ary Locke can tick off almost every qualification for a successful presidential bid: third-generation Washingtonian whose father fought in Patton's tank corps; Eagle Scout; Yale grad; former prosecutor with a tough crimefighting record; popular two-term governor in a state with arguably the nation's most successful educational system and fiscal policies; a highly telegenic wife with impeccable credentials of her own.
Significantly, Gary Locke's 26-year political career unequivocally establishes him to be a republican in democrat's clothing. Political balancing acts of that order have become de rigueur for White House aspirants from both parties, as shown by recent elections. And he's only 51.
But one misstep may haunt Locke in any quest for higher office -- he was born to Asian parents.
Locke's ties to Washington state go back to a paternal grandfather who had immigrated to Olympia at the turn of the century and worked as a houseboy before returning to China to start a family. His father James returned to Washington and fought under General Patton. Gary was born January 21, 1950 in a Seattle veterans public housing project called Yesler Terrace.
Gary worked at his father's grocery store but earned the rank of Eagle Scout and graduated with honors from Franklin High in 1968. He worked his way through Yale, earning a poli sci degree in 1972. Three years later he got a J.D. from Boston University Law School and became a deputy prosecutor in King County.
His crimefighting record got him elected to the state house in 1982 where his star rose rapidly through hard work on the Judiciary and Appropriations committees. He chaired the latter from 1988 until 1993 when he was elected chief executive of King County. That office gave Gary Locke the opportunity to prove his knack for improving social services while enforcing fiscal discipline.
Locke's popularity is undoubtedly boosted by his pretty wife, the former Mona Lee. Before their marriage in October of 1994 she was a news reporter at Seattle's KING-TV. She gave birth to a daughter in 1997, then a son in 1999. As first lady Mona has won raves by championing the causes of early learning and quality childcare.
Gary Locke has never publicly shown interest in running for national office.
Supporters see no other progression for the lifetime civil servant. They dismiss racial concerns by citing the fact that only about 6% of Washington voters are Asian, not very different from the 4% figure nationally. Some even feel that Locke's prospects for winning the presidency are better than that of any other minority politician. They cite his cleancut image combined with a sterling track record at the helm -- not to mention the likely support of the world's biggest software company.
Others believe that on the national political stage an Asian politician would have so much of an uphill battle simply trying to establish that he is an American to have a shot at getting his message across.
Could Gary Locke win a presidential election or would he be foolish even to consider a run?
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Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:55 AM)
Locke is a liberal governor. His back ground is criminal defense lawyer. The ones who defend murderers, rapists, robbers, etc. Kidda like Johnny Cockren at the OJ Simpson Trial. He actually increased taxes to provide better welfare to those who have no incentive to work. He also cut funding to police force, giving criminals a break. Perhaps they will use his service after he is out of the office. Washington has the second highest unemployment rate in the country. Many people do not have the incentive to work. Why work when you can have as many kids as you like and have the best health coverage that is totally FREE! It is easy to be generous with other people's money. I am a Washington tax payer, an Asian man. Even I wander which side he is on.
Trueth teller
Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 19:45:55 (PDT)
AC Dropout:
Hey man, nice talking to you.
I'm actually a big fan of yours now. Remember we started out kind of rough in the "AA Life in LA" section way back when, but...well, you know :)
Actually, I agree with you. Yes, it is a 20 day working vacation, but Bush has far too many issues to deal with. He's clearly overwhelmed with economics and politics. The Bush supporters are clearly just happy to have a Republican in office. That's all there is to their enthusiasm.
Yep, Dan Quayle must be enjoying life right now.
Adam & asshopper: (hahaha...I love that name)
I've listened to Gary Locke speak. He is NOT a light weight. He's a knowledgeable and formidable politician. It's really cool to see an Asian American guy in such a high level office as governor.
What if Gary Locke conducted himself and spoke with George Bush's demeanor and intellect? Would he ever have a chance? Hell no. He'd be mocked by the press and no mistake he would make would be overlooked. Even his shoe size would be criticized.
It'd be an uphill battle for an Asian American candidate, but given an inclusive campaign smartly strategized and executed, it's certainly probable.
Geoff DB
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 22:48:27 (PDT)
We live in a country where Dubya can get elected president, but Locke's chances are slimmed down b/c he is Asian . . Gob bless America. .
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 12:54:33 (PDT)
Geoff DB,
It a 20 day working vacation. And let not forget the economic conference made up of small business owners and students, that will help find a solution to a national economic problem.
That Texan is a joke. How screwed up is our system that he was even elected in the primaries. Make that guy who worked for his father and spelled "Potatoe" look like a freakin' child prodigy.
AC Dropout
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 09:28:54 (PDT)
This is highly unlikely. He is not very popular with Washington Democrats because they see him as a do-nothing governor, and he's not popular with Republicans because he's not a Republican. Without much political support within his own state, plus the hindrance of coming from an unimportant state, Gary Locke would be a very unlikely presidential candidate.
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 21:34:47 (PDT)
If anyone can be proud of the Bush administration they need to watch how invisible the man has become during this financial crisis. He is now at his ranch in Crawford, Texas. That's the type of leadership we have right now.
President Bush needs to be at the White House huddled with his advisors/staff looking for answers to solve our country's economic problems. The market is unstable, jobs are vanishing and he is vacation.
Geoff DB
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 21:37:18 (PDT)
"Actually for the last election I voted for Browne (Libertarian party), but after hearing his comments after 9-11, I am glad Bush is in office. He's my boy."
Good for you. Dow has just fallen to 8,000. Let it fall to 4,000. Let us commit financial suicide with the Bush economics team.
Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 14:14:58 (PDT)
I'm a democrat but I would vote for a minority republican so long as their values are sensible and they don't give the country away to corporate ceo's like our current bush administration.
Political Observer
Monday, August 05, 2002 at 10:03:51 (PDT)
Geoff DB,
you wrote "On the other hand, at least two of those white guys did alot to put themselves out on the forefront for civil rights and equal treatment. I once read JFK's June 1963 nationally televised civil rights speech. It is really powerful; a tear jerker even for a man."
You're probably not going to hear that speech quoted or that stance taken by a minority candidate who is not black. You will hear it only from white and black candidates. The reason is plainly social pressure. There's too much risk involved. John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Lyndon Johnson each had a special calling.
Political Observer
Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 22:23:12 (PDT)
Even if he is Asian, I wouldn't vote for him. I'm a R*E*P*U*B*L*I*C*A*N
Actually for the last election I voted for Browne (Libertarian party), but after hearing his comments after 9-11, I am glad Bush is in office. He's my boy.
Monday, July 29, 2002 at 19:18:07 (PDT)