Asian Air 


(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:56 AM)

o aspect of American life angers us more relentlessly and insidiously than the way we're alternately maligned and ignored by the U.S.-based mass media. None of us could name a major film studio, publishing company or TV network -- other than perhaps PBS -- that hasn't committed these sins hundreds or even thousands of times.
     The mass media's distortions of Asians and Asian Americans have been decried far too often to bear repeating here. In a nutshell, though, they center around sexualizing and cheapening Asian women while simultaneously desexualizing and dismissing Asian men. Suffice to say that instances in which the U.S.-based media portray us fairly are so rare as to draw stunned disbelief each time they are encountered.
     Why this persistent assault on the culture and phenotype of a third of humanity? Some spy the heavy hand of moguls seeking economic advantage in portraying Asian competitors as inferior, and therefore, unworthy of trust, patronage or investment. Others see a conspiracy to keep down a race whose burgeoning global influence threatens in due course to overshadow that of white western peoples. A history of wars against Asian nations, sexual rivalry, economic scapegoating, xenophobia and simple ignorance are other often cited factors.
     Likely, what's at work is some combination of those and other forces.
     Share your hard-earned insights on the subtle and gross workings of the American mass media's apparent crusade against the Asian and Asian American image.

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"First off, be more assertive. The one thing a lot of women don't like is passive, shy guys, and unfortunately that is the stereotypical Asian male. Look how aggressive Black men are. Always hounding women, especially White women"

As a white woman, I have to agree with Corean actor said. I like that my Asian boyfriend was confident and pursued me, but not aggressive. I DO NOT LIKE TO BE HOUNDED!! I hate when I'm walking down the street, wearing an average t-shirt and knee-length skirt (I never dress slutty or even sexy, pretty conservative) and black and hispanic guys make these hissing noises at me, and follow behind me and look at my butt. That is NOT the way to get a girl.

Women like to be appreciated but also respected.
Good luck to you all
   Monday, March 24, 2003 at 08:11:38 (PST)    []

If it was me in the competition and I knew it was fixed. I would deliberately maim or break the bone of my oppenent in a sparring match. It would be a no contest, granted I might be disqualified. But they would have to spend more $ looking for another white guy.
AC Dropout
   Monday, March 24, 2003 at 07:52:06 (PST)    []

Being a New Yorker, I've competed with Jews all the time, ever since grade school. They are just normal people. Some smart, some dumb.

Asian have always valued education. Standardized exams have existed in Asia for thousands of years as a way for the common individual to rise in government positions.

As for commerce Asians have been practicing that for ages.

As for the Asian immigrant experience. We as asian can draw parallel to any ethnic group in the USA. Such as; Blacks, Latino, Jews, etc. However, our experience is unique, which is why many of us are disturbed when you try to draw a strong relationship between asian and jews.
AC Dropout
   Monday, March 24, 2003 at 07:49:21 (PST)    []
Asian Media,

I was wondering if u are the from the West Coast, since most of the gripe about the Asian gender dating disparity comes from the West Coast.

I'm here in NYC, and I see many AMs paired with Non-AFs. And yes, I'm very opinionated like most Big Apple folks. I honestly think most of the attractive and tall AMs live here in NY. They're much more assertive, worldly and interesting than their West Coast counterparts. The average height for West Coast AMs is 5'7, and many of them are small frame. The opposite holds true for many AMs out here who are at least 5'9 and big frame.

The fact of the matter is, Asians are perceived as geeks, boring and non-creative. Only if AMs become more involved in the mainstream arts, music, and anything that involves creativity, then they will become more respected. And when I mean being involved, I mean doing ur own thing!

Hollywood was founded by Jews, and with their ambition and diligence, they outperformed and outearned White Anglos by establishing an entertainment industry. And as of now it, seems like the 'Goys' have been assimilated by a Jewish Hollywood.

Most important, many Jews are clannish and are self preserving, unlike most Asians who do want to associate with their own kind, which is the main reason for our lack of success....'Divided we fall'

U kinda wonder why the Hollywood Asian big cats are Chow Yun Fat and Jackie Chan, and not Russell Wong and Rick Yune. There is just something wrong with homegrown Asians and their environment....maybe u can elaborate...
   Monday, March 24, 2003 at 07:34:31 (PST)    []
Just so you know ...
"My fellow Asian brothers and sisters; I spoke with a martial arts actor who was recently contacted by one of L.A.'s most powerful producers. He was asked if he would like a part on a TV show designed as a competition to find the next action star. He declined. Why? The show has yet to go into production, but it is already scripted for a chosen white actor to win the competition. At least allow for actual competition to take place - but no, the best man can only be a white man! What's sickening is I know the producer; it's all about $ he'll say, and white guys sell. So much for equal competition. "

Doesn't surprise me at all! We all know Jewish producers are the biggest hypocrites in Hollywood. Support Asian American film makers. Why don't you name the producer, so we can all boycott his shows.

