Fashion Quandry for Asian American Men
Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:55 AM)
sian American men are forced to negotiate treacherous fashion terrain when they set out to cultivate a personal style.
The natural first impulse is comfort and understated refinement. Many AA men accumulate an assortment of oxford shirts, polos, khakis and topsiders only to be labeled stuffy, boring or even self-hating WASP-wannabe.
Fashion quandry?
In reaction some go ghetto in livin-large rapper shorts and fat sneakers -- until they find that no one over 19 will walk on the same side of the street, much less engage them in a real conversation.
Those who aim for a more upscale version of edgy urban chic discover Prada black and catch a fever to rid their lives of inessential colors and clutter -- annoying the hell out of all who don't belong to the minimalist priesthood.
Others arrive at Euro-luxe as a shorthand for "I'm too rich and successful to mess with". Such displays invariably ignite a jealous firestorm of backbiting featuring the words "inadequacy" and "fashion victim".
It's enough to send Asian American men reeling into the stylistic purgatory of old jeans, tee shirts and tennis shoes. Sure, waitresses, sales clerks and that cute stranger will look down their noses at you, but at least you won't be labeled.
Could those sporting the geek look be the smart ones after all? They save thousands a year on fashion while earning instant respect as a brainy guy with a good tech job and the power to solve people's computer problems.
Is there a graceful way out of the fashion quandry for AA men? What's your solution?
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I don't buy any clothes in North America because for one THEY DON'T FIT ME. I'm 5'10" but North American clothes are made for the larger, plumper figures of whites and blacks. In contrast, when I buy clothes in Korea they always fit me like a glove and they are made of great materials too. Koreans have the Asian look down pat. They make clothes that are not billowy but rather conform to a slender figure.
Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 04:33:54 (PDT)
I still prefer the London/East Village hipster look. It's all about the faded jeans, leather bomber jackets and retro sneakers.
Eastern Hipster
Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 14:04:15 (PDT)
What do I have?
Predominantly clothing from Banana Republic.
Kenneth Cole.
Old Navy.
New Balance shoes.
I like mixing up things a lot.
Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 08:04:44 (PDT)
Let's see what I have on now.
Hollister Co. sleeveless t-shirt
Structure pants with extra pockets
Nike Shox shoes
Hollister Co. visor
Jockey underwear
Monday, September 23, 2002 at 23:16:51 (PDT)
What looks good on Asian men? I think form fitting or fit to proportion look is best. Stay away from the baggy or too tight look. Those two looks make a skinny Asian male look even more ridiculous. When it comes down to it, wear whatever makes you happy and what you feel comfotable in. For Heaven's sake though, PLEASE stay away from the tube sock, high water pants, button all the way up short sleeve shirts, and mismatched belts/shoes outfits that I see so many newly transplanted Asian male immigrants wear(in particular older Chinese males). I understand that you're new here and don't have much money; but at least match! You don't have to buy designer labels to be coordinated or to have fitted clothes.
Viet guy in Houston
Monday, September 23, 2002 at 18:58:04 (PDT)
I'm into sports. Basketball...
So I wear alot of athletic wear. Its comfortable, loose, and accentuates my assets.
AKA Kimchi! on the courts
Monday, September 23, 2002 at 13:51:41 (PDT)