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(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:55 AM)

acial profiling has come to represent the most fearsome form of institutionalized racism. For minority Americans what could be scarier than the prospect of being subject to systematic discrimination by powerful law enforcement agencies capable of invading every sphere of one's life? For Asian Americans the dangers of racial profiling are amply illustrated by the World War II internment of Japanese Americans and the more recent Wen Ho Lee case.
     The September 11 terrorist attack suggests a scenario in which racial profiling might not only be acceptable but necessary. Fact is, every terrorist linked to the plot was an Arab male. One wonders if the horrible tragedy that took thousands of innocent lives and plunged our economy into crisis could have been averted had our intelligence, law enforcement and security agencies been given a freer hand to subject airline passengers to intensive searches and background checks on the basis of nationality or ethnicity.
     Rational Americans may question whether it is even possible to conduct a workable campaign against terrorist attacks on American soil without intensive resort to racial profiling in airports, at border crossings and hotels. After all, terrorists are fighting a holy war premised strictly on religion and nationality. Despite the obvious dangers of racial profiling, it seems reckless to suggest that the United States can fight terrorists in a race-neutral fashion. Why subject every American to the same levels of delay and discomfort when only a small percentage fit the profile of potential terrorists? On the other hand, are we ready to undermine the constitutional and moral high ground on which our society is built?
     The newly declared war against terrorism may well be the ultimate test of our sincerity in rejecting racial profiling. Is it time to rethink our position?

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Geoff DB:
you wrote
"While I strongly deplore racial profiling these are people who largely don't give a damn about minority rights until it serves their purpose. In fact, they gladly check the "white" box, unless there's a need to gain support from another minority group."

Sad to say, but it may very well come a day when americans will condone the federal government to exercise more civil constraints. To what extend, I do not know. Racial profiling is plain wrong, but if terrorists keep getting the best of us we're gonna have to suspend some of our civil liberties on a temporary basis.

It's a difficult balance but one that will need to be drawn sooner or later.

Having said that america has learned it's lesson from japanese internment that you cannot physically restrict american citizens to camps and deprive them of their rights as american citizens.
Political Observer
   Monday, August 05, 2002 at 10:01:36 (PDT)
"I ran across this article about hint of internment camps for Arab-Americans and a African American member of President Bush's civil rights commission. It's certainly an eye-opener."

But would they intern John Sununu, Darell Issa, Ray Lahood, Jennine Shaheen and other Arab American politicians who look white? Or are they only going to pick up some dark skinned Arab and claim he is a material witness? If they are detaining Arab Americans, why is Spencer Abraham still the energy secretary?

"While I strongly deplore racial profiling these are people who largely don't give a damn about minority rights until it serves their purpose. In fact, they gladly check the "white" box, unless there's a need to gain support from another minority group."

Yes. Arab American women, and Middle Eastern American women who look white take part in the system that discriminates against dark skinned folks. This includes young women such as Rudi Bhaktiar of CNN who no one even would say is an Iraninan-American.

"Pretty soon we won't have any recourse but to exclude racial profiling unless you're clearly black or Asian or dark skinned Hispanic."

Many Arabs look white. If another crap happens, the whites would nail the South Asians...particularly dark skinned folks such as Bengalis, Tamils and Andhras who are actually closer to being black rather than Middle Eastern, and most white looking Middle Eastern folks would get away. No, it is not anti-Arab feeling that comes out during such trying times, but anti-dark skin feelings of many whites...they despise anything that is dark skinned...I stand corrected a dark skinned dog would be treated better than a dark skinned human.
   Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 16:25:21 (PDT)
Historian and Political Observer:

I ran across this article about hint of internment camps for Arab-Americans and a African American member of President Bush's civil rights commission. It's certainly an eye-opener.

Honestly, the only regret I have about the article is a quote by someone who tries to draw a comparison with African Americans. While I strongly deplore racial profiling these are people who largely don't give a damn about minority rights until it serves their purpose. In fact, they gladly check the "white" box, unless there's a need to gain support from another minority group. Having said that, it still does cause us to consider social consequences of foreign terrorism.
Geoff DB    Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 10:14:46 (PDT)
Geoff DB,
you wrote
"Pretty soon we won't have any recourse but to exclude racial profiling unless you're clearly black or Asian or dark skinned Hispanic.

Read and tell me what you think."

My first impression was that if it were not an article from the los angeles times I'd think it was a prank. It's actually embarrassing to read and quite literally sinister and dishonest on the part of people filling out those questionnaires.

Now granted spaniards are european and they consider themselves white. I guess that means that anyone with an ounce of spanish blood is european, therefore white (hehehe) OK! I guess that means they can fill out their government forms the way that will get them the maximum results.

Hey, we all came from adam and eve, so we're all descendents of their race. Civilization began in africa. White does not mean superiority. Being white doesn't mean you're better than anyone else. It just means you're white. In a majority white society there is racism no question about it, but most people are just trying to live their lives without hurting or excluding anyone else.
Political Observer
   Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 22:08:42 (PDT)
Just want to clear something up with you OK. I hope you don't think I'm trying to pick a fight with you or antagonize you.

I'm just trying to understand what your arguments are and provide truthful feedack OK?

Don't take my comments as being anti-asian because I'm not a prejuidiced person. You initiated the discussion and I'm just expressing my opinion.
Political Observer
   Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 20:42:28 (PDT)
Historian and Political Observer:

I ran across this article in the LA Times website.

Pretty soon we won't have any recourse but to exclude racial profiling unless you're clearly black or Asian or dark skinned Hispanic.

Read and tell me what you think.
Geoff DB    Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 22:06:40 (PDT)
"Although if things get ugly again you can pretty much be sure that all bets will be off.

I believe in civil liberties/rights myself but I'm sure that cooler heads will probably not have an opportunity to prevail. It'll be sad but it'll also be an issue of survival."

If things get ugly again and if whites such as Lindh or McVeigh were involved would they profile all white males? Or is it the issue of white privlilege? I have no problem with profiling if it is done fairly...but who says life is fair?
Or if the same kind of characters were involved as on September 11, would they begin by interning John Sunnunu or Darell Issa? I doubt it.

"Just want to clear up one thing."

I never said that you said this.
   Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 07:39:38 (PDT)