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(New 6/20/01.)

lobal peace and prosperity depends to a remarkable degree on robust exchanges between the world's richest nation and the world's most populous. Considering that fact, the leaders in Washinton D.C. and Beijing have been either tragically star-crossed or remarkably cavalier about provoking confrontation.
     In 1996 Beijing fired a pair of ballistic missiles across the Taiwan Strait under the pretext of "military exercises", prompting the U.S. to send a carrier battle group in response. In 1999 the U.S. bombed the Chinese embassy in Kosovo and ascribed it to an intelligence error.
     In mid 2000 the two nations seemed about to put the bad blood behind them when President Clinton struck a deal for U.S. approval of China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO). Then George Bush vowed to commit untold billions to building a space-based national missile defense (NMD) system to detect and destroy ballistic missiles that might threaten the U.S. A clear effort at upsetting the global balance of power, charged Beijing, vowing to commit whatever resources necessary to counter NMD. Its predictably harsh and intransigent stance toward a crippled U.S. spy plane forced to land on Hainan Island produced another standoff which, for several tense days, seemed capable of triggering a shooting war.
     What American wouldn't want a shield from foreign ballistic missiles? But the NMD is hardly a sure thing. It's premised on technology that won't exist for a decade or more. It will end up costing well over $100 billion dollars. Meanwhile its mere existence on drawing boards sours relations with China, Russia and other nations. At present all it guarantees is another arms race. The only way it makes strategic sense is as a means to bankrupt a nascent geopolitical rival by forcing it into an arms race it can't afford. Look at what the nuclear arms race did to Russia.
     Does the U.S. stand to gain or lose by using the NMD to threaten and alienate China?

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Indo/Paki air war stats.

Pakistani fighter aces = 2

Mohammed Alam

Syed Hatmi

Indian fighter aces = 0


Top Gun    Sunday, June 16, 2002 at 19:31:34 (PDT)

The Pakistanis apparently keep slipping militants past your border which is peppered with over 700,000 thousand troops. Either these militants are freaking magicians, that can make themselves disappear at will, or the Indian army is incompetent. At least the Pakistanis have some serious balls as they gave both you and the former Soviet Union the finger back in the 80's. And in the end all that matters is the size of the fight in the dog not the size of the dog in the fight. India claims that Pakistan is behind every attack on your nation and if that is the case are you gonna do something or just stand there and bleed? I'm thinking the latter..
Dingo    Sunday, June 16, 2002 at 19:02:38 (PDT)

Don't you dare try to speak for me or the Jewish people you dirty piece of s***! Infact don't even speak for all Hindus. The Isreali Jews may have a thousand differences and fought several wars with the Muslims of the Middle East, but I would never support the extinction of any people. Someone once tried to exterminate us as well for all sorts of twisted reasons and I could never in the name of humanity bring my self to think such a thing.
If your sentiments are any indication of the governement in India's attitude, the sooner your government comes crashing to the ground the better for people all over the world.
Aaron    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 17:25:35 (PDT)

Your name and your position are a contradiction of the most offensive sort. From what I gather from earlier posts your name reflects a sentiment that is grounded in "bringing together" different ethnic Asians from around America in solidarity. Specifically bridging the gap between South Asians and East Asians. Yet in the same breath you wish to carry out Nazi like extermination (your exact words) against Asians of the Islamic faith for ancient wrongs. You see the contridiction don't you. What makes a position of solidarity work is union of all ethnic backgrounds otherwise the concept is a sham like yourself.
Someone back in Europe envisioned a world like yours. Where all the Western European Caucasions came together in cooperation only the Caucasions of Jewish decent were to be eliminated for economic parisitism and percieved ancient religious wrong doing (crucifixion). I need not mention his name because you know exactly who I'm talking about.
Seaman    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 17:17:29 (PDT)
look, They're not gonna fight. Cause they both screwed if they do. NUKES on both sides. they HATE each other, lol. So dont worry my brothas. Just chill out, have a drink or two or 30. whatever. lol
SOG1    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 15:27:55 (PDT)
"kill all muslims" what the f*** is that????. that guy has some serious issues. He should go shoot himself before he pisses more people off.

SOG    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 15:20:03 (PDT)
Indo-Pakistan conflict helps the western powers and Moslem fundamentalism by keeping a substantial proportion of non-white women ignorant ensures the continuation of white supremacy.
Truth    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 12:24:07 (PDT)
Either way Turk...the land doesn't belong to Pakistan, and neither does Pakistan belong to Pakistan. Learn some history's already obvious reading and listening to all the Muslim world's newspapers and Al Jazeera and whatever on what kind of credibility you people have with your ridiculous history...SO...seeing that it only takes only "3" nukes to blow up Pakistan...let's get on with the show. It'll be good for us all to see a hundred million terrorists wiped off the planet...sweet dreams...tell those 72 virgins to come and get you out of the mushroom clouds.
bringittogether    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 11:24:59 (PDT)