ary Locke can tick off almost every qualification for a successful presidential bid: third-generation Washingtonian whose father fought in Patton's tank corps; Eagle Scout; Yale grad; former prosecutor with a tough crimefighting record; popular two-term governor in a state with arguably the nation's most successful educational system and fiscal policies; a highly telegenic wife with impeccable credentials of her own.
Significantly, Gary Locke's 26-year political career unequivocally establishes him to be a republican in democrat's clothing. Political balancing acts of that order have become de rigueur for White House aspirants from both parties, as shown by recent elections. And he's only 51.
But one misstep may haunt Locke in any quest for higher office -- he was born to Asian parents.
Locke's ties to Washington state go back to a paternal grandfather who had immigrated to Olympia at the turn of the century and worked as a houseboy before returning to China to start a family. His father James returned to Washington and fought under General Patton. Gary was born January 21, 1950 in a Seattle veterans public housing project called Yesler Terrace.
Gary worked at his father's grocery store but earned the rank of Eagle Scout and graduated with honors from Franklin High in 1968. He worked his way through Yale, earning a poli sci degree in 1972. Three years later he got a J.D. from Boston University Law School and became a deputy prosecutor in King County.
His crimefighting record got him elected to the state house in 1982 where his star rose rapidly through hard work on the Judiciary and Appropriations committees. He chaired the latter from 1988 until 1993 when he was elected chief executive of King County. That office gave Gary Locke the opportunity to prove his knack for improving social services while enforcing fiscal discipline.
Locke's popularity is undoubtedly boosted by his pretty wife, the former Mona Lee. Before their marriage in October of 1994 she was a news reporter at Seattle's KING-TV. She gave birth to a daughter in 1997, then a son in 1999. As first lady Mona has won raves by championing the causes of early learning and quality childcare.
Gary Locke has never publicly shown interest in running for national office.
Supporters see no other progression for the lifetime civil servant. They dismiss racial concerns by citing the fact that only about 6% of Washington voters are Asian, not very different from the 4% figure nationally. Some even feel that Locke's prospects for winning the presidency are better than that of any other minority politician. They cite his cleancut image combined with a sterling track record at the helm -- not to mention the likely support of the world's biggest software company.
Others believe that on the national political stage an Asian politician would have so much of an uphill battle simply trying to establish that he is an American to have a shot at getting his message across.
Could Gary Locke win a presidential election or would he be foolish even to consider a run?
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Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:55 AM)
Gary Locke is not very popular in Washington state at the moment. Many white folks are upset with him. He does not practise what he preaches before he got elected. People do not trust him anymore. Many believe that he will not get re-elected. Locke has to know that his generosity comes from the blood and sweat of hard working Americans. Most Asians are hard working Americans. We pay more taxes than the average population. Should Asians vote for him just because he is an Asian?
Analyst in WA
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 02:47:51 (PDT)
As a pharmacist working in Washington, DSHS or welfare patients usually gets the most expensive drugs covered by the government. For example, in a case of infection, for welfare patients the most common drugs prescribed are Augmentin, Ceftin. Those drugs are about $50-70 per 7 days treatment. Where as tax payers with private insurance would get drugs like penicillin, amoxicillin, erythromycin, etc. Those drugs only costs $10-15 per 7 days treatment. For tax payers with private insurance, if we get the expensive drugs, our copay would be higher, ex. usually 30 dollars depending on insurance. Some working families do not have insurance, so they would have to pay for the whole thing. On average, welfare patients would get more drugs prescribed and filled. For example, instead of using Albuterol inhaler for asthma (costs $20), welfare patients would get Albuterol nebulizer (costs $150) for the same duration of therapy. I can give you many more examples. Welfare recipients usually have larger families than working tax payers because they do not have to pay for their kid's expenses. Where as tax payers have to pay for all expenses and take time off work when having kids.
I am not saying that welfare recipients do not deserve expensive drugs, all I am saying is that doctors should prescribe the cheaper ones first. If they do not work, then use the expensive ones. That way, we can save a lot of hard earn tax payer's money. Government should also implement plans that force doctors to prescribe cheaper drugs first before the expensive drugs are covered.
For those who do not agree with me, give me your hard earn money, and I will spend it for you.
David C
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 22:39:53 (PDT)
I am not a racist. Do not label me as one just because I have different views than you do. I do not care about the color of the governing officials. He or she can be black, white, puple, green, yellow.
Welfare people gets the best health care that is totally free. Doctors usually prescribe the most expensive drugs to welfare patients because it is covered. Tax payers usually use the cheaper drugs because they have to pay a copay for their insurance. I know what I am talking about buddy! Locke likes to have high taxes, good social programs, low in police funding, and that is the trueth. Check the records yourself. Looks like you prefer your politicians to be a certain color. I will not comment on your behavior.
Trueth Teller
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 21:45:53 (PDT)
Geoff DB,
Everybody has opinions, that's the whole point of these board. We voice our views and pray no one punches a hole in their computer.
I heard Locke speak once on CNN. He seems very poised. But politics is always been more than individual ability. As we plainly see with the current President.
Speaking of minority political figure. I heard Farakaan speak about the black reparation on TV. A little radical for my taste. But he does have a point.
And Clinton was a stellar governor of Ark*ass*saw? Although I too believe that Locke winning the primaries will be tough. My opinion is based more on Locke opportunity right now to build a supporting conscensus for his bid to run. I think WA not operating at the level of either Mississippi nor Missouri speak volume about his management skills.
AC Dropout
Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 15:34:22 (PDT)
"Washington has the second highest unemployment rate in the country. Many people do not have the incentive to work. Why work when you can have as many kids as you like and have the best health coverage that is totally FREE!"
addendum: Also, these non-married, single mothers on welfare with multiple (and multiplying) children are not black, but white here in our state.
A Washington State AM
Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 09:37:36 (PDT)
Trueth teller,
you wrote "Locke is a liberal governor."
OK that's enough to disqualify him alright.
"His back ground is criminal defense lawyer. The ones who defend murderers, rapists, robbers, etc. Kidda like Johnny Cockren at the OJ Simpson Trial."
gee, why am I not surprised you used johnny cochran as an example. Of all the white lawyers you could have compared him to you had to choose a black one to incite racial disharmony. You're not very clever you know. What about f. lee bailey, robert shapiro and the idiot lawyer from new york barry sheck.
"He actually increased taxes to provide better welfare to those who have no incentive to work."
Yes, welfare programs should never be funded, only defense systems and crummy prisons.
"Why work when you can have as many kids as you like and have the best health coverage that is totally FREE!"
Excuse me! the best coverage is state health insurance? what are you smoking.
"I am a Washington tax payer, an Asian man. Even I wander which side he is on.
Listen dude I'm not sure if I'd vote for a guy like gary locke because I don't know much about him, but you'd better be glad you have an asian governor in washington state. California has a higher asian population, but I doubt if you'd ever see an asian governor elected here. You should be greatful that white people elected him to office. It says alot for white people in washington state.
Political Observer
Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 09:05:23 (PDT)