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(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:55 AM)

n late July 2001 the world's two top martial arts stars announced a deal to co-produce and co-star in an action flick to be filmed in late 2002 for a 2003 release. The question naturally arises: what kind of movie could do justice to two such divergent types? Jackie Chan is a highly acrobatic clown who has built his following on a self-effacing counry bumpkin image. Jet Li is a deadly serious warrior who finds it easier to crack a man's neck than a smile.
     Now that both global megastars are releasing big-budget Hollywood films at a breakneck pace for seven-figure salaries, they are the most visible Asians in the American filmgoing consciousness. Whether we Asian Americans like it or not, our image is shaped more by the screen exploits and antics of these two broken-English speaking foreigners than by any dozen Asian American actors. In the filmgoing psyche the sober, chaste and deadly-efficient Chinese cop in Kiss of the Dragon is pitted against the nimble goofball in Rush Hour 2.
     Which Hong Kong star is better for the image of Asian Americans?

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To Everyone:

Jackie and Jet Li are working on a film together, which is untitled and scheduled to be released sometime in 2003-4. This is not a joke.

Anyway, watch out for Jackie's new film scheduled to be released in August or September entitled "The Tuxedo." And watch out for Jet Li's new flicks scheduled to be released in 2-5 months. Among them is "Shoalin Monk in New York." If I got the title wrong, please correct me, but I do know that he plays a Shoalin Monk who visits New York to search for a friend or lovedone. It sounds like a very interesting project.
Ray    Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 18:09:20 (PDT)
i think jet li is the one that can kick Jackie's ass. S DA Money said jet li can't make a weapon out of objects, well try watching more of his movies and u'll see that u are WRONG!!! Jackie Chan's only more famous because he has been in the american movie business longer, that's why he's more loved by the fans than jet li...jet li has just got here and it takes everybody awhile to succeed. People who says Jackie chan is better may be ones who hasn't seen any of jet li's movies. they just say the only things they know. JET LI RULES!
aznbabygurl    Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 15:35:25 (PDT)
Jet Li is basically a performer. He studied mainly traditional Wu Shu. He is very acrobatic but he's no real match for Jakie. I think Jakie is really a better fighter though I hate his comedy aspect of things. Jakie looks like he's fighting for his life desperately and barely makes it but if you look at Drunken Master you see he knows exactly ehat he's doing. Other than that, jakie has no limits. He isn't afraind of ANYTHING.

Tzvika Stein    Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 02:51:21 (PDT)
To All;
Jackie Chan's new movie Title "THE TUXEDO" with Jennifer Love Hewit is coming out the end of this year. And RUSH HOUR 3" is coming out next year. And Jet Li's new movie title "Cradle two the grave" is also coming out the end of this year. AREN'T WEEE EXCITED!!!
Azn-Pride    Monday, August 05, 2002 at 17:49:11 (PDT)
jet li will slap jackie chan so he wouldn't know if he was chinese or american.

And jet li and jackie chan is coming out with a movie this year
Reggie    Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 23:16:50 (PDT)
i think that jet li is better than jackie chan in many ways. And michelle yoeh can beat jackie chan.
Reggie    Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 23:11:55 (PDT)
To all,
Do you guys know that Jackie Chan is coming out with a movie title "The Tuxedo" the end of this year. And three more of his movie are coming about next year. LoL. Getting excited!! Aye, Next year it's gonna be rush hour 3.
Koool    Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 22:04:49 (PDT)
well jet lee would get his ass handed to him by jackie do any of you actualy know how many differant martial arts jackie does well i dont know exactly but he said a rough number on one of his videos and it was alot. just becouse jackie likes to be funny doesnt mean he cant kick ass! (besides jet lee copys bruce too alot)
i dunno    Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 21:44:02 (PDT)
Jackie chooses to be funny if he wants to be series he can be just look at some of his old films like Hand of Death and Drunken Masters the fighting in these two film is amazing. But know instead of trying to copy Bruce Lee (who was amazing) he has came up with his own ideas like when someone punches him it will hurt and he will use strange things as weapons. And by doing this he has gone far He can play the series type like Jet Li but he decides not to.
mike    Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 02:56:08 (PDT)
jackie chan and jet li are both very good, but jet li is more serious, and has a more organized fiting style, except jakie chan is a true martial arts master because he can make a weapon out of every object and jet li cannot. If they were in a real fight, no retakes, jakie chan would win. The person who is better with nunchucks is Jakie chan so I guess Jakie Chan can kick Jet li's Ass.
S DA Money    Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 22:46:15 (PDT)
Jet Li is a really cute guy. I think his acting is questionable at times because of his inability to speak English well. I understand he works really hard to speak better English, so I believe his acting will get better. I think he has a lot to be proud of because he's worked hard to get what he has.
WF    Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 21:05:51 (PDT)