Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:55 AM)
acial profiling has come to represent the most fearsome form of institutionalized racism. For minority Americans what could be scarier than the prospect of being subject to systematic discrimination by powerful law enforcement agencies capable of invading every sphere of one's life? For Asian Americans the dangers of racial profiling are amply illustrated by the World War II internment of Japanese Americans and the more recent Wen Ho Lee case.
The September 11 terrorist attack suggests a scenario in which racial profiling might not only be acceptable but necessary. Fact is, every terrorist linked to the plot was an Arab male. One wonders if the horrible tragedy that took thousands of innocent lives and plunged our economy into crisis could have been averted had our intelligence, law enforcement and security agencies been given a freer hand to subject airline passengers to intensive searches and background checks on the basis of nationality or ethnicity.
Rational Americans may question whether it is even possible to conduct a workable campaign against terrorist attacks on American soil without intensive resort to racial profiling in airports, at border crossings and hotels. After all, terrorists are fighting a holy war premised strictly on religion and nationality. Despite the obvious dangers of racial profiling, it seems reckless to suggest that the United States can fight terrorists in a race-neutral fashion. Why subject every American to the same levels of delay and discomfort when only a small percentage fit the profile of potential terrorists? On the other hand, are we ready to undermine the constitutional and moral high ground on which our society is built?
The newly declared war against terrorism may well be the ultimate test of our sincerity in rejecting racial profiling. Is it time to rethink our position?
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The US Constitution, the freedom of speech, religion, pusuit of happiness, right to bear arms...basically the reconition that the Individual's inherent "natural god given rights" is equal to that of the State and
Last great hope...
Basically, the Asians and the Europeans cultures lack that X factor that levels the playing field for "all those yearning to be free...". The WASPs laid the framework for all this to happen - the other immigrants unique baggage to be added to the quilt.
> They were forced to by Civil Rights Marchers and through TV.
Don't forget the contributions (still continuing) of the Jews. Their brilliant - if we teach them to increasingly accpet the darker-coloreds/non-whites, maybe they won't notice we are not white - strategy.
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 16:20:07 (PDT)
"The argument in favor of more immigration solving racism is American seems bogus."
No it is not. When you have two groups eg. black and white there would be a tendency to pass oppressive laws such as Jim Crow. With several groups in the melting pot, it would be difficult for one group to oppress the other. Immigration itself would not suffice. We need globalization, whatever its evils. Globalization limits the power of the dominant group whether in the US or in Asia...case in point. due to globalization, the white anglo-saxons auto companies of America no longer dominate the scene....which is good for this country and for the world.
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 12:52:14 (PDT)
"Specifically, what is your argument that this will help to diminish racism in the USA? Aren't there racist tendencies in middle east, southeast far east cultures that sometimes pale in comparison to racism here in America? I'm not saying that what you've said is not true but I would like to hear a more thorough rationale from your side."
All those countries have a majority population. If we do not have a majority population in the US...ie., if none of the groups are over 50% racism would decline dramatically. I have seen it decline in Northern Virginia, parts of New York and California..I believe that racism would decline dramatically when whites become a minority in Texas and would remain that way unless another group becomes a majority...and I hope that day never comes.
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 12:47:43 (PDT)
Just a few questions: Isn't America unique because immigrants came to the US with their "baggage"? I guess I have issues with "the other" contributing to America(nism) and not being acknowledged as a true citizens. Would Americanism have worked if only the WASP culture existed?
You said you believed America(nism) is earth's last great hope. For what exactly?
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 19:03:58 (PDT)
"They leveled the field inspite of themselves (and the blacks with their great take-no-prisoner attitude/gumption for forcing the issue)."
They were forced to by Civil Rights Marchers and through TV.
"2. The WASP culture that laid the basis for the rise of Americanism and showing the rest of the world the higher road."
Like Enron, ImClone, WorldCom, Tyco, and perhaps Haliburton and Qwest.
"I believe that America(nism) is earth¡¯s last great hope."
Do not know what you mean. Right to vote, I agree. I actually believe that the first tuesday in November is more sacred than Fourth of July or the Pledge of Allegiance, but not more than Memorial or Veteran's Day.
"¡¯ll repeat a post. I read that Malcolm X (the great Black American 60¡¯s radical) had a epiphany when he first went to Africa – the natives there treated him as a ¡°white¡± – he was not the same after he came back – he had learned that racism is not based on skin color."
But, Africa is majority black, and that is why there is tribalism and every other crap on the face of the earth. Europe is majority white, and that is why you have crap with Kosovo, Northern Ireland and other foolishness. In a minority America (where everyone is a minority I do not expect too many problems..at least based on experience).
"Is there nothing you are willing to begrude them (whites)? Or am I sounding like a white apologist?"
I would not begrudge whites living in Vermont or Maine. Very different kind of whites you find in northern Georgia or northern Louisiana...very progressive and open minded.
"The WASPs created something beautiful in America(nism), I shouldn't care what mixture of races there will be in a hundred years in USA as long as the new immigrants assimilate themselves TO America(nism)"
I am more assimilated than most Americans...I will vote on November 5..all the Americans who want others to assimilate should show up at the polling booth.
"instead of just bringing their old - Asian baggage and selfish materialism/mercantilism - i.e. right now I don't trust any other cultures'sense of fair play."
...including Toyota and Mitsubishi I suppose? without whom many would not be employed in this country?
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 13:59:43 (PDT)
you wrote: "And this day can be advanced if we do away with the immigration diversity lottery which favors whites and increase the quota for skilled immigrants which tend to favor the Asians."
Specifically, what is your argument that this will help to diminish racism in the USA? Aren't there racist tendencies in middle east, southeast far east cultures that sometimes pale in comparison to racism here in America? I'm not saying that what you've said is not true but I would like to hear a more thorough rationale from your side.
Political Observer
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 12:52:48 (PDT)
I agree with you. Minority vs. minority racism seems to be worse than white racism. Seems odd how white people are always supposed to be the evil ones but different ethnic groups pride themselves in separating from each other to earn assimmilation points with society as a whole.
The argument is favor of more immigration solving racism is American seems bogus. There are some exceptions, but I'll guarantee you once white people become the minority, you'll see more caustic relations between ethnic minority groups. No one race is superior over any other. We're all subject to human conditions, emotions and infallabilities. As such, how can you say that once a particular race comes into power we'll see better race relations. We need to learn to respect and understand our fellow Americans and appreciate our differences so long as they're good values. Isn't this what Dr. King taught us. This is suppose to be our goal.
Political Observer
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 12:33:22 (PDT)