't even find work as a commercial actress.
the truth
Monday, January 06, 2003 at 07:06:31 (PST)
If you hate Asian fetishists, then only hang out with or date Asians! Or you could stop your useless prattling about white guys who want some dim sum.
Jesus... I'm an Asian guy, and I like to hang around a diverse crowd. I get the occaisional insensitive comment or white girl with a fetish hitting on me. Its just water that rolls off my back, to be honest with you. You shoudl learn to treat it the same way, or just stop whining.
I can't stand some AFs who whine about Asian fetishists -- LOOK AT THE CROWD YOU'RE IN. Are there whites in it? Are there white MEN in it? Then chances are good you'll run into these types on a semi-regular basis. Is this some sad cry for attention? I hope not.
So shut up already, or just take the hits as they come. Or don't hang with whites at all.
shut up already...
Sunday, January 05, 2003 at 23:27:43 (PST)
Blessing or a curse indeed?
That really depends on what kind exposure a non-asian had to Asians and Asian Americans.
I live an a town with a fairly large Korean-American population. As the result, I've been around alot of Asians. I know people who bluntly refuse to fit traditional Asian steriotypes.
My view of Asian women was greatly influenced by Shelby Woo from "Mystery files of Shelby Woo". I was a preteen at the time. As the result, the view that asian women are independent, smart, brave and don't take crap from nobody. Later in life, I found out that this wasn't always true, either, but it affected my views on how Asian women should be potrayed in the media
Saturday, January 04, 2003 at 22:59:09 (PST)
race always matters. But some people have an ability to look past it. There is no doubt that she reinforces both positive and negatives stereotypes. If she is happy with herself and her roles, she can project any image she wants. The post by FLAGS that suggested non-Asians have no right to talk about so-called Asian issues is extremely xenophobic and exclusionary. We only learn from each other by exploring each other's culture. Because my father is Chinese and my mother is white, only I can talk about both sides? Give me a break. Work on developing your personality over your cultural identity...that way you won't be dependent on looks and stereotpyes to form your opinions.
Doesn't matter
Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 21:58:44 (PST)
Some Points on Lucy:
Please keep in mind that Lucy is an actor that puts butts in seats; whether at the box office or on the sofa. That is what makes a star. She also has a history of being difficult on film sets. These points open up debate as to whether or not she is a heroine or curse; I personally don't think it's a curse. I feel that her behavior gives the Hollywood elite the impression that Asians do have personalities that offset the traditional media stereotypes of Asians. She brings a strong Asian female presence that has not been a Hollywood staple for Asian women in the past; she does what she wants and gets away with it. She uses her talent and beauty and works it in ways that set new trends in social consciousness, which is a good thing. What I would really like to see is Lucy make an attempt at creating projects for Asians; so far she has not ventured into this realm (and she may never). What this encompasses is writing, directing, and producing her own projects that are geared specifically for Asians. Her status is large enough in this industry for her to take some risks; I feel that she could be a proponent of Asian awareness through the media, and that she can promote positive images of both Asian men and women. I know that there are plenty of Asians that work behind the camera who are attempting to do this; however it will take someone who has the clout like Lucy to accomplish this.
Sunday, December 22, 2002 at 11:44:30 (PST)
I personally like Lucy Liu as an actress, who happens to be asian. She is helping other aspiring asian actresses, among others Kelly Hu etc.. because Hollywood is taking her seriously...and that she happens to be of asian descent..will hopefully make Hollywood alot more open minded and make room for more aspiring asian actresses trying to make it in the biz.
She's not a curse..she's an inspiration.
Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 21:00:43 (PST)
The bottom line is that Lucy Liu has done well for herself. From growing up in Queens to now, she has embraced both the American and Chinese culture very well. If women such as herself or Michelle Yeoh weren't in any big budget films, then we would be arguing over why there aren't any asian females in leading movie roles. So the debate is neverending.
I'm a Hispanic American living in the D.C. area, recently graduated from GMU, and I happen to think Lucy is one of the most beautiful women out there. No, I don't have an asian fetish, but I can recognize a beautiful person whenever I see one. I'm proud to say I have a signed Maxim Sept issue cover by her. Keep up your work Miss Liu.
Friday, December 13, 2002 at 12:35:28 (PST)
Midnight Kitty:
Lawrence Fishbourne is BlAsian--his mother is a Filipina.
Hank Lewis
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 07:07:50 (PST)
i'm an asian who hangs out with people of all races and i'm a student in U of M Ann Arbor.
i don't like lucy liu cause: first of all, i don't think she's that good of an actress. in all her movies she looks pissed and has a "i'm prettier than you all" attitude. second, since lucy liu gets promoted so much, the "stereotypical asian look" gets promoted too.
by the way, i'm so sick of guys with asian fetish.
Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 19:30:50 (PST)