Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:55 AM)
acial profiling has come to represent the most fearsome form of institutionalized racism. For minority Americans what could be scarier than the prospect of being subject to systematic discrimination by powerful law enforcement agencies capable of invading every sphere of one's life? For Asian Americans the dangers of racial profiling are amply illustrated by the World War II internment of Japanese Americans and the more recent Wen Ho Lee case.
The September 11 terrorist attack suggests a scenario in which racial profiling might not only be acceptable but necessary. Fact is, every terrorist linked to the plot was an Arab male. One wonders if the horrible tragedy that took thousands of innocent lives and plunged our economy into crisis could have been averted had our intelligence, law enforcement and security agencies been given a freer hand to subject airline passengers to intensive searches and background checks on the basis of nationality or ethnicity.
Rational Americans may question whether it is even possible to conduct a workable campaign against terrorist attacks on American soil without intensive resort to racial profiling in airports, at border crossings and hotels. After all, terrorists are fighting a holy war premised strictly on religion and nationality. Despite the obvious dangers of racial profiling, it seems reckless to suggest that the United States can fight terrorists in a race-neutral fashion. Why subject every American to the same levels of delay and discomfort when only a small percentage fit the profile of potential terrorists? On the other hand, are we ready to undermine the constitutional and moral high ground on which our society is built?
The newly declared war against terrorism may well be the ultimate test of our sincerity in rejecting racial profiling. Is it time to rethink our position?
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I wrote "May I ask which one of the 9/11 hijackers were american born?"
then you wrote
"May I ask you about the role of Lindh?"
Like I said before white terrorists have proven to be an aberration.
"But, he was perhaps sizing up the WTC on that February morning, when the NY City police was mowing down Amadou Diallo."
Excuse me! what does that horrible case of police excessive force and racism have to do with foreign terrorism? The answer is nothing.
Let's stay focused on how foreign nationals pose an increasingly difficult challenge to US intelligence and law enforcement to deter terrorist activities.
Political Observer
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 10:51:48 (PDT)
Political Observer:
"you will have to admit though that we're dealing with some very sick people. They don't care what race you are."
Absolutely. We're dealing with some very sick bastards.
"As long as you're an american you're fair game. They want to destroy americans - period."
They want to destroy out lives, property, finances and economic viability. Consequently, our nation, military powers and polical means will be eroded.
"We'll need to out smart them and out maneuver them in order to remove their elusive capability."
We almost did. The FBI and CIA will tell you that. They had credible information, but failed to cooperate with each other.
"If we don't do some type of profiling of Middle Eastern and South Asian men and women who come here with foreign passports, then we're nuts."
We'll have to target individuals, organizations, countries and political groups who have motives and means to destroy the United States. This, unfortunatately, disproportionately includes Middle Eastern and South Asian men, and possibly women once we begin to rely too heavily on a profile.
I maintain we need to keep our heads and not allow them to weaken our civil liberties. It's a very fine line.
Geoff DB
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 23:00:31 (PDT)
Just Want To Know:
"I agree that Arab Americans are just as much American as whites, but how are they more American then whites? I'm not trying to start an argument."
What? I'm missing something. Can't quite figure out who is asserting that Arab Americans are more American than whites.
Anyway, whenever I hear talk about American being equated with white people it gives me the creeps.
Ismael Reed once asked: "What's American about America?" Well, it's definitely more than white people. It's white and black and Asian and Native American and Asian. That's what is American about America.
Geoff DB
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 22:51:47 (PDT)
"If we don't do some type of profiling of Middle Eastern and South Asian men and women who come here with foreign passports, then we're nuts."
Do you also want to profile Hindus with dots on their foreheads? The Hindus are the majority in South Asia and they despise the moslems with a passion. You may want to profile by the religion of the country...which would mean profiling whites from Kosovo, Albania and Bosnia. Citizens of these European countries are more likely to commit the acts you are talking about rather than the Hindus of India (who are 800 million in number, about three-fourths of the population of South Asia)or the Buddhists of Sri Lanka.
Learn your History before you shoot your mouth
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 19:07:04 (PDT)
"If we don't do some type of profiling of Middle Eastern and South Asian men and women who come here with foreign passports, then we're nuts."
India, Sri Lanka and Nepal account for 80% of South Asia. So when you say South Asian men and equate them to Moslems you are just showing your ignorance of world demographics. Majority of South Asians are Hindus. Moslems hate the Hindus more than they hate Americans. We have been living next to moslem fanaticism for ages. And by the way, there are South Asians in Singapore, South Africa, Fiji, Seychelles and Mauritius as well. Mostly they are Hindus. First learn something about world georgraphy and history before you and your fellow Americans make generalizations about South Asians.
From Singapore
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 19:02:08 (PDT)
"Yeah, so some have a slight handicap - life's not fair. But for the most part in USA, race is the least important factor - it's the state of mind. Would you at least agree that US is the least racist country on earth?"
No. Singapore ranks better and the US is a close second.
"And educational opportunity in Simi Valley public schools are not as good as the elite private schools, and so on. Life's a bitch. No matter what you have, there's always someone better."
As a conservative I believe in equality of opportunity and not equality of results. If we had equality of opportunity, Deng Ai and Sociologist and for that matter Asian Dominatrix would not be bitching about Affirmitive Action and unqualified blacks from Inner City LA being admitted over qualified whites from Simi Valley.
"But, then you have the immigrants from Asia that arrive with even more of a disadvantage, but achieves American Dream within a half generation."
But, they are better motivated than the natives, with the possible exception of second or third generation Asian Americans.
"Whatever may be USA faults, its the greatest wealth producing system in history. And wealth buddy, is the greatest equalizer."
Yes...two reasons why the US does well. Freer Trade and Immigration. Perhaps if we had freer trade in services Branson would have taken over USAir and United and we would not have the former in bankruptcy court and the latter warning of bankruptcy. Immigration is the greatest equalizer particularly immigration from Asia.
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 18:57:50 (PDT)
Geoff DB,
you will have to admit though that we're dealing with some very sick people. They don't care what race you are. As long as you're an american you're fair game. They want to destroy americans - period.
We'll need to out smart them and out maneuver them in order to remove their elusive capability.
If we don't do some type of profiling of Middle Eastern and South Asian men and women who come here with foreign passports, then we're nuts.
I blame them for being radical and hateful. I'll blame us for not protecting our borders against foreign terrorists.
Can you see the logic in my argument?
Political Observer
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 08:32:32 (PDT)
I agree that Arab Americans are just as much American as whites, but how are they more American then whites? I'm not trying to start an argument.
just want to know
Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 20:05:34 (PDT)
"May I ask which one of the 9/11 hijackers were american born?"
May I ask you about the role of Lindh? True, he was not involved in the hijacking. But, he was perhaps sizing up the WTC on that February morning, when the NY City police was mowing down Amadou Diallo. Perhaps not. But, it is possible. Do we know the racial composition of all the folks interned in Guantanoma? I am sure that there are white Americans and British in that group.
"When it gets down and dirty John Sununu and Darrell Isa may be targeted to. America is a racist country. Each race has it's own enclave and civil rights group. Why? Because when the rubber meets the road everyone is going to run for cover to their own ethnic group and if their numbers are not great, then you'll have to fight even harder and become even more resourceful to be heard and to survive."
I doubt it. But, I am glad you acknowledge the racism in this country. By the time it happens, whites may be a minority in several states, perhaps even in this country.
"Yes, it's called the GOP/Republican Party and white supremacist groups. They won't be happy until ALL people of color are subjected to some form of discrimmination."
Turn out and vote on November 5.
Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 16:21:08 (PDT)