"Asian men need to break these barriers slowly, but surely. First off, be more assertive. The one thing a lot of women don't like is passive, shy guys, and unfortunately that is the stereotypical Asian male. Look how aggressive Black men are. Always hounding women, especially White women, even after they vent and lament about the evils of White men- I find that so ironic [They hate the White man, but love the White woman]. Second off, work out more. As a group, Asian men workout the least. These are just the first steps to proper evolution in the awakening of the Asian man. "

I agree with most what you said. I've been there, I also break the most AA sterotypes, I used to get alot of this from WFs "I never been attracted to Asian men before you" Or " Are you mixed? You're tall." Or how about this "You look like Jonny Depp"
My replied to this was "Huh? I'm NOT white but thanks."
I don't think Asian American men should be emulating black guys. There are only "certain" white women who will take black men seriously. Not to mention blacks guys don't exactly have the reputation for being around especially when there are babies involved. Those "cetain" white women will usually lead a poor quality of life. We as AA men should be more assertive or out going but not irresponsible. I'm beginning to see more AA men getting their act togeher though, more and more I see AA men with non AA women.
Corean actor
   Sunday, March 23, 2003 at 18:29:59 (PST)    []
Just so you know ...
My fellow Asian brothers and sisters; I spoke with a martial arts actor who was recently contacted by one of L.A.'s most powerful producers. He was asked if he would like a part on a TV show designed as a competition to find the next action star. He declined. Why? The show has yet to go into production, but it is already scripted for a chosen white actor to win the competition. At least allow for actual competition to take place - but no, the best man can only be a white man! What's sickening is I know the producer; it's all about $ he'll say, and white guys sell. So much for equal competition.
I want all of you to realize that this same phenomenon also is in effect at our very own MTV. This station loves to play the "All races are equal" card and then airs their reality and competition-based shows. These shows feature various race female principles and an all-white male principle cast with a token black male or two. Again, these are scripted, not reality. This is a blatant example of white males perpetuating their media-driven social superiority over woman of all races and no men of color allowed except for the tokens. Hypocritical you say? Or just about money? I'll let all of you decide.
   Sunday, March 23, 2003 at 02:28:25 (PST)    []

Asian men have a legitimate gripe. You say stop whining, but it's hard for many Asian men when they see the facts. Many surveys and studies demonstrate the lopsided numbers in the Dating scene. One new example:

I'm a good looking guy, not to be arrogant, but I've never had a problem getting attractive women of any race. I've currently been going steady with a blonde girl for over 3 years, and had no problem picking up women in the past, Asian or Non-Asian; however, there are a lot of lonely Asian men out there, I assume. And the biased media has a lot to do with it. Of course, a lot of stereotypes are based on truth, and Asian men quite often do themselves a great disservice, however, the media further perpuates, magnifies, and ingraines these thoughts into people's heads, particularly young women, who are the most impressionable group to begin with.

Asian men need to break these barriers slowly, but surely. First off, be more assertive. The one thing a lot of women don't like is passive, shy guys, and unfortunately that is the stereotypical Asian male. Look how aggressive Black men are. Always hounding women, especially White women, even after they vent and lament about the evils of White men- I find that so ironic [They hate the White man, but love the White woman]. Second off, work out more. As a group, Asian men workout the least. These are just the first steps to proper evolution in the awakening of the Asian man.

I don't think an Asian century, as some predict, can really happen if the image of the Asian man does not improve and the dating and marriage scene continues to become more skewed and unbalanced as the link I've attached indicates. Don't forget that East Asia has the highest ratio of male to female births, so this gets even more skewed. Not to mention, cases of female infanticide in China. But these are all together different topics.

Regardless, good luck and let's keep hacking away.
Asian Media
   Friday, March 14, 2003 at 18:36:58 (PST)    []

'Asians are not Jews. When was the last time you saw a Asian observe Kosher?'

Fool! It's not about being Kosher.

It's the sociological experiences we face in this country that resemble the Jews of the past. We are the outsiders who have been put down by the mainstream because we have the ability to achieve and have being doing so. We are constantly being discriminated and marginalized, yet somehow most of us are doing better than the average American.

'In fact it is the Jews that are becoming Asian. 9 out 10 non-asian at a Chinese restuarant is a Jew...^_^.'

Yeah, and Asians are becoming Jewish, because many of us are making $$$, and graduating from Ivy League schools and other prestigious institutions. We might be establishing our own media and entertainment business as well! Instead of having high hopes for China, I hope u become part of this Asian American trend.
   Friday, March 14, 2003 at 10:29:38 (PST)    []

Asians are not Jews. When was the last time you saw a Asian observe Kosher?

In fact it is the Jews that are becoming Asian. 9 out 10 non-asian at a Chinese restuarant is a Jew...^_^.

Why don't you settle down with a nice Jewish girl and have a bunch of Jewish kids.
AC Dropout
   Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 14:37:02 (PST)    []

As an Asian American, I know theres a lack of the Asian American movies. There's simply nothing that Asian Americans can relate to. You can argue that theres plenty of the Asian, not Asian American movies, starring kung fu masters such as Jackie Chan and Jet Li and what not. There's a bold and ambitious movie called "Better Luck Tomorrow" its by an Asian American director Justin Lin. It meanders from the cliches that plague Asian Americans today, the movie portrays Asian Americans as normal people. As you know Asian American films are nonexistent; this is preciously why this film needs to be successful so it can pave the way for furture Asian American films. The Latino and African American culture have films, now its time for the Asian Americans to step up.

I plead you to please encourage Asian Americans to support the film. It'll definitely be an eye opening experience for Asian Americans around the nation and other Americans.
David    Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 23:16:28 (PST)    []
FYI - Now starring as part of the french film festival in Sydney is a french film called L'Idole. The director says:

"And in it there's a Chinese guy and an American girl, and it's a film about being foreign. It's got a bit of everything."

A bit obscure i know but someone out there might see it even if it ain't hollywood.
   Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 07:22:43 (PST)    []
'if Hollywood wasn't run by Jews, how else could short, ugly, swarmy actors like Ben Stillman, Adam Sandler or David Schwimmer get leading roles that get babes??? hahahaha! You think guys like that in real life have a shot?

Well, it's run by them...they have a say on what they want or who they want.

'You are absolutely right. A lot of the anti-Asian sentiment is perpetuated and propogated by the Jewish run media. It's as if Asians have become the Jews scapegoats. '

No, it's the fact that the Asians have become somewhat of the Jews, and the Jews have become somewhat of the Anglos. It's part of the American experience, Jews were once discriminated by the Anglos, and now they want to do it to the Asians. U remembered what Henry Ford said about the Jews, well's that what the Jews are saying to us..'treacherous outsiders' ja vu!

'A lot of it has to do with the perceived and impending Asian dominance of the world economy. Jews see East Asian men, and to a lesser extent White-Anglo men, South Asian men, and Middle Easterners as imminent economic threats. Jews, therefore, do what they can to degrade them every opportunity they have.'

Yes, Asians are perceived as rivals to the Jews. As I have mentioned before, the Chinese and Jews in NYC are competitors in the real estate market.

'Maybe the answer for Asians would be to become the media themselves. Slowly but surely buy up Hollywoood, or start up their own avenues of media.

I think Asians will eventually have their say, regardless of what the current media protrayals are.'

The rising power of the Asians in this country and in the world is inevitable and unstoppable. So people should stop whining!
   Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 12:03:19 (PST)    []
Wake up America,
"Hollywood has plenty of negative stereotypes of Jews.
Many of the recent ones have been in Sci-Fi movies.
I'm sure u heard of the Ferengis - those big nosed ugly, greedy and pushy aliens from Star Trek with overbearing"

How do you know if these characters were a dipiction of Jews? Did they actually say they were Jews? It sure sounds vague compared to blantant sterotypical roles offered to Asian American actors. If any are offered at all.

" Then u have Independence Day with this wimpy selfish NYC Jewish Dude from the Hamptons who gets killed as the invasion takes place. He was in his car making a business deal and then dies in Madison Ave."

This could of been anyone. There are plenty of Asian, white, or Jewish greedy stock brokers living in NY.

" So u see, there are negative portrayals of every race of people in America.
Have u seen the movie the 'Apprentice of Duddy Kravitz' movie about a driven, scheming and sneaky Jewish sales man in Montreal.I have yet to see a main movie character depicting an Asian Man of the same nature."

Oh nooo, only AA are portryed as evil greedy gangsters or some asexual nerd. Your comments doesn't surprise me considering you're a well known Jew wannabe on this website. Many people already think you're really a Jew.
LSD, I've been pondering, hmmmmm....
if Hollywood wasn't run by Jews, how else could short, ugly, swarmy actors like Ben Stillman, Adam Sandler or David Schwimmer get leading roles that get babes??? hahahaha! You think guys like that in real life have a shot?
are you awake yet?
   Tuesday, March 11, 2003 at 19:37:43 (PST)    []